Anyone read this one yet? Just got this email and I‘m fascinated.
Anyone read this one yet? Just got this email and I‘m fascinated.
Just started Agent Sonya. Really fascinating premise to this book. This is a nonfiction spy thriller about a Russian spy, a woman code named Agent Sonya, helped to steal atomic secrets from the west. Opening paragraph to the third chapter was especially good.
Finished this book yesterday and can‘t say enough good things about this one! Great writing and a fun read. At times it read like a thriller. It was hard reading about some of the childhood trauma, but that‘s my only criticism and I know that just came from being the father of two teenage daughters. Character development was great throughout.
I decided I wanted to read the book before watching the Netflix series. First chapter was great. Really looking forward to enjoying the book.
I liked it but didn‘t love. I called it a pick because I really enjoyed it, but couldn‘t help feeling like it was missing something. I‘m not quite sure what that was since it had so many of the pop culture references that I loved from the first book throughout the second. Cline did a nice job of upping the ante from the first book, and even with a slow start I enjoyed the book throughout. I want to reread both books again soon and reassess.
Happy Thanksgiving to all! I just started reading Ready Player Two. Thought this quote was too good, if not alittle ironic since I‘m posting on social media, not to post. Hoping everyone is enjoying great company, food, and a good book on your holiday.
Couldn‘t stop laughing at this opening line of chapter 9 of Deadly Education. Really enjoying this book so far
I wanted to read before the movie comes out. My mom and I both read it on a family vacation years ago but don‘t really remember it. Looking forward to the reread!
Just finished Space Opera and was a little disappointed. Thought I‘d jump into a thriller. Loved her last book Turn of the Key.
I stole this from a Facebook group but I need to talk to my wife about making this a tradition of our own!!!
“In space, everyone can hear you sing”. Thought this would be fun diversion. Bummed out this morning hearing about Sean Connery‘s passing so thought I‘d read something fun while listening to records.
Finished reading Devil in the Dark water while listening to this great record. What a roller coaster ride. I started off loving the book and digging in to the mystery of this well written tale. When the mystery was solved however I hated it! I very nearly stopped reading the book. However, once everything was revealed I absolutely loved this book. What an ending!
Bought this on sale earlier tonight. Anyone reading this? Looks really fun
Down to the last 60 pages of Devil in the Dark Water. Such a fun mystery/fantasy tale. I‘ve really enjoyed all of my last couple of books. Time to figure out what to read next as always so many to choose from
Just started reading yesterday and I‘m loving it so far. Since I first watched the movie highlander as a kid, I‘ve loved stories about people with abnormally long lives. I‘m sure it stems from my love of history, but love reading and watching these stories.
I‘m only 50 pages away from finishing up Piranesi, and I‘m at the point where I need to start deciding what I want to read next. I‘ve bought a nice variety recently but this is always the toughest decision.
Wow! I hadn‘t heard he was writing a new book, but after getting this note from Goodreads on his new book I‘m so in.
Finishing up the Midnight Library and I‘m having a tough time picking my next book to read. A lot of great new books to choose from.
This is such a great quote. Life is truly more than what we‘ve done it‘s about what we don‘t do too. Midnight library has been an exceptionally good book. Highly recommended
Looking forward to starting this book. Really enjoyed his previous book “How to Stop Time”, and have nothing but good things about his latest.
Starting a new job on Monday after 12 1/2 years at the last one.
Finishing up the final chapter. Great book. Ullrich‘s highly readable and detailed book is a definitive read for anyone interested in World history, WW II, or Hitler himself.
Thought this was an incredibly cool way to commemorate this day.
I had never heard of book and lovers day before but sounds awesome.
Looking forward to going to this book shop with my wife today after lunch.
Dr. Albright was incredibly funny. In her words “when I met with Kim Jong IL (former North Korean dictator) we thought we knew two things: he was crazy and he was a pervert. What we found out was that he wasn‘t crazy.”
Really looking forward to reading
After attending the signing I‘m really looking forward to reading Meltzer‘s latest “The Escape Artist”.
I saw this on the shelf today and think that it has the type of humor that I need right about now.
I don't think it's possible to read this book without finding something to love or admire about Theodore Roosevelt. This daring adventure seems more like something from a Hollywood movie than a tale from a former American President's Retirement years. Millard is a superb writer that blends Travelogue, history, and natural history into a gripping story that is hard to put down. Essential reading for anyone casually interested in Roosevelt.
My fingers are crossed that the Indians prospects will improve from this prediction. The Sparrow really is a delightful read.
My family and a couple of friends went to our first Quidditch tournament yesterday. We had such an amazing time.
I woke up this morning and read through Quidditch through the ages.
Saw this great little book this afternoon that contains obituaries from the New York Times. It looks like such a great book to read thoughts of celebrities, politicians, scientists, and leaders.
Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Marilyn Monroe, and Nelson Mandela were a couple that caught my eye and made this such a cool looking book!
Great investigation and exploration of the sinking of The Lusitania. Larson explores the reasons that some of its passengers had for taking the trip.
The most interesting was a man who had a first edition of Christmas Carol owned by Dickens himself. To make the book even more invaluable and incredible, the book had handwritten notes by Dickens himself taken during a court hearing concerning an unauthorized publication of the story.
Lots of great stuff came in from my hold list at the library today. Really looking forward to reading the Omega Men after reading so many great reviews here,Goodreads, and friends!
The death day party is my favorite scene in Chamber of Secrets. I thought it was the biggest miss of the movie not including it.
Love this illustration.
Took some time to flip through the new illustrated edition of Chamber of Secrets! Love this illustration of Moaning Myrtle.
A little lunch time reading! Churchill's early years are quite the fascinating study.
I was looking through my Star Trek novels this morning trying to decide if there was one I wanted to reread.
I found this Next Generation novel written by none other than Laurel K Hamilton.
My wife and Kids's stopped by the library on the way home from the airport and found this fabulous display of books!
Wonder Woman's collection is fabulous!
Three hour lay over in Detroit after a long work trip. Good thing I have a good book to pass the time!
I'm not sure if there is anything left to say about this book that I hadn't already read here, Goodreads, or my typical book review sites. Exceptional book from start to finish. I bought both the kindle book and audible book and at no point did ever want to stop reading or listening.
I can't recommend this book enough!
I'm almost done reading Larry Tye's book on Robert Kennedy which will be my 51st out of my goal of 52 books on Goodreads.
Any suggestions on my 52nd book of the year? PT 109 looks good but I've read a couple Kennedy themed books this year. Dark Matter also looks great
Wife and kids are at work or sleep overs tonight. After a long week I thought wine, music, and a good book sounded like the perfect formula.
This has probably been the best book I've read this year. The twists and turns that life takes can feel overwhelming for all of us at times. Nathan Hill has found a way to capture the essence of this feeling in this beautifully written first novel. Very relevant storytelling. I can't recommend highly enough!
Yesterday I posted about the scariest book at the library. Today it's the funniest display. Don't know why I found this so funny but I couldn't stop laughing!
The most frightening book I saw in the library today. My daughter will be 13 next year!
I've loved Candice Millard's previous books! Can't wait to dive into this one.
I think I enjoyed the previous volume more, but I'm continuing to enjoy Meredith and David Finch's run on Wonder Woman. I'm glad I was able to get this from the library. Definitely worth reading for Wonder Woman fans