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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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Bestselling author Pat Conroy acknowledges the books that have shaped him and celebrates the profound effect reading has had on his life. Pat Conroy, the beloved American storyteller, is a voracious reader. Starting as a childhood passion that bloomed into a life-long companion, reading has been Conroys portal to the world, both to the farthest corners of the globe and to the deepest chambers of the human soul. His interests range widely, from Milton to Tolkien, Philip Roth to Thucydides, encompassing poetry, history, philosophy, and any mesmerizing tale of his native South. He has for years kept notebooks in which he records words and expressions, over time creating a vast reservoir of playful turns of phrase, dazzling flashes of description, and snippets of delightful sound, all just for his love of language. But for Conroy reading is not simply a pleasure to be enjoyed in off-hours or a source of inspiration for his own writing. It would hardly be an exaggeration to claim that reading has saved his life, and if not his life then surely his sanity. In My Reading Life, Conroy revisits a life of reading through an array of wonderful and often surprising anecdotes: sharing the pleasures of the local librarys vast cache with his mother when he was a boy, recounting his decades-long relationship with the English teacher who pointed him onto the path of letters, and describing a profoundly influential period he spent in Paris, as well as reflecting on other pivotal people, places, and experiences. His story is a moving and personal one, girded by wisdom and an undeniable honesty. Anyone who not only enjoys the pleasures of reading but also believes in the power of books to shape a life will find here the greatest defense of that credo.BONUS:This ebook edition includes an excerpt from Pat Conroy'sThe Death of Santini.
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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My favorites include, in no particular order:
Locke & Key: the Golden Age
Grandma Gatewood‘s Walk
The Kind Worth Killing
The Twist of a Knife
Under the Bayou Moon
Storyteller (Dave Grohl)
West With Giraffes
Remarkably Bright Creatures
Deaf Utopia
Mrs. Everything
Gender Queer
Taste (Stanley Tucci)
Both Finlay Donovan books
Becoming Unbecoming

Kimzey Thanks for the recommendations! Happy New Year! 2y
KathyWheeler @Kimzey You‘re welcome. Happy New Year to you too! 2y
Ruthiella Well done! 👏👏👏 Happy New Year! 2y
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Reggie I wish I could audiowalk like you. I don‘t have the attention span. Great job and Happy New Year! 2y
KathyWheeler @Ruthiella Happy New Year! 2y
KathyWheeler @Reggie Walking and in the car are the only times my mind doesn‘t wander when I listen to audiobooks. Happy New Year to you too! (edited) 2y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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I had 11 5⭐️ reads. Maybe this was a better year than I originally thought.

Megabooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 2y
Reggie Great job and Happy New Year! 2y
RebelReader Happy New Year @Reggie 2y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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📚Organized By Feel. Lols. I have a bookshelf filled with just female authors. An entire section of the house has shelves of middle grade/YA fiction/children‘s classics; another with literary novels. Picturebooks are neatly arranged in several book cases with ikea foldable boxes tagged/labeled
📚We have over 20 husband-made bookshelves at home, not counting the ones in our bedrooms
📚I only buy physical books. Paperback mostly

GatheringBooks Thank you for the tag, @Eggs 2y
Ruthiella “Organized by feel” is a perfect explanation! 👍 2y
Eggs ❤️❤️ 2y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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This is my final #Top21Of21 - this time fiction picturebook edition. Here is the full link:


merelybookish You are an awesome resource! Thank you for these wonderful lists! 3y
GatheringBooks @merelybookish my absolute pleasure! Thank you for tagging me - gave me an excuse to do this end-of-year round-up! 💕💕💕 3y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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My top ten for 2021!

Emilymdxn I loved Night Bitch SO much! 3y
kyraleseberg @Emilymdxn Me too 😍 3y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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Not bad at all considering how dramatic the year was (globally and personally). I'll post my favorites soon!

DivineDiana Incredible achievement! 👏🏻📚👏🏻 3y
kyraleseberg @DivineDiana Thank you!! 💕 3y
Cupcake12 Wow! 3y
Reggie Great Job! 3y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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You have unleashed a monster, @merelybookish - here is my #Top21Of21 - nonfiction picturebook edition. Here is the GatheringBooks link: https://wp.me/pDlzr-o0c

merelybookish These lists are wonderful Myra! So many amazing picture books. Wish my kids still liked them. 3y
merelybookish Although I'm tempted to buy myself a picture book a out Gwendolyn Brooks. 🙂 3y
GatheringBooks @merelybookish that one was gorgeous! But the one on nina simone is a league of its own 3y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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Thank you, @merelybookish for tagging me on your #Top21of21 started off by @Cinfhen - here‘s my top 21 books read in 2021. Naturally this does not include picturebooks as that deserves its own post.

Here is the link to my year in books: https://gatheringbooks.org/2021/12/29/my-2021-in-books/

Tagging @Reggie @batsy - would love to see yours, too, if you have already posted one! 💕💕💕📚📚📚

merelybookish I knew you'd have an amazing list! The only one I've read is Heartberries ❤️ and I have a few others stacked. But plan to stack the rest! What is your reading theme this year? 3y
GatheringBooks @merelybookish i am so happy you asked. Our reading theme for 2022 is #DecolonizeBookshelves2022. Will post about this soonest! 💕 3y
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GatheringBooks @megnews likewise! I think i pre-ordered it - am a huge fan of Maria Popova and Brainpickings - which is now rebranded to The Marginalian. :) 3y
Cinfhen Ugh, my phone needs a larger screen!! Will have another look once I‘m home and can get to my iPad 😁excited to see your list!!! 3y
batsy Thank you for the tag! I did mine a few days back :) Your list is so varied and fun. I loved America Is Not the Heart and Aya ❤️ Pet is high on my list! 3y
GatheringBooks @Cinfhen hahhaa - the link to the website will have a bigger resolution i think. :) 3y
GatheringBooks @batsy oooh! Will check your posts now. 📚📚📚💕💕💕 3y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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I do not recommend a mixing of house moving and reading time! 🤣🤣

AmyG I second that. 3y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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Oooooo……. My download is ready! Pity I‘m at work! But I might be able to sneak a quick scan whilst on a zoom meeting later!

Scochrane26 This is one of the few I haven‘t read by him. Think I need to read The Boo, Death Of Santini, & this. 3y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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#FallTreasures Day 2: #AugustStats - pretty dismal 😭😭😭

Eggs A lovely month! You had a lot of travel/family time and memory-making to do 🥰🥰 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻🧡📚 3y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻📚❤️ 3y
Eggs 👏🏻📖🥳📚👍🏼 3y
sharread Love that photo! ❤👍 3y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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My reading moods for this year as per the Storygraph app.


NataliePatalie Oooo very reflective 3y
NataliePatalie I wanna try lol 3y
Blueberry The reflective pie piece is larger because I've been reading more religious nonfiction and self-help books to help me get through the last 20 months. 3y
ChaoticMissAdventures I just saw a tiktok about storygraph! I had never heard of it, but it was developed by a Black woman? I want to try, do you like the app?? 3y
Blueberry @ChaoticMissAdventures The graphs are fun. There are also challenges you can do and add friends. I haven't done that part. I mostly keep the book lists so I can look at the charts.😆 But I prefer Goodreads if I was only going to keep one list. Storygraph is also more interactive by giving a template to provide reader stats about books read. Hard to explain. 3y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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#LovePrevails Day 4: Here is my #JanuaryStats which I actually shared a few days ago too! 💕💕📚📚📚

Eggs Great photo - great reading👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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I may finish another book or two before the official end of 2020 - regardless, I am so proud of the reading I've done in the midst of all this *gestures wildly at the general state of the world* chaos!

Reggie Great job! 4y
kyraleseberg @Reggie Thank you 🤗 4y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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After way too much deliberation, I‘m going for it and naming these as my #20best2020😅 Thanks for the tag Cindy & Carolyn 😘😘

MrsMalaprop Ooh, I‘ve only read two of those! Will try to compose my selection soon @CarolynM 😊. 4y
JennyM @MrsMalaprop #ozfiction was outstanding this year. I think there‘s 7 in my list. Looking forward to seeing yours x 4y
Freespirit Great year of reading Jen! I have Notes from an Ex and The Dutch House on my pile to read😍 4y
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MrsMalaprop Ooh, make that three that I‘ve read: Olive, Notes & Dutch House 👏. 4y
JennyM @Freespirit both are wonderful. I started 2020 with Notes and it was beautiful. Have you done your list? I‘d love to see your picks (edited) 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Stoner and Shotgun Lovesongs 🙌. I‘m adding a few #ozfiction 4y
vivastory Stoner strikes again! 4y
JennyM @vivastory @erzascarletbookgasm Loved Stoner, and I only read it because of all the litsy love ❤️ 4y
BarbaraBB Fab list! I really want to read The Altruists and I have Plow on my best of list too 💕 4y
JennyM @BarbaraBB I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed The Altruists. Very smart writing. Hope you enjoy lovely 😘 4y
Cinfhen I‘m looking forward to Exciting Times though I didn‘t love the Rooney novels, which are often compared. I‘m curious about some of your other titles as they are new to me!! Thanks for sharing your list 😍 4y
JennyM @Cinfhen I can understand the Rooney comparisons (for me it does have a similar vibe in the first 1/4 & there‘s the Irish Trinity connection), but lots of people get very cranky in the comparisons as it is also very different. Looking forward to seeing where it lands for you 😊Lots of ausssie reads this year in my list - not sure all have been released yet o/s (edited) 4y
CarolynM Great list! I've read a few and have a few more on my TBR (I hope Father Christmas has been checking it😂) My list was a bit light on for #ozfiction this year. I've read a few good ones, but only a couple that were truly outstanding. One that I did include on my list was just for entertainment value. 4y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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In no particular order, except that Run and Summer are probably the absolute standouts for the year. Honourable mentions for Writers & Lovers and Pereira Maintains, and for sheer entertainment value, A Sudden Death in Cyprus.
Thanks for tagging me @Cinfhen @Centique
I'd love to see your lists @LeeRHarry @JennyM @Rissreads @Freespirit @MrsMalaprop

Freespirit Some great books!! I will get to work on my list! 4y
LeahBergen What a great bunch of reads! Which reminds me... shall we schedule Barchester Towers for January? 🤔 4y
CarolynM @LeahBergen Sounds good to me🙂 4y
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Cinfhen Love it 😍 we share a few picks!! There are 2 books I‘m for sure curious about, The Perlman and 4y
Cinfhen Ohhhh and this one on audio 4y
Centique I‘ve taken a screenshot so I can catch up on some of these. It was a Willa Cather year for you 😍 4y
TrishB Screenshot too! 4y
batsy @LeahBergen @CarolynM I can't believe we read The Warden earlier this year!? It feels like an entire lifetime ago 😳 I'm all aboard the Trollope train and would love to join in for Barchester Towers 🙂 4y
BarbaraBB Wow, great list. Screenshotting too! 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Of course I screen shot too! 4y
LeahBergen @batsy I couldn‘t believe it either!!! 😮 And of COURSE you‘ll be Trollope-ing with us. 😘 4y
JennyM Fab list! I am working on mine 🙂 4y
Graywacke Fun list! 4y
Rissreads It‘s great to see the books you gift people being read! I will look at this soon. I‘m too busy to even read much at the moment, very strange and annoying! 4y
CarolynM @Rissreads Hope it's good busy🙂 My reading time has dropped significantly in the last few weeks as I've gone out in the world again. I went to a movie on Wednesday night and to a pub to hear some music last night. So nice to be able to do those things again! 4y
Rissreads It sounds like you are living your life! X 4y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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Here you go @Cinfhen my #20best2020 There won‘t be a nonfiction edition because I hardly read any this year! My year of reading (some) modern classics influenced the top row for sure. I‘ve put my favourite fantasy and sci fi on the bottom right. And for some reason Yaqui Delgado is living in my brain - highly recommend it for a YA about bullying.

Are some of you thinking about your top twenty yet? @CarolynM @Tanisha_A @merelybookish @LeahBergen

batsy Look at that selection 😍 So many on my TBR (stop me if you've heard that one before 😂) Glad that the Moshfegh was one of your faves! I still think about it long after I've read it. 4y
CarolynM I'm delighted to see Too Much Lip on your list🙂 4y
Centique @batsy yes I can‘t stop thinking about it too. The audio version was so immersive. I‘ll read that again one day for sure. 😍 4y
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Centique @CarolynM oh yes it‘s a firm favourite. Foals Bread was a contender too - I just had so many 5 star reads this year. (Good problem to have!) 4y
Cinfhen Such a wonderful assortment of books💕💕💕it was a good reading year!! I‘m gonna look for the audio for 4y
Tanisha_A Wow! Fabulous list, I have read only 2 out of them - Olive K, and My Year of R&R and loved both. Screenshot-ting this. ❤️ Thanks for tagging, will share my list. 😘 4y
TrishB Screenshot 👍🏻 because I need more book lists. 4y
rockpools There goes my TBR 😂😂. I‘ve only read Small Island of these - so many I‘ve just not got to! You‘ve almost convinced me to try the Moshfegh 😁I‘ll start thinking - but don‘t think I‘ll have a nf list this year either. 4y
Centique Thank you guys @Tanisha_A @TrishB @rockpools I look forward to seeing your lists! 4y
Centique @rockpools ps: I think the audio of the Mossfegh was so hypnotic, and during those stress points of this year, I could really relate to the character just wanting to zone out and not interact with anyone. But it‘s certainly not warm and cosy! Be so interested to hear what you think if you read it! 4y
rockpools @Centique Sounds like one for my one-day-not-right-now list, but i‘ll try for the audio when I do. 4y
Gogobooks 😻small island. Recommend her ‘the long song‘ too. 😻pachinko. Recommend her ‘free food for millionaires‘ 😻crossing to safety. Liked ‘angle of repose‘ even more. 👏🏻 somerset maugham. ? How do you create one of these book boards? Like it!! Thanks. 4y
Centique @Gogobooks thanks! I‘ll add those to my TBR, I have Angle of Repose at the top of my list for next year. Making the board is a little bit of work. I use an app called PicCollage. I screenshot each book from Amazon, trim each one to size (in the normal iPhone photos app) - then open PicCollage and select the 20 photos. PicCollage has a variety of grids so I just pick a square shape (to suit Litsy) - then save the finished board as a photo. Phew! 4y
Gogobooks Thank you for explaining it. I m not tech fluent!🤖 4y
LeeRHarry I have Big Ship on my TBR- can‘t wait to read it 😊 4y
merelybookish Thanks for the tag! I plan to screenshot your picks! I've read a few on there but many I have not! 4y
andrew61 Great list, I read human bondage many years ago but found a 2nd hand copy in a charity shop, might give it a go in 2021 as I enjoyed cakes and ale last yr. Thanks again for the tag im enjoying looking at the thread. 4y
Centique @LeeRHarry it was so enjoyable. I look forward to seeing your review when you read it. 😊 4y
Centique @andrew61 I listened to it on audio so I hope the print experience is as good! It‘s less descriptive writing than some of the classics I read but it does cover a lot of periods in one life. If the print doesn‘t work for you, def try the audio. 🤞🤞 4y
Suet624 Just took a screenshot of your faves. Thanks for sharing!! 4y
Centique @Suet624 thank you! Let me know what you think if you read any of them 😊 4y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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Librarybelle Thanks for the tag! I‘ll look through my read books this year and come up with a list! 4y
KarenUK I‘ll get thinking! 💕 4y
AmyG Great list! I have some of those on mine, too. (edited) 4y
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BarbaraBB You read so many books and in the end we always love the same ones 💝. I‘ll start thinking about mine too! 4y
jenniferw88 I'm going to have to combine fiction and non-fiction this year, as I have a feeling fiction is going to be a lower number than usual. X 4y
Cinfhen PLEASE share your list @AmyG we generally like the same books!!! I can‘t wait to see what you all choose @Librarybelle @KarenUK @BarbaraBB it‘s weird @jenniferw88 but I think I had MANY more fiction choices than NF choices to choose from.... 4y
Hestapleton This is the second time I‘ve been tagged! Gonna have to spend some time thinking about this.... 4y
Cinfhen Opps... Sorry I missed your previous post @Hestapleton I can scroll through to see ♥️ 4y
AmyG @Cinfhen I will make up my list today! 4y
Hestapleton @Cinfhen I‘ve been tagged twice but haven‘t done it yet 😂 It‘s so hard to narrow down favorites!! 4y
Megabooks Girl I‘m still getting organized!! It will come!! 4y
Cinfhen I‘m holding my breath for your list(s) @Megabooks !!!!!!! 4y
Megabooks Also, I‘ve read 10 of these, bailed on 1 (Trust Exercise) and have a few more on my shelves! 4y
Cinfhen Awesome @AmyG I have a feeling I may be stacking books today 😜 4y
TheAromaofBooks Ooo some fun ones!! I need to pull together my list - @Chrissyreadit was also interested in seeing everyone's 2020 favorites & I still haven't posted!! 4y
Cinfhen Ohhh, I need to check @Chrissyreadit post!!! Not that my TBR is lacking but Tis The Season @TheAromaofBooks 4y
Cinfhen And it‘s DEC 2 @TheAromaofBooks just sayin.... 4y
TheAromaofBooks LOL I have to go through all my tags before I post stuff so I can collect all the last-minute #BookSpin lists 😂 Not my fault if some of those tags end up being people randomly telling me about the best books they read all year!! 😆 4y
Simona Stoner is still in my TBR list 😚 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Thanks for the tag. I‘ve only read Stoner and Alias Grace. I‘ll go through my reads. Can‘t wait to see everyone‘s lists! 4y
Cinfhen Hahaha @TheAromaofBooks you were just doing your due diligence/ I get it!!!!! I‘m SO happy with this month‘s draw 🙌🏻💕🥳 4y
Cinfhen I LOVED Stoner @Simona I think you will too! It‘s quiet but powerful, right @erzascarletbookgasm 4y
Deblovestoread Thanks for the tag, I‘ve been thinking about this and will work on my post soon! 4y
Cinfhen Excited to see your picks @Kdgordon88 🧡 4y
squirrelbrain You‘ve got 6 on there that might make it to my list - and I loved Stoner too but read that last year... It‘s going to take some time to figure this out though.... 🤔 4y
Cinfhen No rush @squirrelbrain Go Nuts 🥜 🐿 4y
TrishB Will have a think at the weekend, my brain power has gone by the end of the working day! 4y
Cinfhen Perfectly understandable @TrishB 4y
KarenUK Great list! I have many of these on my TBR for next year.... 💕 4y
Cinfhen We do match on a few @KarenUK but that doesn‘t really surprise me..... we tend to like the same books 4y
JennyM What a great year of reading you‘ve had - a really fab list! I will get my thinking 🧢 on. Decisions, decisions 🧐 4y
Centique Amazing list! I‘m so glad it‘s 20, I was trying to work out my top 10 yesterday and it was IMPOSSIBLE. 😍 4y
Crazeedi I love your picks, I have to come up with mine 4y
CarolynM Run and Beautiful Ruins are on my list too 🙂 4y
Freespirit Some awesome books on your list @Cinfhen ❤️ 4y
Reviewsbylola So glad Stoner made your list! 🙌🏻 4y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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squirrelbrain Well, duh! 🤣 4y
Crazeedi Yes of course, I dont even have Netflix, my imagination engaged in reading is better than any movie or show 4y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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#MagicalMay Day 31: Here is my #MayStats. Not too shabby.

Eggs Excellent 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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#AcrossApril Day 30: Here is my #AprilStats. Pretty abysmal, but it was a crazy time at work. I did manage to complete two inter-institutional research proposals though: one with University College London (UCL), the other with Education University of Hong Kong (EduHK). Cross fingers both will get funded. 💕🧚🏼‍♀️📚

LinesUponAPage Lovely photo! 4y
Eggs Beautiful!! Thanks for participating every day of April. Are you in the U.S.? 4y
GatheringBooks @Eggs thank you so much for being such a fab host and for visiting our posts every day. that is commitment! 💕 I am based in the UAE with my family. We just moved here less than a year ago from Singapore where we lived for 11 years! We do have family in the US (Bay Area) whom we visit regularly almost every year. :) 4y
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#MagnificentMarch Day 31: #MarchWrapUp
#MarchMadness Day 31: #MarchStats
I thought of combining both reading challenges into one. Only 31 books read for March, a large chunk consists of picturebooks, as per usual.
Photo was taken during my birthday week early this month at an airbnb overlooking the Persian Gulf at Ras Al Khaimah.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Looks so comfy!! 5y
Eggs Lovely!! Thanks for participating this month❤️🤗 5y
Velvetfur That's a great photo, I love that gorgeous blue in the background and the big comfy chair 😊 5y
OriginalCyn620 Gorgeous photo! 😊 5y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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What do y‘all think?

Nute I get it! I am trying to spend more time with the books that I already own to slow down on purchasing new books. Good luck to you and your endeavor! 5y
MsLeah8417 No use of the local public library? Oh my!😔 5y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads I usually end up not reading the books I get from the library @msleah8417 although I love going there. I read a lot of old books and classics. 5y
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DrSabrinaMoldenReads Thanks @nute. We shall see what happens. 5y
MsLeah8417 I get lots of backlist books & classics from my local public library. I was just surprised by the statement. Happy reading. 5y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads I did not explain well @MsLeah8417 Classic and backlist books are those I collect and want to keep. I often buy them on Thrift Books or at thrift shops. I have typically gotten new or contemporary fiction books at the public library. If there is a real old book I want to read that can‘t be purchased, I often can find it at the University Library here. 5y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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#AuldLangReads Day 31: My #JanuaryFinale with some of my best reads for the month. Not bad.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚🙌🏻❤️🎉 5y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome! 😊 5y
MissAimz_55 Beautiful 5y
vivastory You always have great food/book pics! 5y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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Slajaunie Love this picture! 5y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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(Day 9: Blue) Books by a few of my favorite authors. Only book I haven‘t read is The Neverending Story, one of my favorite childhood movies. It‘s on the TBR, though. #ColormePretty #PhotoChallenge @Sweetkokoro

Scochrane26 Pat conroy is one of my favorites, but I haven‘t re-read any of his in yrs because they traumatize & break me. Not many authors can do that. 5y
Lady_Tigana_20 @Scochrane26, Yeah, I usually ugly cry when I read his. MY READING LIFE was a nice change of pace. I don‘t remember crying. I even got my book club to read it. 5y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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I miss Litsy! I am not on as often as I used to be and my TBR list is growing. When I started working at the library part time two years it really cut down on my reading time. But it is totally worth it because I love it! And a week from tomorrow I will become the library director! I am so excited and can‘t wait!

wanderinglynn Congrats! That's awesome news! 🎉 👏 👏 👏 5y
Lcsmcat Congratulations! 5y
Erofan Wow! Congrat 🎉🎉🎉 5y
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Birdsong28 Congrats 🎊🎉📚📖 5y
ReadingSusan @wanderinglynn @Lcsmcat @Erofan thanks so much! It was a long interview process. So excited it‘s over. 5y
LeahBergen Congratulations! 5y
Chelsea.Poole Congratulations! 5y
Zelma Wow, so exciting! Congratulations! 👏👍 5y
BethFishReads Congrats (edited) 5y
SarahHarts_books Yay!! Congrats to you!! That's awesome!!! 🙌🎉🎉 5y
Jas16 Congratulations! 5y
Librarybelle Congratulations! 5y
Leftcoastzen Congratulations!Stop In when you can! 5y
tracey38 Congratulations! 5y
BookwormAHN Congratulations 👏🏻 5y
CaliforniaCay How exciting! Congrats! 🥳🎉💚 5y
rwmg Congratulations, Susan
erzascarletbookgasm Congratulations! 5y
ReadingSusan Thank you so much everyone 💕💕 5y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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Enjoyed it a lot 💕

My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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I grew up a word-haunted boy. I felt words inside me and stored them wondrous as pearls. I mouthed them and fingered them and rolled them around on my tongue.

#quotes #patconroy #language #wordchoice

My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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Conroy brings up two interesting points discussing Gone With The Wind.

Mitchell‘s defense of the Confederacy and her romanticized view of it that defines the South for so many, even to this day.

The sheer joy of reading, even if the source material is highly suspect.

My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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I take it as an article of faith that the novels I‘ve read will live inside me forever 😊

#quote #patconroy #myreadinglife

My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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Hey! Don‘t judge! I am a “Bibliophile”. When I get the opportunity, these purposefully chosen books are going into a huge bookshelf I just purchased. They will be classified according to the Dewey Decimal System. Came on here to share how I have have been disappointed with myself this morning, came in here and fiddled around with my books and I feel lots better. They are a great mood enhancer for me...Happy Valentine‘s Day, Book Collection

SW-T @Joyfulmimi Visiting my books makes me feel better too! That and going to the library are instant mood enhancers 💕 (edited) 6y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads Same with me exactly @SW-T 6y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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Went to Biltmore House today and learned that George Vanderbilt had a lot in common with many of us bibliophiles. He kept a list of books read and even took one along, pictured, on his honeymoon.

My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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My reading snapshot for the past month. Going to do one at the start of every month 😊 Got 60 pages of The Hate U Give left but absolutely love it so put that down 😍
#mmdchallenge #modernmrsdarcy #mmdbookclub

BookwormM Love your overview how did you create it? 6y
suzie.reads @BookwormM It's from the modern Mrs Darcy reading challenge. When I signed up for it they email you a little pack to download 6y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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“Hey guys” ( in my granddaughter‘s voice), I really have not been here in a long time and I only need a calendar. For real! 😀

Jazruiz.2014 Only need a calendar but you got Starbucks, got lost inside, walked around 2hrs, and came out with more than a calendar...?? 😂🤪 6y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads I really, really only got a calendar!! @Jazruiz.2014 🥰 6y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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So after much research & debate I finally came up with a way to track my reading, although I can't take any credit for my system. I got it from @kate.olson.reads on Instagram (don't think she is on Litsy). I made a copy of her template & then tweaked it for me. I will include the link to mine & the link to @kate.olson.reads original post. This will track my books & I'll use a journal for my reading challenges b/c I like having both. See below

Lmstraubie Thanks to everyone for their feedback!😁 6y
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thebluestocking This is VERY cool! I use Google Sheets with columns for a lot of this data, but I love the idea of a Google Form! 6y
Lmstraubie @thebluestocking I know, right?!?! It was one of those moments when I went, "Oh! Why didn't I think of this???" 6y
sprainedbrain Love this! 6y
Lmstraubie @sprainedbrain You inspired me!! 6y
Flaneurette Thanks so much for sharing! Love this idea 6y
Lmstraubie @Flaneurette I hope you find it useful 🙂 6y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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I read the most books in one month in June (10) because I was not working that much then. Even though I will be busier in 2019, my goal is to read 100, about 2 a week. I need time to #readallthebooks #bibliophile #drjoyfulmimireads #drjoyfulmimi2019 #bujonewbie

My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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So happy and thrilled to have: read 69 (as of now) books this year, started Bullet Journaling and discovered Stoicism, the philosophy. These three things have been major in making this a great year. However, the birth of my granddaughter was the most epic and greatest thing.

Jazruiz.2014 I‘m going to do this in the new year. 6y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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Yes, I am a bibliophile, book addict...whatever. Yes, this is a glimpse of my “bookroom”/library. Yes, those are mirrors on the closet beside the bookshelf, which is behind the new bookshelf, showing other bookshelves and book stacks (in the mirrors) Did you get that? 🤣 Yes, I am about to have major fun putting books in this “new” bookcase I found at Goodwill along with a few “new books” of course. #findjoyinlife

bookcollecter I need so many bookcases right now. Glad you found one...was it a good deal? 6y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads I found it at a thrift store for $8.99 @bookcollecter 6y
bookcollecter Dan thats great! We have a goodwill in my area but the used furniture is really expensive for some reason. That book case would have been at least $50 6y
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DrSabrinaMoldenReads Wow! @bookcollecter 🤷🏽‍♀️ 6y
Louise I need to go bookshelf hunting in our local thrift stores ASAP! The piles of books are getting out of control! 😆 6y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads I need more. I am going to stay on the lookout now @louise 6y
Louise Yes! The problem isn‘t too many books but too few shelves! 🤓📚 6y
JHSiess Kindle for me. No room for more bookshelves & I don't want to pay the housekeeper to dust them! I'm going all digital. 👍 6y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads I LOVE books @JHSiess Probably almost as much as reading them (edited) 6y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy

My Reading Life - Part 1

These are my 'books read' figures for the last few years.

2012 - 52
2013 - 98
2014 - 39
2015 - 33
2016 - 43
2017 - 35

2013 I was off work sick, 2014 I had a baby thus the huge discrepancy.

My target for 2018 is 75. I'm currently on book No 59 so I don't think I will achieve it. Hopefully I will get to nearly 70.

I'd like my total to be higher though...

ephemeralwaltz Don't worry about the numbers. You do you! These are great stats! I've never approached 100 any year - good job!👏 6y
Birdsong28 Yes I agree with @ephemeralwaltz just read what you can as I read 57 in 2016, 91 in 2017 and currently at 75 for this year but just do what you can there is no rush/pressure. We all have things to do in life, and some people don't even read ( which is their choice) so whatever you do is a bonus 😀😀😀📚📖 6y
BookDragonNotWorm I've had to lower my reading goals as life gets more hectic, but I'm still really competitive with myself about hitting my mark. I don't listen to audio books, but I do throw in some YA books - they're shorter and I usually really like them, so it's a win/win! 😊 6y
CouronneDhiver I don‘t think the numbers are important at all. Take your time, enjoy your books and “BOO” to anyone who says otherwise 😉 6y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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Sending #BirthdayLove to @Read4life 📚❤️🎂🎵🎉🎈😃Hope you have a wonderful day❣️❣️❣️#TheBirthdayCrew

Cinfhen Happy birthday 🎂🎈🎉 @Read4life Hope your day is full of books & joy 😊 6y
Robothugs Happy birthday @Read4Life! Have an amazing day! 6y
TrishB Happy birthday 🎉🎉 6y
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kezzlou85 Happy Birthday @Read4life 🎂🎊🎉🎁 6y
julesG Happy Birthday @Read4life 🎂🎉💐🎈🎁 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Happy Birthday @Read4life 🎉🎊🎈🎁💗 6y
Librarybelle Happy Birthday @Read4life ! 6y
AsYouWish Happy Birthday!!!!🎊🎂🎉🎁🎈 6y
Pamwurtzler Happy birthday @Read4life !! 6y
JessClark78 Happy Birthday @Read4life 🎊🎂🎉 6y
GripLitGrl Happy birthday @Read4life 🎂🎈🎉 6y
robinb Happy Birthday @Read4life ! 🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈 Wishing you a day filled with lots of love and surprises! 6y
Jas16 Happy Birthday @Read4life 🎉🎁🎂🎈 6y
DGRachel Happiest of birthdays to you @Read4life 🎉🎁🎂🎁🎉 6y
Ddzmini Happy birthday 🎁🎂🎉🎈🎊 6y
Craftylikefox Happiest of Birthdays @Read4life 🎉🎂📚📚 6y
mrp27 Happy Birthday! 🎉📚🎂 6y
Read4life Thank you so much everyone! 6y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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Branwen Yes it does! 😀💕📚 6y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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I went back to the library this evening and had the greatest time. Being in the stacks, near all of those books really enhances my mood. I am most definitely a bibliophile. Betcha all of you are too! Next time I will photo the stacks but that may be too much book porn 🤓

mcctrish Bring on the #bookporn 6y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads I definitely will! Especially for you @mcctrish 😘 6y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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When you are a Community Member, you do not know its Fall Break and the University Library is closed.

MelissaSue81 Sad! It‘s hard to keep track! I work at two colleges in the same city. One is closed tomorrow, the other is open. 6y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads And what is Fall Break anyways? I don‘t they had that back in my day. 😏@MelissaSue81 6y
Slajaunie I am currently on fall break. It is just a holiday in the fall. Some areas have fall fairs or other things during this time. 6y
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DrSabrinaMoldenReads I was just joking @Slajaunie ! 😍 Enjoy! 6y
Slajaunie I believe I missed your sarcasm in the original post. 😳 6y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads 🤣 @Slajaunie My fault! How could you know? 6y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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While playing librarian today, cataloguing and shelving, i joyfully discovered that I have two Barbara Kingsolver essay collections. A bibliophile‘s joy! 🤓

My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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Cataloguing my books is one of my favorite things ever to do. I love playing librarian. Is it just as much fun to be one, I wonder?

LibrarianToujours Mostly! Parts of it are really fun: book orders, learning, talking to people, and I also love cataloging 😀. And some parts are not great: rude people, clueless bosses, and I‘ve plunged toilets and cleaned up dead birds 😖. 6y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads Ugh...the public and toilets...the rest sounds awesome @NHLibrarian 6y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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Challenge accepted @mitch! Five little words to describe just an infinite realm.
🦖 All

If I could build a house out of books I would so I could walk around my life reading no matter where I looked. Congrats on #50Kreadinglifegiveaway !! 📚❤️🦖

Mitch Perfect dream home! 👍🏼 6y
Whimsical.Curiosity @Mitch thanks love! ❤️🦖 6y
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THANK YOU @mitch for this creative #50Kreadinglifegiveaway! And CONGRATULATIONS on your 50k milestone!!! 🎉🎉🎉

Tough question but I've narrowed down to these 5 words to describe my reading life:

📚 necessity
📚 anodyne
📚 eclectic (with some exceptions 😁)
📚 spellbinding
📚 thrilling


Mitch Great choices - Reading is definitely a necessary! It should be classed as a food group! 👍🏼 6y
thereadingowlvina @Mitch Yes! You're so right! It's food for the mind 🤗💕 6y
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My Reading Life | Pat Conroy
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Congratulations @mitch on your 50k!!
My 5 words would be:

Thanks for the opportunity! 😄

Mitch Great choices! Thanks for playing 🙏💕🙏 6y
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