Well, he‘s done it again. Loved this book! Backman evokes a wide range of emotions over the course of the book, as he is want to. I will have to read this one again for sure. 5/5
Well, he‘s done it again. Loved this book! Backman evokes a wide range of emotions over the course of the book, as he is want to. I will have to read this one again for sure. 5/5
Started this one yesterday. Backman is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. This one is witty, funny with some touching moments thrown in, just what you‘d expect of Backman
Having just finished The Devil All the Time lead me to want to re-read this treasure. Cash is one of my all time favorites
This book was perfection. I enjoyed Knockemstiff but this was Pollock at his finest. Dark, gritty and a host of unlikeable characters with a wonderful protagonist all combine to a great ending. Highly recommended fans of Wiley Cash and Cormac McCarthy.
It‘s been a while but I‘m back. Missed all of you!
Not sure why it took me so long to get to this but as with his other work, it was phenomenal, a must read.
I‘m soo behind on posting. I finished this like a week ago. Really enjoyed this one. It was a pretty quick read, I felt like the ending was a bit rushed and probably could have been drawn out a bit more but other than that, it was pretty solid.
You all are awesome. I‘m so glad I found this place. I love reading everyone‘s posts and adding more to mount TBR from them.
Heartbreaking yet beautifully written. Southern Gothic with hints of Faulkner without trying to rip him off.
Nick Cutter does not disappoint. I‘m not sure if I liked this or The Troop better but both were so good. Creepy, atmospheric, claustrophobic setting makes for quite the page turner.
Up next. I really like The Troop by Cutter, hope this one is as good.
It takes a while for this to really get going but once it does, it‘s so good. Jud is one of my all time favorite King characters.
Is there a better time to start a Stephen King Book than late at night?
I know several people said they did not like the ending to this one but I did. I enjoy these types of endings in general though. Green‘s books maybe similar but he is good at what he does. Looking for Alaska is still my favorite of his but this was close behind.
Really good, quick read. Miller certainly captures struggle and hope throughout this story.
Picked this up for $1 in the clearance section a while back. Figured I should finally get around to reading it.
Part memoir, part true crime made for a really compelling book. The writing is really good as it alternates back and forth between the two stories until they converge (somewhat).
Started this one last night. Really enjoying it so far.
This got a pick from me but barely. A few really good stories in this one but one was literally a recap of hundreds of SVU episodes. Her writing was certainly powerful at times, but did I mention one short story is a recap of SVU episodes?
First time reading Bryson, but definitely won‘t be the last. A detailed review of lots of scientific discoveries and advances.
Loved this book. Though heartbreaking, it was a beautiful story of siblings and how they each chose to live their lives.
Great collection of poems and prose in this one. Deals with a whole range of topics, some of which I‘m familiar with, some@of which I‘m not but all are powerful.
Wow!! Her poetry is amazing. Looking forward to more from her In the future.
Quite the interesting story about two of the men who worked on the OED.
King with another masterpiece. This was way too short but so good.
Interesting, quick read. I enjoyed it but the ending seemed a bit rushed.
Started this one last night, enjoying it so far.
Another one that took me far too long to get around to. Such a wonderful writer. I‘m not sure there is any book that can really make a civilian understand what it was like to fight in a war, but surely this has to be pretty close.
I came to Baldwin‘s books far too late in life but he has quickly become one of my favorite authors. Giovanni‘s Room is a beautifully written, yet heartbreaking story of an expat living in France coming to terms with his sexuality but it‘s also so much more than that. I highly recommend this if you haven‘t read it yet.
To those of you who commented on my last post about this book, you were right. I couldn‘t put this one down. The story and characters were very compelling. Definitely recommend this one.
Excited to start this one, I‘ve heard good things. Anyone read this one?
Fast paced, interesting read. Nothing groundbreaking here but certainly held my interest.
After getting halfway through A Short History of Nearly Everything, I need something a tad lighter for a bit.
Part mystery, part ghost story, and one very intriguing twist make this one a fast paced read that I loved. Definitely need to check out more by this author.
When you need to get to the minimum for same day shipping on Amazon, you add a book that‘s been on your TBR for ages.
Reading this one again because it‘s sooo good!