This was such a charming little book! I fell in love with the characters and this was a fun, easy read for my Christmas break ❤️
This was such a charming little book! I fell in love with the characters and this was a fun, easy read for my Christmas break ❤️
My penguin mug is filled with hot chocolate, my puppy is by my side and we are snuggled up in the comfy recliner ready to finish the last few chapters of my current read. I‘ve enjoyed the story but it‘s been a bit of a slow read for me. Any thoughts about this one?
Baby + Book = Bliss 💕 Love these sweet baby snuggles while I get lost in a good story 💕📖👶🏾💕
Afternoon reading on the comfy couch while the little one naps 😊 Completely captivated by this current read!
"....If you're perfectly happy with what you've got - specially if what you've got isn't even all that spectacular - then you're dangerous. You're breaking all rules, you're undermining the sacred economy, you're challenging every assumption that society's built on." Some true and thought-provoking words from my current read. Completely captivated by my second Tana French book! #irishauthors
I devoured (pun intended 😉) this lovely book in a day! Such a creative and engaging format the author utilized to tell the story. I very much enjoyed this and highly recommend!
Starting a new book tonight all curled up with my favorite little buddy! Isn't Chipper just the cutest?? #dogsoflitsy
One of my favorite parts about babysitting is that when the little one is asleep, I get paid by the hour to curl up on the couch and read! Spending some quality time with Jane Eyre during this afternoon's nap time. I hated it when I was forced to read it during high school and by read, I mean skim until I found the answers to the homework questions 😂 Really enjoying it this time around!
A little late Friday night reading out on the back deck. This weather is so strange for February but I am so enjoying it tonight as I turn the pages faster and faster through my first Tana French book 😊
For the past few months I have been constantly complaining to my best friend about how I need more space for books. My dear friend, instead of forcing me to admit the fact that I have a book buying problem and need to quit, took it upon herself to build me this beautiful new bookshelf. I'm so thankful to have such a sweet and thoughtful best friend who truly knows how to speak my love language(; #friendshipgoals #thatsmybestfriend
"Women fall differently, that's all. We die by the stopping of our hearts, they by the insistence of theirs." Truer words have never been spoken. Really enjoying this book and eager to see how it wraps up!
"Ever since Eliza had discovered the book of fairy tales in Mrs. Swindell's rag and bottle shop, had disappeared inside its faded pages, she'd understood the power of stories. Their magical ability to refill the wounded part of people."
"Memory is a cruel mistress with whom we all must learn to dance."
Beautiful quotes throughout and while the ending seemed a little drawn out, the story itself was enchanting.
A quick, engaging read told from the POV of an autistic 15 year old boy named Christopher. Made me rethink the way I view the world around me and realize the different ways that people can process the exact same information.
"'Let me be gay; let me be sad. Let me be cold; let me be warm. Let me be hungry....have too much to eat. Let me be ragged or well dressed. Let me be sincere - be deceitful. Let me be truthful; let me be a liar. Let me be honorable and let me sin. Only let me be something every blessed minute. And when I sleep, let me dream all the time so that not one little piece of living is ever lost.'" A very moving coming-of-age story. Highly recommend!
A fun, quick read! A great escape from reality and a compelling adventure in a world of magic and mystery.
Finished this book in tears. A heartbreakingly beautiful, absolutely captivating story. Such a vivid portrayal of the ability of people to persevere and continue to hope, even in the midst of inexpressible pain and suffering.
"As I approach the end of my years, I know that grief, like regret, settles into our DNA and remains forever a part of us." Only a few chapters in but already loving this book. The first page sucked me right in to the story.
Never before has 945 pages felt like too short of a story. Powerful, emotional and gripping. Couldn't put it down. I am not quite ready to leave these characters behind. Might just be my new favorite book of all time.
"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's living," Augustus said. "I doubt it matters where you die, but it matters where you live." Love me some Augustus McCrae ?