The summer series. Character crossovers but not my favorite.Maybe a few too many to follow and none are all that likable.
The summer series. Character crossovers but not my favorite.Maybe a few too many to follow and none are all that likable.
I should have read it first and def since I‘m an old. I‘m now bitter no Aunt beast tho
I enjoyed this. TypicL of me though one time period was more interesting than the other.
This is beautiful. It‘s hard to make a book about death beautiful but here it is.
Time travel, history the whole wacky thing all jumbled.
This was good. Little secrets lead to big problems. This was a thriller that grew slowly but I just couldn‘t stop. So good. I‘m going to have to catch up on this author:
Adorable premise and love the book loft shout out but Annie kind of bugged
I enjoyed this for the actual historical ness of the historical fiction. It‘s well researched and took me a while to get through but was enjoyable nonetheless.
This was fun in the most informative way😉
It‘s tropey but kind of adorable. I‘m not sure I liked the main character all that much but I did his love interest 🤷🏾♀️
Fun and spine tingly and good. Did I mention good? She‘s on my auto buy list now.
The tale of Milady de Winter from her perspective. Here for it. I flew this. I will evangelize for this one hard.
Steampunk gender flipped bisexual Holmes and super boring Watson in a fantasy world with beasts and oddities. Enjoyed for the most part a few places made me go whut?!?
I enjoyed this book. Lit fic with a side of mystery isn‘t usually my thing but I enjoyed this one. It‘s a short quick one.
It is basic but sometimes that‘s what you need. Also the show is such a train wreck I had to. Just had to.
Erin may be one of the least smart characters in a book I‘ve ever encountered. Like she has to actively try. This took me forever to finish, but I read in huge swaths 🤷🏾♀️. It‘s decent for the thriller lovers,
I enjoyed it. Awfully science-y for my none science brain. Overall a good story though
Quick chapters. Mostly figureoutable( is that a word? Is now) still ok. This was my 1st by her.
*swoon* *sigh* ❤️❤️❤️❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ok just read it. It‘s good. It‘s own voices and the author is diverse. JUST. READ. IT.
I loved this little glimpse of fashion history. Schiaparelli isn‘t someone that has had the ink spike on her that Chanel has so sewing more of her was fun.
The beginning was slow. It picked up. I rather enjoyed it.
TW: sexual assault
This was enjoyable. It‘s a we‘ll just world. Looking forward to the next part.
This was a fast paced thriller. I flew through the last 50 or so pages.
This is a cozy mystery that isn‘t as cozy as some. I have LONG way to go to catch up with this series so I hope it stays the way it is.
I liked it, but not as twisty as I expected. I figured it out so... but I love the way Megan Abbott writes teenaged girls. I once resembled that whole thing.
I liked this. I finally found that series that not reading the rest really didn‘t matter much. Though I am intrigued enough to go back and catch up. This really falls into thumbs up not necessarily a rock on or the meh the sideways thumb conveys to me.
So at half way through I‘m 90% sure I‘ve figured this out...
It took me forever to listen to this. I‘ll get to the other eventually, because I‘m a completist.
Thank you! You were an excellent makeup Cupid. Not pictured eaten candy and the bookmark which wandered into my most recent library book.
Thank you!!! Ps added a pic
My first completed book in forever. Work being ridiculous and all, but this was fun enough.
A different view of the presidents. Cheeky and perfect for a nerd. Though the end may be a smidge angry.
A meet cute with diverse characters. I don‘t read much contemporary romance, but I loved this one. I‘m looking forward to The Proposal this summer.
I love this series. Mayhaps it‘s the time period but I‘ll keep trading them.
If you like Sabriel.. Read This! If you like well thought out magical worlds. Seriously read this.
I liked the story(mostly) moving backward in time (mostly) was done well. Do I guess I just mostly liked this one *shrug*
Well this was heartbreaking. It was a wonderful Book, but intense. It was a short burst then find something else to do for a bit book for me.
She removes the scary from death and makes it interesting, and dare I say fun.
I will read everything she writes. A new favorite!
I enjoyed this foray into how we never know what is going on in the lives of our neighbors.
Thank you thank you thank you @BarbaraJean this is amazing!!! I can‘t wait to get to your pick #wintersolaticeexchange #litsysecretsanta