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The Paris Bookseller | Kerri Maher
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“ Adrienne play was making her gratin dauphinois that night, and Sylvia‘s mouth was watering just thinking of it.”
After I looked this recipe up in my husband‘s old Julia Child‘s Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume One, my mouth too was watering - all that butter & cream!!! #booksandfood #literarycrew #14books14weeks

mrp27 All the food descriptions in this book were mouth watering! 14mo
Librarybelle 😁 A mouth-watering rabbit hole to follow! 14mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!!! 14mo
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William Wordsworth | William Wordsworth
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Rounding off my day visiting Wordsworth's home town with a cup of tea and a piece of Sarah Nelson's Grasmere Gingerbread, still baked to her secret Victorian recipe! 😋🍪🍵
#BooksandFood #BooksandTea

SRWCF How lovely. Enjoy! 2y
DivineDiana A perfect day of pleasure! ☕️📚❤️ 2y
LeahBergen I want to try that gingerbread! 2y
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LeahBergen Ooo, thanks! 2y
Sparklemn @bookwombie Sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing the link. 2y
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Picking this one up.

(On my toast: Tante Josephine blood plum and dark chocolate jam, by Just Add Moonshine) #booksandfood

jenniferw88 Jam sounds yummy! 2y
Lauredhel @jenniferw88 oh yes her jam is incredible. Recommended to all Australians. 2y
jenniferw88 @Lauredhel damn... I'm in the UK 😂😂😂 2y
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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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Slow and steady wins the race with me, apparently. 🙃🙂 But at least I get to eat yummy things like this! 🥰😋 #currentlyreading #booksandfood #kindle #bookworm

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#Fridaydinner #booksandfood #booksandbooze #grittycomestodinner

Slow going with this book. Not enjoying it -
But rather than bailing, wanting to see the ending.

Crazeedi I'm thinking thumbs up for the pizza though ! Looks yummy! 5y
kspenmoll @Crazeedi You predicted correctly; pizza yummy, book meh...not so good. 5y
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Sugar Run: A Novel | Mesha Maren
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Yay Friday! Thanks for this fun topic @Samplergal

1. We are having homemade mac and cheese tonight! 😋
2. I'm reading Sugar Run and hope to finish it this weekend
3. My goal is 4.. I need to get through some of my #BOTM backlog

#fridayfun #spring #booksandfood

Bklover I‘m coming to dinner. 🥘 🧡💛 5y
ericarobynreads Oh heyyyy! I‘m hoping to have baked Mac and cheese with broccoli tonight! 😁 enjoy!! 5y
TheNerdyProfessor @Bklover Dinner is at 5:30! We always make way too much because those uncooked noodles never quite look like enough food 😂 5y
Bklover Oh yay! I know what you mean - I always make way too many noodles. 5y
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The Eustace Diamonds | Anthony Trollope, John Sutherland, Stephen Gill
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It‘s, ‘The Eustace Diamonds‘, this evening with a side of homemade chicken fried rice & freshly baked croissants. On cold winter nights, cooking/baking is my absolute favourite. I‘ll usually put on a podcast or audiobook whilst clattering around the kitchen, & I find any stress instantly melt away. After dinner (& a movie), I‘ll finish up the evening with, ‘Magic for Marigold‘ by L. M. Montgomery.

#WinterStormReadathon #booksandfood #BookNDinner

BookBabe Sounds lovely! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Beautiful photo as always. 😍 (edited) 6y
Tanisha_A The book's plot sounds great! 6y
Tanisha_A And great photograph! 6y
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Tamra I agree! Very tasty looking. 😋 6y
Daisey This sounds like a perfect evening! I also love baking on cold days. 6y
MrBook 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤤 6y
catebutler @BookBabe It‘s been such a fun night! Thank you for the excuse to curl up and read! I hope you‘re staying warm while the snow blows outside. 6y
catebutler @Tanisha_A It‘s so fun! Lady Eustace is quite the character. I‘ve had such a great time reading this classic. 😊 And thank you!! 💓 (edited) 6y
catebutler @Tamra Thank you! I never thought I‘d try making this from scratch, but it was super easy and tastes better than take out! (edited) 6y
catebutler @Daisey It has been wonderful! Just about ready to call it a night. I‘m so happy to hear you‘re a fellow baker. ❤️ 6y
catebutler @MrBook Thank you! So happy you decided to host this readathon. 😊 6y
MrBook ☺️🤗🤗🤗 6y
BarbaraBB I love all about this post 💜 6y
catebutler @BarbaraBB You‘re so kind, thank you!! 🥰 6y
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Little Women | Louisa May Alcott
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My plan for the evening is to cozy down with my second book of the year and this spinach pie that just came out of the oven 😋 Smells delish

#AtY2019 - children classic prompt

alisiakae Yum! 6y
readordierachel Looks yummy! 6y
hilded @4thhouseontheleft @readordierachel It was very yummy 😋 (edited) 6y
BarbaraBB Perfect choice I think - the book and the food 😉😘 6y
batsy Mmm spinach pie looks good! 6y
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My last thai dinner in a while coupled with a re-read of the interesting biography of Maya Angelou.


Samplergal I‘m listening to this atm. So good. I‘d never read it before. 6y
hilded I agree, it‘s excellent. Although some parts are really tough to read. I have only read this one, so want to read the rest of her biographies as well at some point @Samplergal 6y
batsy So very good, but I agree—difficult to read, in parts. 6y
Reviewsbylola That looks so delicious!! 6y
hilded It was 😋 @Reviewsbylola 6y
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I am hooked to this book.

It‘s my day off and I‘m on the edge of maybe getting a cold and the best cure for a cold is JOOK. Korean rice porridge to the rescue.

#jookstory #juk #korean #booksandfood #horror

DivineDiana Glad you‘re being proactive! 👍🏻 6y
SkeletonKey @DivineDiana - Usually I can stop it in its tracks 😆 6y
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