SO GOOD. I have no more feels to give. This was devastatingly beautiful. Love La Marche's writing.
SO GOOD. I have no more feels to give. This was devastatingly beautiful. Love La Marche's writing.
Started reading 'You in Five Acts' today. I can already tell it will be a book that stays with me. #currentread
No, I didn't just buy eight books because I can't settle into any of the ones I already own.
This book was an inspiring story of love and ambition, with some interesting characters and lovely writing. Although I had trouble caring about some of the characters' storylines, they were all inportant in some way to the overall plot. It was easily engrossing and beautifully written, but it is not without its flaws. 🌟🌟🌟🌟⭐
This book has *slain* me. If you love contemp YA and haven't read Una's books, you are missing out.