3/5. Was ok but the author went on little tangents that didn‘t seem important to the story and I‘d find myself having to figure out what was being described
Heart breaking but such an important story. So tragic these things happened 5/5
3/5, I didn‘t like the ending but it had me all the way through
Enchanting, took me a bit to get into because it‘s not a normal read for me but I really enjoyed it.
4/5. The end seemed a bit rushed but other than that a good read
This was an intriguing book with likeable characters and well written. I read it in 2 days
4/5 a good book about Nero
5/5. We read this in our homeschool. It was very good at showing the differences between Athens and Sparta
5/5 this book ripped my heat out then as if that wasn't enough promptly stomped on it. I think I cried the last few chapters.