My parents introduced me to Uncle Shelby's ABZ Book (Shel Silverstein) long before Where the Sidewalk Ends or his other works… Which is probably why I drink and start fires now. Awesome seeing this gem at my mother's house.
My parents introduced me to Uncle Shelby's ABZ Book (Shel Silverstein) long before Where the Sidewalk Ends or his other works… Which is probably why I drink and start fires now. Awesome seeing this gem at my mother's house.
I wish I had more to say about this book. It was good but nowhere approaching great.
I'm reading and listening to A Monster Calls (It's on sale for Kindle/Audible) after an emphatic recommendation from a brilliant teacher, my sister @Holly . YA is usually off my radar and out of my comfort zone but I'm enjoying this.
Vol. 1 of Paper Girls had literally everything I wanted and I can't wait to read more. If I could recommend a first graphic novel to anyone, one that appeals to any person, it would be this.
I'm learning and relearning the writing of comic books and came across this example: Big reveals are usually layed out on the page to the readers -left- to avoid spoilers on the page turn. I thought this was a great example of what not to do. But I guess Brian K Vaughan gets license to do whatever the hell he wants though.
My Kindle stopped syncing my place in this book at about 70% and it became daunting and exhilarating to finish it on my phone because I read in situations and places I wouldn't normally consider reading. Fantastic book. I'll review it soon. Do any of you actually read books on your phones?
Frank Bill lets us revel in the grit of a hidden, impoverished, and sometimes brutal Midwest back country. Crimes in Southern Indiana is a collection of shorts that often veer into tales of revenge and madness. I was delighted to find that some of Bill's tales interweave. If this book is out of your comfort zone then I HIGHLY recommend you add it to your stack. The prose are beautiful and the stories are nail biting.
Resuming this great short story collection by Frank Bill. The first snow of the year calls for cozy days with my wife, cinnamon whiskey, and stories about unspeakable acts of greed and violence perpetrated by man. #happyholidays #grit #noir #short
I bought a copy of the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence to reread because I won't be duped by any candidate. I won't be swept by easily discredited arguments, fear mongering, or doublespeak. I felt obligated to stop one of these candidates. I highly suggest any of you that are US Citizens own and read a copy. As Book people, I hope you can appreciate the beauty of a living document and the passion of rebellion against real tyranny.
@courtney and I met Phoebe Robinson today at the #txbookfest #texasbookfestival
She was hilarious and poignant in panel.
Went to the Blanton Museum of Arts today and came across an exhibit on Andy Warhol and his relationship with books.
Book store haul. Thanks to everyone who recommended Book People in Austin, TX.
I'm watching my host's chicken coop from the bedside window of a vintage airstream trailer. My wife is comfortably asleep beside me and I've started Just Kids by Patti Smith. I come to find out she was born in the neighborhood of Chicago that I live in now. The world feels like a circle.
My wife, @courtney shames me by reading so incredibly fast. She ripped through this in 15-20 minute chunks during her commute. Three days in she announces "These are the last ten pages."
It took me over a week to read this. Any other slow readers out there? #slowreaders #pickupthepace
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A thorough and excellent retelling of the life and times of Charles Manson. There are little frills here, the stories contained within are both chilling and insightful of themselves.
We constantly pretend our perception of the present day will not seem ludicrous in retrospect, simply because there doesn't appear to be any other option. Yes there is another option, and the option is this: We must start from the premise that- in all likelihood- we are already wrong.
Just when I thought that this short story collection was one bloody note, Frank Bill uses that same narrative style to eloquently convey the love a husband has for his wife and the guilt he feels after her loss. #shortstory
Sweet revenge. Speaking of, I think Ouija's about to attack me for feeding him late.
I love when I find out stories in a collection connect but I guess my reading aloud has lulled Ouija to sleep before the good part (Josephine just shot her husband).
Ouija is judging me for enjoying this pulp. First story in this collection is awesome and left a gritty taste in my mouth.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ I really wanted to love the Fireman because Joe Hill is an excellent novelist with a good grasp of dialogue, story, and character. So why only three stars you ask? Well, I crossed the 90% mark last night and sprinted to the end before bed and I think Joe Hill did the same when writing it. The end tries to do too much in too short a frame. The good news is that this 750+ page book is worth the read anyway.
One of my favorite parts #booktober is my favorite jacket, with it's pockets big enough to tote around my Kindle.
Finishing this baby today.
This was my #firsteverylitsypost and one of my favorite books. #booktober
What kind of reading did your parents introduce you to? My mother's truly epic collection of science fiction spans multiple rooms and shelves. I learned to look deeper into the world because of these books. My mother and wife are both voracious readers and I love that my life now is surrounded by much loved books. #thingsmyparentstaughtme
One of the coolest book covers I've ever seen and I can't wait to read it. From my mother's collection. #coverporn
On the last leg of the Fireman. I've tried to read it slowly and take in everything. I think it has the pedigree of a classic. It's characters and themes are so fleshed out and deep. #morningreads
Thinking about spontaneous human combustion while eating spicy indian food with @courtney #booksandfood #booksandbeer
I didn't love beer ten years ago but the more I've tried, the more I've adventured with my wife, the more I've come to love it. #booksandbeers
Armed to the Teeth with Lipstick is truly one of the strangest and most nonsensical novels I've ever enjoyed. It is equal parts French noir and psychedelic acid rock and best enjoyed in small snippets. The writer, Blag Dahlia is also the front man for the Dwarves. It was illustrated by Marc Rude. Bonus star ⭐️ for one of my favorite lines in a novel:
"She was cold and lonely as an albino whore."
#weirdbooks #somethingforsept
#somethingforsept #nonfictionlove This book really showed me how fun reading nonfiction could be. It's detailed without being clinical and morbid without being exploitive.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ I don't really care about the quality of this picture. I'm eating peanut butter sandwiches and reading comics. I'm basically a child tonight. #booksandfood
"You're afraid it's the end times because you're surrounded by death and ruin. Nurse Willowes, don't you know? Death and ruin is man's preferred ecosystem. Did you ever read about the bacterium that thrive in volcanos, right on the edge of boiling rock? That's us. Humanity is a germ that thrives on the very edge of catastrophe."
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ One of the best memoirs about what it's like to be in a band. This is punk rock. This is the birth of Hardcore. While worth reading, I encourage you to listen to the audiobook because Rollins reads it.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ One of the best memoirs about what it's like to be in a band. This is punk rock. This is the birth of Hardcore. While worth reading, I encourage you to listen to the audiobook because Rollins reads it.
[...] but small towns have long memories and pass their horrors down ceremonially from generation to generation.
If Lord of The Flies and Dreamcatcher had a baby it would be The Troop. A group of Boy Scouts are trapped (quarantined?) on an island that is also inhabited by an intelligent and malicious parasite that propagates in 💩 and hijacks the host. I'm not usually into gross factor but the characters ring true. Though not a fantastic story, Nick Cutter writes well and The Troop is worth a read.
All of my library holds came in at once, so now I'm balancing two books of short stories, two novels and a nonfiction tome. I'm a slow reader but I promise to read one or two stories from each collection before I bring them back. Anyone have any story suggestions from this one? #booksandbeer
Hooked from the prologue. Dennis Wilson and his famous buddies bring a young Charles Manson to the Whiskey-a-Go-Go. Manson breaks away from the stars and cuts a rug on his own.
Heard so many good things for such a long time.
'Then Glenn Beck burned to death on his internet program, right in front of his chalk board, burned so hot his glasses fused to his face'
Change of pace. I'm ready to be scared again and I'm told this is one of the good ones.
I was initially reluctant to start the Book Thief. It was "A book I had to read." Recommended by my sister & mom. I dismissed it until eventually caving to the pleas of my wife, @courtney . She's the reader I aspire to be.
Death is portrayed as both flawed & omnipresent. Each character shines with altruism but feels real.
These elements tie together with Zusak's simple & powerful sentences & grasp of dialogue.
Would recommend.
Sometimes I have trouble putting my book down and need an intervention. Ouija is always there to help.