Since I'm at my parents' house for a few days, this is where most of my reading takes place. (Please ignore the green, 1970's carpet.) #BooksAndNooks #BackToReading
Since I'm at my parents' house for a few days, this is where most of my reading takes place. (Please ignore the green, 1970's carpet.) #BooksAndNooks #BackToReading
#backtoreading #booksandnooks #porchparadise
I am becoming a repetitive bore, but my porch is my book nook when home. Otherwise, I read anywhere.
@Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck
I plan to set up a new reading nook in my librar-office but for now, this is my reading space, along with my cozy blankets and Baby Dinosaur's book. #booksandnooks #BacktoReading @Tiffy_Reads
And my last reading challenge before making an early night of it is #backtoreading hosted by @Tiffy_Reads ! Today is #booksandnooks. This is the closest to a nook I have - my favorite place to read! Today I tried and failed to read this literacy classic here. :)
I don't have a book book (yet) but I do have my own couch corner! This is where I do most of my reading. #booksandnooks #backtoreading
#backtoreading #booksandnooks
I really wouldn't mind having this as my book nook but for now I'll have to settle with my bed and reading chair. Picture from Pinterest.
#backtoreading #booksandnooks
Most of my reading happens during my commute (tram and walking), at lunch and bedtime. Occasionally I'll have a totally free day where I can grab a book and a snack and sit in this chair near the big window and the big light. Closest thing I have to a book nook.
#backtoreading Apart from the car today, this is my reading nook tonight. #booksandnooks
So tired not sure any more reading will happen.
@Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck
I don't have a great reading spot where I live but I have a Pinterest board full of inspiration for someday! This one is Jackie Kennedy Onassis' library in New York. #booksandnooks #BacktoReading (Also the book I tagged is an interesting read.) @Tiffy_Reads
This is my sun porch- my favorite place to read. It's off the second story, so when I look out the windows is like I'm up in a tree house.
#booksandnooks #backtoreading
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads