Ep. 19: https://bit.ly/3puNbn0 - - Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club #mindduckbooks #podcast #book #quote #Snow #Country #Yasunari #Kawabata #classic #japanese #literature #mind #duck #books
Ep. 19: https://bit.ly/3puNbn0 - - Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club #mindduckbooks #podcast #book #quote #Snow #Country #Yasunari #Kawabata #classic #japanese #literature #mind #duck #books
Ep. 44: https://bit.ly/3IJmr8O - - O. S. Card, Speaker for the Dead #mindduckbooks #podcast #book #quote #mind #duck #books
Ep. 44: https://bit.ly/3IJmr8O - - O. S. Card, Speaker for the Dead #mindduckbooks #podcast #book #quote #mind #duck #books
Ep. 45: https://bit.ly/45YaZA3 - Catch up - Fantasy special #mindduckbooks #podcast #book #quote #mind #duck #books
Ep. 43: https://bit.ly/3MvKfQ5 - - Oyinkan Braithwaite, My Sister, the Serial Killer #mindduckbooks #podcast #book #quote #mind #duck #books #my #sister #serial #killer #oyinkan #braithwaite
Ep. 45: https://bit.ly/45YaZA3 - Catch up - Fantasy special #mindduckbooks #podcast #book #quote #pulling #wings #off #angels #parker