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About the Night
About the Night | Anat Talshir
41 posts | 19 read | 32 to read
On a hot summer day in 1947, on a grandstand overlooking Jerusalem, Elias and Lila fall deeply, irrevocably in love.Tragically, they come from two different worlds. Elias is a Christian Arab living on the eastern side of the newly divided city, and Lila is a Jew living on the western side. A growing conflict between their cultures casts a heavy shadow over the region and their burgeoning relationship. Between them lie not only a wall of stone and barbed wire but also the bitter enmity of two nations at war.Told in the voice of Elias as he looks back upon the long years of his life, "About the Night" is a timely story of how hope can nourish us, loss can devastate us, and love can carry us beyond the boundaries that hold human beings apart.
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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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For the #travelthroughbooks we visit Jerusalem. This is a love story in just about every way. Not a romance story. This is about love and loss and differences. At times it was a really slow going read and it took a bit to connect with Elias and Lila but once I did it was a solid read. #springread #jerusalem #middleeast

About the Night | Anat Talshir
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#worstof21 Thanks for the tag Tammy!

-Entwined by Heather Dixon Wallwork
-About the Night by Anat Talshir
-I am not your perfect Mexican daughter by Erika L. Sánchez
-The Old Drift by Namwali Serpell (though I DNFed it)

megnews Thanks for playing! 3y
Chrissyreadit I did not like entwined very much either. 3y
Catsandbooks @Chrissyreadit I liked the concept but I think it could have been done better 3y
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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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This book, translated from Hebrew, follows the story of Elias and Lila as they fall in love in Jerusalem in 1947. During the Arab-Israeli war their city is divided and they are separated for many years.

This book is beautifully written but is so slow it‘s almost soporific. It took me at least a third of the book to feel involved in the characters‘ lives and I didn‘t love the ending but overall it‘s a lovely read.

#israel #readingasia2021

BarbaraBB Such a wonderful graphic you made 🌸 💗 3y
rockpools Thanks for the review- I might save this one until I‘m feeling like a slow read. 3y
TrishB I bailed on this it was so slow!! 3y
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squirrelbrain It did get better later on @TrishB and of course, I hardly ever bail! 3y
TrishB I just read my review and I guess I just didn‘t like it too 😁😁 3y
Librarybelle Great review! 3y
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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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2/5 ⭐️ Disappointed with this book. Elias, an Arab, and Lila, a jew, meet and quickly fall in love. Everything is going well until the Arab-Israeli war breaks in 1948 and they are separated for 19 years. I was not happy with how Elias treated Lila, especially in the second half of the story.

mhillis I was also disappointed! Read this for Reading Asia and had to make myself finish it (edited) 3y
MySharonaK Have you read (maybe you‘ll like that one more ) (edited) 3y
Catsandbooks @MySharonaK no I haven't. I'll have to try it! Thanks! 3y
Catsandbooks @mhillis yeah I pushed myself to finish it for #FoodandLit but I'm pretty sure this book put me in my reading slump 3y
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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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I finally finished! This didn‘t cost me anything, as I selected it via Amazon crossing 🌎, and I am so glad 🙂 it was one of the ones I chose. Not a typical love story, and not a typical romance novel, I would characterize this as a “slow burn” and a “sigh of contentment” in a sea of discord kind of book. There were instances that led me to feel that the ends were tied up a little too correctly, but it was sweet, and so romantic. #recentlyread 3⭐️

About the Night | Anat Talshir
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Slow and steady wins the race with me, apparently. 🙃🙂 But at least I get to eat yummy things like this! 🥰😋 #currentlyreading #booksandfood #kindle #bookworm

About the Night | Anat Talshir
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#ReadingAsia2021 #Israel #TBRDECKOFCARDS @Clwojick @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle

Another book I finished in Feb.

This was a free Kindle book I picked up a few years ago. It's not my typical read because it focuses heavily on a romantic relationship. The story is told in different parts, both past and present, and also from both his and her perspectives. The historical aspects to the story intrigued me the most, but the love story bored me.

Librarybelle I like the cover! 4y
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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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Finally charges my Kindle and enjoying this gem of a book. All I have got to say is awww. 🥰❤️❤️🙏🏻 #currentlyreading

About the Night | Anat Talshir
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I did not expect to enjoy this, but I did. It's not perfect, but overall a quick and interesting view into living in Jerusalem between 1947 and 1973.

About the Night | Anat Talshir
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This is the last book from last year's World Book Day Sale, that I have not read yet. I was kind of avoiding it because of the reviews, but so far so good.

About the Night | Anat Talshir
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OK Litsyverse, I‘m 25% in to this and, unless it gets a lot better, I‘m wasting my time. Has anyone finished this who can give me a reason to go on? So far it‘s clunky (could be the translator?) and everything is TOLD instead of SHOWN. #toBailOrNotToBail?

Tamra I would have picked it up for the cover. 5y
Lcsmcat @Tamra I do like the cover, but I picked it because it was free from Amazon‘s read around the world. 5y
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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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There is one day left in Amazon‘s Celebrate World Book Day giveaway of nine books from around the globe!

Pick them up here!



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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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Julsmarshall Great books! Thanks for the heads up! 5y
Amor4Libros Thank you! 5y
sudi Thanks 😊💜 5y
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rather_be_reading @sudi your welcome! 5y
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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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Nope. Full of stereotypes about everything!! I thought this would be a love story set against the new Israeli state. It is, but it‘s dire and soppy and just meh....Elias is a patronising, arrogant character and I‘ve only read 10%. Enough for me. I‘m missing something obviously.

rockpools Oh boo! I was looking forward to that ☹️ 5y
TrishB @RachelO it seems to have a lot of love so it may just be me!! 5y
Melissa_J That‘s disappointing! I just got this for my Kindle an hour ago! 5y
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rockpools @TrishB Maybe - but probably not!! I‘ll let it disappear into the depths of my kindle for a year or 10! 5y
TrishB @Melissa_J @RachelO you could try and love it! I‘m glad it was free. 5y
Cathythoughts 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 5y
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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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Wow 😮 nothing like a full on stereotype is there. Gulp. I promise I do laugh and can hold a conversation....I hope 🤷‍♀️
The author also uses British and English interchangeably as the same thing. They‘re not.

tournevis Yikes. This said, at least two American academics on panels I've seen made the same mistake yesterday alone. 5y
Mdargusch Such a stereotype! 5y
TrishB @tournevis it happens a lot! If you‘re English you‘re British too, but you can be British without being English!! 5y
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tournevis @TrishB Or Welsh, Scot... 5y
TrishB @tournevis exactly..... 5y
Leftcoastzen Cringe worthy. 5y
Weaponxgirl From what time period is this from? I can imagine the victorians being like this in the past but it is obvious they have never been in a pub with us. 5y
TrishB @Weaponxgirl it‘s 1947 in what will be Israel, where admittedly anti British sentiment would be high. 5y
CarolynM 😱🙄 5y
Velvetfur Oh yes I did hate that bit near the start of the book! There's no more anti British as the book goes on though! 5y
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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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Just started tagged book, one of the freebies from Amazon crossing offer and I was too lazy to go upstairs and pick another, so picked first one on kindle.
Done nothing today, fighting off migraine, footie, seeing Suede tomorrow. Making a roast dinner 😱
Yes, love eggs done most ways 😁
I started writing a book at 17, main character was Jack. My dad‘s name and then my son‘s, so I probably need a new one.
Will do. #friyayintro

Leftcoastzen Take care of yourself,hope you keep migraine minimal, it makes me smile when you put “footie” in your posts.😁 5y
batsy I hope you feel better soon! And a roast dinner, yum... Also, waiting patiently for that book 😊 5y
TrishB @Leftcoastzen @batsy drugs and a nap have helped! Footie ⚽️ is very stressful at the moment, tomorrow and Sunday very important. 5y
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wanderinglynn Ooh, migraines suck. I hate migraine days. Hope you feel better soon! 💚 5y
Cathythoughts Only seeing this ... Hope migraine is gone .. good luck with the football outcomes ( & the roast dinner ) ♥️ 5y
Reggie Did you ever finish that book? And what was it about? Hope the migraines went away. 5y
TrishB @Cathythoughts @Reggie migraine gone thank you. Just that dull blugh this morning. I bailed on the book at 10% Reggie! 5y
Reggie Lol, the one you were writing. I would love to read a book you wrote. I picture it full of complicated women. The best kind. 5y
TrishB @Reggie oh god it‘s finished and hidden in the attic somewhere! I‘m pretty sure it‘s full of teenage angst and gothic themes that the world doesn‘t need. 😘 5y
Cathythoughts I‘m very Interested @Reggie too - to hear more of this book 👍🏻 ! remember that song “ ....going to write a classic, going to write in the attic .... “ ♥️ 5y
TrishB @Cathythoughts I can definitely say it wasn‘t a classic! 5y
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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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I love the idea of this book. Not sure how long I can last though. So many eye rolls. #wanttolove

About the Night | Anat Talshir
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Heartbreaking story about a forbidden love during war. Lila, a Jew, and Elias, an Arab, fall in love but are kept apart by religion, culture, and war. Not only is this story about love between a man and a woman, but it‘s also about the love, or lack there of, between a child and his/her parents and of life and hardships during wartime as well. A must read! #mustread #diversereads #diverseauthor

My #readingbuddy. #MomoToles #Tolesbrats #footrest

TheBookAddict #dogsoflitsy he was a bit sad because he gets too excited when he sees the cats and he wants to play but they don‘t. He‘s still a puppy (at 65 lbs) so he can‘t contain his excitement. Tookey tolerates him for a few minutes and then she gets overwhelmed by his excitement so she smacks him, which just makes him think she‘s playing with him, and she eventually runs upstairs. Since the dogs are not allowed upstairs he mopes afterwards. #bigbaby 6y
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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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I can‘t stop listening to this book! I had started it a couple of months ago, but maybe I wasn‘t in the mood for a heartbreaking story at the moment because now I just can‘t put it down. 💕

Ps. When I told you all I had a problem, I meant it. I went too crazy this fall. #BookOutlet‘s #Booktoberfest sale made me lose any sort of willpower I had (which to be honest wasn‘t much at all). #bookaddictproblems #bookafdiction #bookhaul #bookoutlethaul

About the Night | Anat Talshir
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I‘m so mad at Elias! I just got to the part where it‘s revealed that he has a wife and a son. Meanwhile Lila has been waiting for him for 19 years. 19 years of waiting for him. 19 years of being alone. 19 years of not knowing. Ugh!!! I just want to slap the taste out of his mouth! Yet if it would‘ve been the other way around he wouldn‘t have forgiven her, because I‘m sure she‘ll forgive him. Argh!!!

About the Night | Anat Talshir
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Enjoying this story of love in tough times between two people who are forbidden to be together by their cultures.

#diversebooks #diverseauthors

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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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And now, #Litsypartyofone starts for me. Hoping to finish #abouthenight with a delicious 2016 Chateau Saintongey Bordeaux.
#bookandwinepairing 📚 🍷

About the Night | Anat Talshir
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#Bleeckersays mom, thanks for turning the gas logs on. Now, leave me be. #pugsoflitsy

#bookandwinepairing 📚 🍷 still working on the 2016 Pintupi 9 'The Red'

About the Night | Anat Talshir
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Because bubbles should be for any time...

#bookandwinepairing 📚 🍷 2014 J. Laurens 'Les Graimenous' Cremant de Limoux

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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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A few #diversevoices from my Kindle library. All but Malala and Being Mortal are TBR. #24in48readathon #diversebooks

hyacinth Atul Gawande 😍 7y
Julsmarshall I ❤️ Love, Loss, and what we ate! 7y
Lcsmcat I ❤️ the Amy Tan book. 7y
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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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A tale of love lost, found, and fully realized against all odds and the backdrop of the waning days of Mandate Palestine through the next six decades. #JewLit

Read the full review here: http://bit.ly/2jvQdnO

Cinfhen Beautiful cover 8y
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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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Such a beautiful and heartbreaking love story. The setup is reminiscent of Romeo and Juliet but these are not naive teens and ita not simply a family dispute that keeps them apart. Set in Jerusalem, it story begins when Israel was first reinstated as a nation amd progresses through some of the conflict with Palestine with our lovers on different sides of the wall. I think of it when I'm #inthemoodforlove. #seasonsreadings2016 @RealLifeReading

MallenNC I have this on my TBR! Need to move it up. 8y
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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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Put this book aside while reading a few others. So glad to have picked it back up. The story is told over many years, and during hard times. The ability to weather hardship amazes me, even in novels. Surprise topics are brought up, but I won't reveal. Had I known, I'd prob not have read the book.

About the Night | Anat Talshir
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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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Looking forward to this. First time reading a book translated from Hebrew. Interesting premise.

BellaBookNook I have this one but haven't read it yet. Can't wait to hear what you think. 8y
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About the Night | Anat Talshir
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Laura317 I'm not usually into translations, but the story line of love between an Israeli and a Palestinian has me intrigued. 8y
Laura317 I got 1/3 of the way through. Maybe it's the translation, but I could only handle so much of how blindingly beautiful Lila was and how perfect Elias was. Read like a Harlequin novel. I bailed. 😑 8y
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