This book is so precious and also really insightful and I had a crazy morning and it healed my brain!
This book is so precious and also really insightful and I had a crazy morning and it healed my brain!
Late to the game but Ive got some Scotch and a comfy pair of pants. Let's read a book!
Me and my Ripley girl enjoying this quiet day off. She's a good toe warmer.
It's been a long time, Litsy. But Facebook is making my anxiety so much worse and I need a peaceful place. So here's some of my 2018 reads!
I want to give this book to every person I've ever seen roll their eyes at the word feminism.I want to throw this book at the kid in my philosophy class who loudly proclaimed how much he hates "crazy feminists", even though he was roundly put in his place by our staunchly feminist professor. Because feminism isn't perfect. Because feminists are just people. But there's so much good. And so much to learn. This book is an excellent starting point.
Just started this for my book club this month. Whew. This is NOT an easy read. It is twisting me up inside.
Okay so, it did have a crazy twist. But like, it was kind of dumb?
I went from loving this to rolling my eyes and sighing. What a dumb turn of events.
Apparently I have read a lot of books since I last posted on here.
Has anyone else read this and found it incredibly hard to follow??
"It is a terrible thing to find the love of your life, Christina," she says. "You know too well what you're missing when it's gone."
We must think of grief as a kindness. It is how we know we have loved.
Working from home today during Snowmageddon. At least it gives me the opportunity to do lots of audiobook listening!
Yayayayay!!!! I love all my #littens!!
I have a reading buddy today. My niece is not feeling good so we are hanging out in my bed. Ive got a book. She has Zootopia and a pile of stuffed animals.
#bookishpetpeeve The top shelf in my bookshelf isn't tall enough to stand my hardcovers up. So some of my books on that shelf are out of alphabetical order. Argh!!
This book was fascinating and well-written and I rather wish I hadn't read it. I picked it up on the assumption that it was a psychological horror with the supernatural elements only really the outward signs of mental illness. And while it absolutely COULD be that, it could also play in any number of ways. So yeah. Too scary for me.
Sadly I do not have any photos of the #diversepicturebooks that I love. So here is my beautiful niece reading in the picturebook section of my library!
Reading with my best friend and her pup, Drake. Perfect freezing Saturday morning!
#scarybook #fire #cozymorning
So. Good. God I love Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
#readharder2017 #collectionofstoriesbyawoman
I have an upset tummy so I am relaxing and catching up on reading! This is book number three this weekend!
Reading at the gym while I wait for my ride. For the record, I worked out. This is post workout and shower.
#readingatthegym #gymlife #booklife
When it looks like this outside one simply must stay inside and read trashy new adult books!
#newengland #snowday
Whoa. This book.
So incredibly moving. I am ashamed at how little I knew of Congressman Lewis before reading this series.
Started slow but picked up like whoa. It was definitely an uncomfortable read. It is meant to be a work of speculative fiction. But a United States where slavery never ended did not feel all that far off from our current social climate.
#readharder2017 #allpovarepersonsofcolor @bookriot
Great audiobook. I actually loved the story. I worried it might be casually racist. But in putting these three anthropologists in a tribal setting, what we got instead is a glimpse at humanity without all the fuss of western culture and society. Humanity at its most basic, sometimes nasty, core. And in doing so, it was never the tribal peoples who were really portrayed as "savage".
My #januarywrapup, written up on the plane as a distraction!
Trying to read while I wait for my anxiety meds to kick in at the airport. I am heading to California to visit my sister but husband isnt coming. And even after nine years, it still breaks my heart to not be with him.
There is so much to love about this book. I love YA. I read a lot of it. But I get tired of the teenage drama and overblown contrived issues. Here, the problems are very real and very serious. But the good is just as weighty. The characters never feel like caricatures, even when they are sometimes so GOOD it brings a tear to the eye.
"Hate ricochets but kindness does too."
This book is going to break my heart.
I love Adelina as a villain so I was almost sad to see her have a redemption arc but it was done very well. My only qualm is that the romance between she and Magiano doesnt always work because she is so dang crooked.
This took a long time to get going and the world building was kind of weak. But the second half was fun. There were uncomfortable similarities to Shatter Me but I liked some of the trope-defying in Akos and Cyra.
I am such a sucker for retold folklore and fairy tales. This was done so well. It was atmospheric and creepy and magical. And our heroine was powerful and smart. Loved it!
#readharder2017 #afantasynovel @bookriot
#Littens, I want so badly to be reading. But I have a major #bookhangover. I am not emotionally ready to move on from A Little Life!
So. I just finished this book, sobbing uncontrollably and moved beyond words. My husband asked why anyone would want to read something so profoundly upsetting. And I said that I have never in my life felt closer to characters in a book than these. And while the story is not romantic, it is a truly incredible portrayal of true love. Not fairy tale love. Not perfect love. True love.
#litsyatoz #letterY @BookishMarginalia
Letter S for #litsyatoz and an #allagescomic for #readharder2017 #bookriot.
Truly wonderful. At times hilarious. At times touching and poignant. And so needed today.
@BookishMarginalia @bookriot
This came so highly reviewed and I just didnt love it! I had a hard time really believing the romance. I wanted to get swept up in it but it just didnt happen.
#litsyatoz #letterA
Ugh. How does anyone write something that only takes twenty minutes to read and carries enough emotional punch to reduce me to a weeping mess? God I love this author.