Ep. 45: https://bit.ly/45YaZA3 - Catch up - Fantasy special #mindduckbooks #podcast #book #quote #pulling #wings #off #angels #parker
Ep. 45: https://bit.ly/45YaZA3 - Catch up - Fantasy special #mindduckbooks #podcast #book #quote #pulling #wings #off #angels #parker
So I know this isn‘t exactly book-related, but these two #SchnauzersofLitsy have been so awesome at comforting me this week while I‘ve been sick. Despite having received the flu vaccine this season, I tested positive for Influenza-A today. 🤧🙄😞 So I wanted to recognize #Jenna and #Parker for #NationalLoveYourPetDay! Yep, that‘s a real thing, I checked 🤣 The only good thing about being sick — I am getting to read for pleasure a lot this week! 📚
#Wonder by #RJPalacio is both #heartbreaking 💔 and #heartwarming 💗. I made it through 256 pages yesterday, and plan to finish it this morning. I took another day off to recover from this sinus infection (or whatever it is 🤧🙄). I did get a flu shot this season, so I‘m hoping it‘s not that🤞🏼. My sweet #schnauzersoflitsy are comforting me and melting my heart as always. #DogsofLitsy #Dogs🐾 #ThisRemindsMeOf 💔 #BeKind | #BeKindMovement 💙
“The job of a good dog was ultimately to be with them, remaining by their sides no matter what course their lives might take. All I could do now was offer him comfort, the assurance that as he left this life he was not alone but rather was tended by the dog who loved him more than anything in the whole world.” - A Dog‘s Purpose 😍🐾😭 | Day 20: #Dogs (or cats) - #ReadingResolutions
This sweet face melts my 💙. Snuggling this little guy (and his sister) while catching up on #TWITC today. #LitsyBuddyRead #DogsofLitsy | #Schnauzersoflitsy | #PetsofLitsy | #Parker
1. Pictured are my lovable #schnauzersoflitsy @TricksyTails
2. iPhone, no question
3. Nuts in cookies so long as they‘re not soggy 😣
4. The Women in the Castle for #litsybuddyread
5. Softball to play, college basketball to watch #UKWildcats
#LetsMakeTricksySmile - Hope everything is ok? 🤗
#Petslitsy #Dogsoflitsy #Jenna and #Parker
These two miniature #SchnauzersOfLitsy are tuckered out. I sat down my book for only a minute and Jenna has already claimed it. 😂 #Schnauzers #SuperbowlSunday #Football 🏈 #MeltMyHeart 💙 #Jenna & #Parker 💙 I am trying to stay awake to watch #ThisIsUs tonight after the game. Are any of you staying up to watch it?
#BackToReading | Day 3| #BooksandNooks
This is my #ReadingNook💕Also pictured is my #schnauzer (Parker) 💕and a page from my #bulletjournal 💕The #bookshelf at the top is #borrowed, but if I owned many physical books - this is how I would decorate my shelf.
#TheBreakdown is what I am #currentlyreading | Cass finds a woman dead in her car, but she doesn't stop. Now everyday since, she can't get the woman out of her head. Is someone watching Cass?
Čudovita knjiga! Super lahka romantična zgodba, hitro se vživiš v zgodbo in like.
Beautiful love story! Great characters. It's sad story with happy ending. I love it! 😍💏💜💕🔝#vrednaljubezni #worthyoflove #Lori #Parker #greatstory #beautiful #loveit #romance #newadult #contemporary #romantsy
Sweet love story! Great series! 😍😻🔝💞 #happyeverafter #bridequartet #Parker #Malcolm #thebestbook #loveit #favorite #sweetstory #beautiful #romance #contemporary #romantsy