My stack consists of A Darker Shade of Magic and Time‘s Fool for now. My first and favourite snack is pumpkin bread. ⠀
#readathon # deweyoct #readathonhourlyphoto.
My stack consists of A Darker Shade of Magic and Time‘s Fool for now. My first and favourite snack is pumpkin bread. ⠀
#readathon # deweyoct #readathonhourlyphoto.
This month has gone so fast, that my reading just couldn‘t keep up.⠀
I got this book from the library, renewed it two times and then I had to give it back. I immediately got another copy, because I obviously need a book about speed reading, if i don‘t manage to read it in nine weeks. 🙄⠀
#slowReader #ActuallyReadingTheBookMightHelpWithSpeed #WhyDoesntOsmosisWorkWithBooks
I didn‘t manage to read all the books I wanted, but I did a good job anyway. ⠀
#JulyWrapUp #MonthlyWrapUp #ReadingResolutions
Mom: what do you want for your birthday?
Me: …
Mom: I need your wishlist now!
Me: Just buy as many books from my wishlist as the budget allows.
So happy birthday to me!
I celebrated by schlepping 6kg (13lb) of books home from the post office, in about 1000 degree heat.
Holy freaking moly! Everytime I thought I figured out what happened to the girls there was another twist in the story - until the very last page. Everyone seemed to be a suspect at least once throughout the book. Excellent book.
#ThePigeonhole ⠀
I enjoyed this book thoroughly. There were so many twists and every time I thought I knew what‘s going on I was wrong. The relationship between Ken and Nolan and their banter was just great. And Nolan having to confess hating Pierre less and less was so funny. All through the book I was torn between laughing about the great dialogue and forgetting to breathe, because something dangerous or horrible is about to happen.
I am ambitious this month. If it works as well as the last two months I will read two of those books and a lot of others that aren‘t on my list. 😄
I really liked this story. The bad guy was quite clever in hiding his tracks. There were several suspects and not everybody was just what we thought he was in the beginning. ⠀
This case was not very sherlocky. Not a big mystery, basically just a little chase and saving the woman in distress. I guessed the bad intention early on.⠀
I don‘t have any booksocks. But I do have books and knitted socks. Which book could be better fitted to be combined with a sock than Harry Potter? Dobby was freed by a sock in a book. And he knitted Harry socks for christmas (for which Harry could have been much more grateful😡). ⠀
This one was fun. Too bad the pictures of the dancing men weren‘t in the text. I would have loved to try to figure out the code for myself. #Sherlocked
Somehow all my bookmarks from my childhood have vanished and I haven‘t managed to buy many new ones yet. ⠀
I guessed at the beginning what happened to the builder, but Doyle managed to confuse me in the middle of the story, but in the end I was correct, although I would have never guessed the reason. This is basically a story of male entitlement. ⠀
I have over a hundred novels in my shelves and I still had to plunder my shelf of computer and crafting books to be able to spell June with booktitles. 🙄 I guess that means I need more books. 😁⠀
My first very amateurish attempt at book page art. These are supposed to be three hearts. ☺️⠀
I heard about the book S. in the Books on the Nightstand Podcast. I had to have it immediately. And I still haven‘t read it, because I don‘t know how. ⠀
Any suggestions how to read this book would be welcome. ⠀
I have a black thumb, but thankfully I have a lot of neighbors who don‘t, or I couldn‘t take photos of books and flowers 🌺 ⠀
#ReadingResolutions #BooksAndFlowers
A book about a bookstore and the wool blanket I crocheted this year. Three of my favorite things at once. 😍⠀
#ReadingResolutions #BookAndBlanket
Sabine Kuegler grew up in the jungle. ⠀
The birch tree in the background is the most nature-ish thing I‘ve grown up with. 😄⠀#CityKid
#ReadingResolutions #BooksAndNature
Not much of a case, but I guess if Sherlock Holmes returns you have to explain how he managed to do so. #Sherlocked
For day 7 I needed to buy ice cream, so I could take the picture. I totally wouldn‘t have bought ice cream otherwise. 😇⠀
#Riotgrams #IceCreamSweetTreats
For Duologies, Trilogies and more I have chosen Wolfgang Hohlbeins „Chronik der Unsterblichen“ (Chronicle of the Immortals). There are some more books in the series I don‘t own yet. #riotgrams #DuologiesTrilogiesAndMore
I need more shelving. There‘s two layers of books on every bit of shelfspace I have.
#ReadingResolutions #SaturdayShelfie
Let‘s see how many of those books I am actually able to read this month.
#ReadingResolutions #JuneTBR
The library of Bremen is so nice that the Town Musicians of Bremen come here to read regularly.
Also, I want to steal that book sofa.
#riotgrams #library #bremen #somebodystolethedonkeysbook
I just wanted to go to the post office to collect my Amazon order, when I came by a bookstore that had a sale. Needless to say I came home with ten new books instead of the three I ordered. 😇#MountTBR #bookhaul #booksarejustjumpinginmyshoppingcartagainstmywill
It took me longer to get into this book than into A man called Ove, but that may be because I am secretly a grumpy old man and not a little kid. 😉
Three hours into it I was crying again, and I knew the book would be good. I had a hard time keeping up with the fairy tales, but in the end it felt like magic, when everything clicked into place and fit together perfectly.
The book is creepy and had a lot of unexpected twists for such a short novel, but the ending felt like a cliffhanger to me.
I read more books than I thought.
#ReadingResolutions #AprilWrapUp #WrapUp #AprilStats #MonthlyStats #MonthlyWrapUp
A Man Called Ove was by far my favourite.
11:18 of reading in 24 hours. That‘s about 422 pages.
Not bad for someone who just restarted reading regularly 2-3 weeks ago. 😄
One more reading session and now back to listening while I devour my pizza 🍕
Today I will remember to stand up and stretch and move around before my back starts to ache.
A little light reading because I‘m getting tired.
The book is adorable. And the hedgehog has the best name ever. 😂
Book progress.
Plus 1.5 hours of the audiobook Queen of Shadown, because I needed to move around a little.
First book of the #readathon is finished.
I may need to read more of the Kay Scarpetta series. Because I don‘t already have enough books to read. 😄
The Color Purple is next on the pile.
Rereading the first few books of the series before reading books five to nine, cause I couldn‘t for the life of me remember what happened.
So in this book Andrej unwillingly starts fighting and becomes aware of his unusual nature. That he weirdly never wondered about before. Oh well…
Finally I found out what happened to Sam and got to know more about Arobynn. Everytime I read a name I already knew I was delighted to find out something more about them.