Georgie coerces her family into a canoe camping trip to visit the site of her mother‘s murder when Georgie was just a child, setting the scene for another potential tragedy.
Read April 16-22
Rated 2.5/5 ⭐️
Book 23/60
Georgie coerces her family into a canoe camping trip to visit the site of her mother‘s murder when Georgie was just a child, setting the scene for another potential tragedy.
Read April 16-22
Rated 2.5/5 ⭐️
Book 23/60
This book was interesting because it spanned such a large amount of time in a very short book. The characters fell a little bit flat for me which made a bit of the book slow. This was good, just not great for me. #goodreadsgiveaways
I enjoyed this book. Lit fic with a side of mystery isn‘t usually my thing but I enjoyed this one. It‘s a short quick one.