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December 1st: Red & Green ❤️💚
#FestivePhotoChallenge #MistletoeManiacs #WinterGames2020

❄️16 points

vonnie862 I have that Jane Austen book! 3y
MoonWitch94 @vonnie862 Did you enjoy it? I haven‘t looked at it yet but I will be doing so soon. 3y
vonnie862 I have not. It was gifted to me last Christmas. I hope to read it for this year's #wintergames. 3y
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The Results are in | Michelle Bowles Jackson
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#WinterGames2020 #TeamReadNosedReindeer The results are in! Congrats goes to the #MerryReaders for being so darn Merry! We may have come second in the games but we did so well and I‘m proud of everyone who joined in. @aperfectmjk was a rockstar and earned over 35000 points for our team! And @Crazeedi is the winner of the extra prize - girls reach out to me on Slack for more info. Thanks to my amazing cohost @Clwojick - girl you‘re a superstar!

Clwojick Way to go #ReadNosedReindeer! ♥️❄️🎄💚 4y
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Crazeedi Oh wow!!! Thank you Renee! I'm so sorry I was a wash the last week, you know why I just had a rough week, but you are the best team leader ever! Such encouragement and support, you are very special, and thanks from the bottom of my heart💞💗💕💟 4y
Bookgoil Amazing job everyone!!‘ 😍❤️ 4y
Crazeedi Congrats @aperfectmjk way to go!!👏👏🎉 4y
StayCurious @Crazeedi you‘re a superstar Diane ❤️ 4y
CocoReads Congrats to the #MerryReaders. I had a blast and it was a lot of fun! 4y
Sarahreadstoomuch Congratulations to all!! 4y
SeaToSkyes Congrats everyone! It was so much fun! 4y
Butterfinger Congratulations to you both @aperfectmjk @Crazeedi 4y
aperfectmjk SAY WHAAAAAT??? I never win anything! Here I was thinking I didn't do enough. I kept telling my husband I didn't have time to spend with him because I needed to read. Haha. I really wanted our team to win darn it 4y
aperfectmjk I accidentally hit "Send". I also wanted to say what an amazing time I had and what a wonderful team we had. I enjoyed chatting with all of you on Slack! I made some new friends, and discovered some new books... and you know what... Christmas books aren't all that bad. And Renee... YOU'RE AMAZING! ? 4y
Alora Congratulations everyone!! I had so much fun! Thank you again to our hosts for putting this all together! ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
EliNeedsMoreShelves Congrats to @aperfectmjk and @Crazeedi - you are both rock stars!! Thanks so much to @StayCurious - you were a fabulous leader & made it so much fun!! 4y
Kimberlone Had a super fun time with this years event! Thanks to @StayCurious and @Clwojick for hosting again! 4y
Crazeedi @EliNeedsMoreShelves thank you, everyone was great💕 4y
Crazeedi @Butterfinger thank you, our group was amazing 4y
Crazeedi @StayCurious 🥰💕😻 4y
TheDaysGoBy Thank you for all you did! It was so fun! 4y
Bookwormjillk Thanks @StayCurious 🎊🎉 4y
Lizpixie Congrats @aperfectmjk @Crazeedi on your wins! Thank you to all on Team #ReadNosedReindeer for being so awesome!🙌 (edited) 4y
sharread ❤🥳🥳🥳🥳☃️☃️☃️☃️ 4y
TheSpineView I had a great time and think we are all winners! Thanks so much @StayCurious and @Clwojick for hosting! 4y
maich We all did so great. Congrats to @aperfectmjk and @Crazeedi 🎉🎉🎊💕 4y
FantasyChick Congrats @aperfectmjk @Crazeedi and the whole #ReadNosedReindeer team! Can't wait until next year!! 😊 4y
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Winter Games | Melissa J. Morgan
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Congratulations team! The #WinterGames2020 was a huge success. Sadly, my month was busier than expected, so I apologized that I couldn‘t comment and interact with you guys as much as I usually would.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions, or if you have any favourite activities that you‘d like to see in the next event. We‘re always making notes and learning from past events to ensure we‘re bringing you the best events possible. 💚♥️

Clwojick A HUGE thank you to my wonderful cohost @StayCurious ♥️ I simply could not have done this without you! ♥️💚 4y
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Clwojick GO #MERRYREADERS! ♥️🎄❄️ 4y
candc320 Woo hoo!! Congrats #merryreaders!!! And thanks so much, @Clwojick , for all the fun! 4y
Laughterhp Wow great job everyone!! 4y
Texreader Oops! I thought I had until today to post my last week‘s points. 4y
MsRadioSilence Ahh!! Congrats everyone!! 4y
Jerdencon Congrats #merryreaders 🎉🎉 4y
Allylu Woohoo! #MerryReaders !!! 💕🎄🎶📚🎉🎈🎅🏻 4y
Crazeedi Congrats #merryreaders!! 4y
Lizpixie Woohooo🙌🙌 Did we win? 4y
aperfectmjk Wow! Talk about rockstars! Way to go @Lizpixie @FantasyChick @Read4life Amazing job! No wonder the Merry Readers won it all! 👏👏👏👏 4y
Clwojick @Lizpixie we did! 🥳 4y
Moll Yayyy!! Well done everyone! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Those are some crazy points!! I had so much fun with this this year - I do think that having everyone comment on one or two posts for games instead of individually posting them did help cut back on the “spam“ aspect - the WG posts I saw this year seemed a lot more book-oriented. 4y
MartinaLove I'm going to try to participate next year. This year, Christmas was rrally sad for me. Maybe next year I'll be able to play the games. 4y
FantasyChick WooHoo!! Another great year for the #WinterGames 🥳🥳 Had a blast playing along, as usual! 4y
Read4life This was so much fun! Thank you for putting this together. This was my first Winter Games but hopefully not my last. 💙 4y
Andrew65 Apologies not able to send in my final scores last week, from Sunday had to be totally consumed in work due to union actions and then lockdown. Over 3 nights had 8 hrs sleep and worked non stop for nine days. Now exhausted and struggling to read. Well done to all #MerryReaders and thanks for having my back. 😍🥰 4y
Clwojick @Andrew65 No worries! Hopefully everything starts to look up for you! ♥️ 4y
Andrew65 @Clwojick Not looking likely at moment, totally crazy. Last week I finished 1 book, a 33 page audiobook that listened to when I couldn‘t sleep. This new variant so infectious and changing everything! Set some very difficult weeks ahead as motor on with vaccinations, 4y
Clwojick @Andrew65 power through! And know that I‘m here if you ever need someone to rant to! Sending calming peaceful vibes your way! 4y
Andrew65 @Clwojick Thanks 🥰, today been most normal day of year so far. 4y
Clwojick @Andrew65 fingers crossed it just gets better abs better 🤞🏻❤️ 4y
Andrew65 @Clwojick 🤞🤞🤞🤞 4y
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Winter Games | Melissa J. Morgan
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A huge thank you to everyone to participated in the #WinterGames2020! I managed to get 21,419 points for the #Merryreaders & read a total of 52 books! I had a blast, though I wish I had more time for the games. ❄️

OriginalCyn620 Impressive! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 thanks to you and @StayCurious for hosting! So much fun! 4y
Crazeedi Yay!! 4y
Inkblotsandcoffeestains Thanks to you and @StayCurious for hosting! I love this event so much! 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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I had completely forgotten that this last week for #WinterGames2020 was only three days! So I didn‘t get to 500 points like I wanted, but I did get a good amount!

Thanks again to the awesome @Clwojick and @StayCurious for this amazing event!

Week 1: 310 + Week 2: 223 + Week 3: 451 + Week 4: 364 + Week 5: 271 = 1,629

#MerryReaders #WinterGames2020

Clwojick ❤ Thanks so much for participating! You did great! 👏 4y
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253 points for the final week of the #WinterGames2020! This has been so fun😍 Thanks @Clwojick and team #merryreaders 🙌

Clwojick Way to go!!! ♥️♥️ 4y
Moll Woohoo!! 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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I had a great time participating in #wintergames2020 #merryreaders

Thank you so much @Clwojick and @StayCurious for hosting!

Clwojick Amazing! Way to go! ♥️❄️🎄 4y
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Winter Games | John Lacombe
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My #WinterGames final check in...
Week 5 was a catch up week on posts so I have an additional 13,657 points to report, bringing my total score to 24,914 points!

Considering what a busy work month I had, I am surprised I got this high. Thank you so much @Clwojick for being a great team captain. All the effort you and @StayCurious put into this is greatly appreciated! Both of you are the BEST! I had lots of fun!
#wintergames2020 #merryreaders

TheSpineView Great job! 👍 4y
Clwojick You did great! Amazing! Way to go! ♥️❄️🎄 4y
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My total for #WinterGames2020 for team #ReadNosedReindeer is 7282 points!

TheSpineView Awesome! 4y
StayCurious that's so amazing! 4y
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