#riotgrams Day 3 - one word title: Zero. "A stunning chronicle of the denial, heresy, and grudging acceptance of zero and its companion concepts, infinity and the void." -U.S News & World Report. I gave this one a solid four stars.
#riotgrams Day 3 - one word title: Zero. "A stunning chronicle of the denial, heresy, and grudging acceptance of zero and its companion concepts, infinity and the void." -U.S News & World Report. I gave this one a solid four stars.
Day 2 - Where I Read #riotgrams #bookstagram
Catching up on the @bookriot #riotgrams challenge. Day 1 - #Shelfie One of many walls of books in my home. #bookstagram
AMAZING! A "must read" (and I rarely say anything is a "must")! Ghobash is intelligent, thoughtful and articulate. He makes everything make sense in a quiet, inoffensive way. He doesn't beat you over the head with anything. He simply guides you to think about things from a new perspective and makes connections where readers may not have already done so. I will be shouting this book's praises from the rooftop and recommending it to everyone I know.
I'm behind on my Star Trek novels, but so happy this is here. It's the push I need to catch up. #happynewbookday
The fruits of Christmas gift cards. Most are books I've already read and wanted on my shelf, but there are a few new ones to keep me busy.
Starting this tonight because sleep is highly overrated. Hope it's as awesome as Divergent!
Eastman Jacobs' legendary attempt to launch a car attached to a glider plane using Hampton's tony Chesapeake Avenue as a runway only confirmed the Hamptonian's feelings that the good Lord didn't always see fit to give book sense and common sense to the same individual. #truth
There was no way this was not coming home from the bookstore with me. #women #shortbiographies #middlegrades
Kahneman & Tversky are compelling people w/a lot of personality, especially when paired w/each other as they were for much of their lives. Lewis paints a vibrant picture of the duo; a gifted story-teller, he weaves the bio together w/the science in a way that had me turning pages. Approaching TUP not as a fan of Lewis, but as a person w/an interest in the science/scientists, I was truly pleased & would rec it to others who appreciate the topic.
Only a few chapters in and I already know that this one will end up on my bookshelf.
SO GOOD. I have no more feels to give. This was devastatingly beautiful. Love La Marche's writing.
Started reading 'You in Five Acts' today. I can already tell it will be a book that stays with me. #currentread
I was largely underwhelmed. I wanted to lose myself in good writing and possibly learn something along the way, but that just didn't happen.
I haven't heard too much of the buzz about this one and I don't know much about Mata Hari. I'm hoping to learn a few things and lose myself in great writing. #currentread
Not going to lie; the driving motivation to read this are the chapters on her affair with Harrison Ford. #sorrynotsorry
Worth every penny for the hardcover! So happy Gallery Books added this as a choice. I like when all my books are in the same format AND I like knowing that I'm helping support the author.
I chose to listen to the audiobook because of the 2 outstanding narrators. They didn't disappoint. Listening to the story unfold from two different voices drew me in in a way that reading them for myself would not. I'm sad to say goodbye to this cast of characters, and even knowing what must happen does not soften the punch in the gut when the inevitable arrives. This is one that is going to hang on for a while and take some time to fully process.
I cannot say enough good things about this book; it is a fascinating read. I would have happily read another 370 pages. She's intelligent, witty, passionate and compassionate. It was a such a joy to read. The Supreme Court will not be the same once she retires. She has been an exemplary judge fighting for the rights of women and minorities. She has been the epitome of integrity and grace...a truly class act.