Fantastic short story in Clarks world magazine issue 173."History In Pieces” by Beth Goder. Only six printed pages and one of the best things I‘ve read this year! Google it to read it online or listen to the audio
Fantastic short story in Clarks world magazine issue 173."History In Pieces” by Beth Goder. Only six printed pages and one of the best things I‘ve read this year! Google it to read it online or listen to the audio
The view from my reading chair. I like big mutts and I cannot lie 🎶
Small press discovery! Reincarnated executioner of Joan of Arc and alcoholic formerly-famous painter go on a redemptive road trip to ghost ridden L.A. Story goes back and forth in their lives. Deep thoughts yet still a hint of a Hunter S Thompson vibe. Sounds like it can‘t work, but it does, thanks to great writing. Book cover gives you an idea . Loved it, as my sticky tabs attest!
I was looking forward to this, really liked the first two. But it felt like slow going and the characters I was interested in no longer seemed interesting. It seemed like everybody ran out of steam - me, the characters, and the author.
My.dog Blue recommends it to other blues out there. He's laughing on the inside.
Not well known, but really funny black comedy about US invasion of Iraq - kind of Keystone Cops meets Quentin Tarantino. Guest appearance by an insane librarian too. Author just published his second book called The Djinns. Can't wait!