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American Pastoral
American Pastoral | Philip Roth
American Pastoral is the story of a fortunate American's rise and fall - of a strong, confident master of social equilibrium overwhelmed by the forces of social disorder. Seymour "Swede" Levov - a legendary high school athlete, a devoted family man, a hard worker, the prosperous inheritor of his father's Newark glove factory - comes of age in thriving, triumphant postwar America. But everything he loves is lost when the country begins to run amok in the turbulent 1960s. Not even the most private, well-intentioned citizen, it seems, gets to sidestep the sweep of history. With vigorous realism, Roth takes us back to the conflicts and violent transitions of the 1960s. This is a book about loving - and hating - America. It's a book about wanting to belong - and refusing to belong - to America. It sets the desire for an American pastoral - a respectable life of space, calm, order, optimism, and achievement - against the indigenous American Berserk.
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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Roth is a great writer, but I did find some parts a bit tedious. He loves his tangents. Still, it was an interesting book. It made for a great discussion with my book club.

American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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I finished this a few days ago, but it was only when Barbara posted the teaser for #booked2022 and I checked my last 2 prompts for #booked2021 that I realised I could use it for #jewishauthorormc.

I struggled with the first half, then it got better, then I hated the (non) ending. Couldn‘t decide whether to give it a pick or a so-so. 🤔 I‘m giving at a light pick as I think (hope) it will get better when we study it in a few weeks time.

megnews I love that pillow! 3y
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Not the best read on the commute, and it is heavy to read, not always the clearest, climbing up it‘s own fundament from time to time, but, I do enjoy his writing.

American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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The audio quality of this audiobook was incredibly inconsistent. All in all, this book was ok. I really like the way Roth writes, and I appreciate that it's not a story of "oh this man was so upset because his life was perfect" like so many other books I've read that were written by men of the same Era.

American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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I think Roth is a very skilled writer, and some of the sentences in this novel are just genius. He also manages to get across frustration, anger, confusion and hurt, all stemming from a profound betrayal from a loved one. However, the ending was a bit too open for my liking🤔. Would love to hear your thoughts if you have read this !😁

American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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Happy Sunday!😀🎉

zezeki That mug though 😍😍 5y
HannaPolkadots @zezeki - Elsa Beskow's King Winter 😍 5y
Cinfhen Hi 👋 Hope all is well!! 5y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth

‪Anyone recently read American Pastoral by Philip Roth? Can we compare notes? ‬

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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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Wow—this book really got me thinking! Could it possibly be the opposite of the American Dream for a Jewish all-star athlete? What should have been a 5-star read was diluted by some meandering storylines that didn‘t add to the overall storyline. Still, this is a compelling book that is a commitment but it reached my core and broke my heart.

BookBabe Interesting book, though I didn‘t love it. But I do love your photo! 😍 5y
HotCocoaReads @BookBabe It‘s a book I‘ll never forget though! Anything that makes me think and feel that much gets a positive review from me. 5y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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Today, I decided to nip into a favourite café for lunch - fortunately my favourite spot to sit was free. Deadlines loom, but I‘m spending a few extra moments to catch up on my book club read (American Pastoral) and finishing the last few sips of my Lavender and Mountain Berry iced tea.

#americanpastoral #philiproth #bookclub

Emilymdxn This is such a lovely way to spend a day, so aesthetic 💖💖💖 6y
catebutler @Emilymdxn Thank you Emily! I always love when I can sneak in a chapter or two whilst on a lunch break. 📖☕️ 6y
BookBabe I read this novel...it kind of left me reeling. How did you feel about it? 5y
catebutler @BookBabe I agree! I still haven‘t determined what I think about this novel. My book group decided it was a worthy read, but we did think the theme was quite heavy and depressing. I marked quite a bit throughout and found myself pondering well after I read, which points to a good book. I do think I‘ll continue with the trilogy, how about you? 5y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth

What are you? Do you know? What you are is you‘re always trying to smooth everything over. What you are is always trying to be moderate. What you are is never telling the truth if you think it‘s going to hurt somebody‘s feelings. What you are is you‘re always compromising. What you are is complacent. What you are is always trying to find the bright side of things. The one with the manners.

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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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He saw that everything you say says either more than you wanted it to say or less than you wanted it to say; and everything you do does either more than you wanted it to do or less than you wanted it to do. What you said and did made a difference, all right, but not the difference you intended.

American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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Prior to Roth's death, I had only read his novels Portnoy's Complaint and The Counterlife. American Pastoral is a tad meandering with roundabout streams of consciousness, but there are passages of such stark beauty meditating on ethics, responsibility, and duty. I listened to the audiobook narrated by the actor Ron Silver and it was easily the best audio I have listened to since The Nix (and that is saying a lot). Highly recommended.

DivineDiana I wish there was a Litsy feature of “save to audio”! 😉 6y
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This is what I‘m reading, well except I finished the YA book, The Wanderings of Odysseus today. What are you reading?

American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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“Life is just a short period of time in which we‘re alive.” - Meredith Levov, 1964

This book is nonlinear and stylistically ambiguous and slow-moving, but there‘s something I just really loved about it. I think it‘s partially the time period. I‘m drawn to books set in the 60s. It was such a tumultuous time in America yet so fascinating. Then there‘s the beautiful writing. I was completely invested.

I switched between print and audio. 👇🏻

britt_brooke The audio is narrated by actor Ron Silver and I actually preferred it to print. (edited) 6y
Tamra Such a terrific quote! 6y
emilyhaldi Nice review! Glad you liked this one 🤗 6y
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Leftcoastzen That‘s what amazing about Roth, often I dislike the characters but fall in love with his writing. 6y
britt_brooke @emilyhaldi Thanks! 💚 6y
britt_brooke @Leftcoastzen His writing is so damned good. Looking forward to reading more! 6y
britt_brooke @Tamra It‘s very profound. 💚 6y
vivastory I still need to read Roth. I might go with this one first. Are you going to watch the movie? 6y
britt_brooke @vivastory This was my first. I‘m not sure if I‘m going to watch the movie. Maybe! 6y
mgallo1968 The audio is fantastic 6y
britt_brooke @mgallo1968 It really brought the story to life. 6y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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Improvised workout at my folks‘ house. I kicked my own butt pretty good this morning, but truly I just needed a break from my kids. 😬 They‘re driving me freaking banana pants.

PS. I‘ve switched to audio and I‘m loving Ron Silver‘s narration. This book is hard to describe, but I‘m completely immersed. Wish I had more time to listen today.

#currentlylistening #currentlyreading #multitasking #mindandbody #audio #audiobook #audible #pulitzer

britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola This one‘s slow, but I‘m loving it so far. 6y
ElishaLovesBooks Way to go with the workout!! Sometimes that‘s the only way to keep our sanity!😂 6y
emilyhaldi Curious to see what you think of this book... I got about 80 pages in last year and had to bail. But i definitely plan on trying again someday!! 6y
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britt_brooke @ElishaLovesBooks Thanks! That‘s the truth!! 6y
britt_brooke @emilyhaldi I‘m really liking it, but it‘s definitely slow. 6y
Reviewsbylola That sounds very promising!! 6y
britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola 👍🏻👍🏻 6y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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Hanging out outside with my 3 guys. ☀️🍺📖🌳🎶

Does anyone listen to Yacht Rock on Sirius? It‘s the best damned background music.

#booksandbrews #readharder #wildfridaynight #thisisthelife

wanderinglynn No, but it sounds like a good station. What number is Yacht Rock? 6y
britt_brooke @wanderinglynn ch. 311 👍🏻 6y
diovival I will never stop coveting that glass. 6y
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britt_brooke @diovival It‘s my favorite! They‘re on sale right now: https://store.bookriot.com/products/read-harder-pint-glass 🤗 6y
Susannah LOL, my station is TuneIn‘s 181.fm Mellow Gold. I think the playlist very closely resembles Yacht Rock. Love it! 😎 6y
britt_brooke @Susannah Ooh, we‘ll check that one out! 6y
AlaMich That term, Yacht Rock, cracks me up! 😂 6y
britt_brooke @AlaMich Isn‘t it ridiculous?! 😆 6y
SledgeReader @britt_brooke I listen to Yacht Rock on Spotify. Wonder if it‘s the same? It would be a great play list for a boat trip! 6y
britt_brooke @SledgeReader I bet it‘s the same! 😆🛥⛵️ 6y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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Ok SO Neverwhere, by Neil Gaiman is my steampunk pick for #booked2018. Funny story—I bought a copy of the Chris Riddell version months ago but ended up gifting it because I didn‘t think we would ever read it. I picked it for the prompt and bought another copy (🙄🙄) and now I can‘t find it anywhere!! I decided to do one last search. Nada. But what DID I find!!?? TWO COPIES of American Pastoral. Go figure. I know I can‘t be the only one. 😂

LeahBergen 😂😂 6y
saresmoore You are not alone. 😆 6y
CarolynM Happens to me too 6y
emilyhaldi Where the heck do you lose them?!? I have that right copy of AP too 😉 6y
Reviewsbylola It‘s got your name all over it. @emilyhaldi and idk, this has never happened to me before. 6y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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I figure the best way to honor an author‘s passing is to read the author‘s work. Philip Roth‘s funeral was yesterday. He was 85.

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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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Seemed like a good time to start this one (finally). #InFlightReading #Pulitzer #RIP

Ericmanciniwriter Love it - one of my favorites 6y
britt_brooke @Eamann Really enjoying it so far! 6y
BarbaraBB Good timing 😪 Still on my tbr as well... 6y
Reviewsbylola I‘ve only read one Roth but I loved it so much that I‘ve been meaning to read more ever since! 6y
britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola Stacking that one! This is my first, but I‘m enjoying it so far. I like his style. (edited) 6y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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R. I. P Philip Roth, one of my favourite writers of all time

American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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#Bookmail today! Thank you so much, @Natasha.C.Barnes!
#ncbgiveaway #catsoflitsy #phoenix

Maria514626 That yawn! ❤️ 6y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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This will be the second Philip Roth I'm re aging. Thank who'd it's a buddy read. I'm not sure if I would have continued alone. 🤔 Have You read any Philip Roth? If so what and what did you think of it?

Notafraidofwords I read Indignation and I thought it was ehh okay. 7y
BrownGirlReading @Notafraidofwords This one is boring and repetitive. 7y
AmeliaR I gave him three chances and now I'm done with him. 7y
BrownGirlReading @AmeliaRoot Will try The Human Stain next.... However I really enjoyed The Plot Against America. 7y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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Just started reading this American classic. It is the second book I am reading by Philip Roth. Hope I like it as much as I liked The Plot Against. It's a buddy read so that's always fun. #americanpastoral #buddyread #booktube

BellaBookNook I‘m sorry, what did you say? I can‘t keep my eyes off of the yumminess on the left of the photo. Just kidding. I have not heard of this author before. 7y
BrownGirlReading @BellaBookNook 😂 Philip Roth is considered to be a great American novelist. He's written loads of books. Some of his more popular titles: The Plot Against America, The Human Stain, I Married a Communist, etc. I'm mixing it up. Gotta read some of those old white men books that are on my TBR and Roth is one of them. Read The Plot Against America with the same group and we enjoyed it. Hopefully I feel the same about this one. 🤔🤞🏾 7y
BellaBookNook @BrownGirlReading Hmm well I believe I‘ve heard of The Human Stain. Good to know his book makes for good book club selections. 7y
BrownGirlReading @BellaBookNook I'm not so sure about that. Roth is particular to say he least. However I would recommend The Plot Against America. 7y
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My next read

Booksnchill Just heard a podcast with Harlan Coben and this was inhis top 5 novels! 7y
NikkiRobson73 Im hoping it lives up to all the hype I‘ve heard about it ! 7y
Blaire I loved this book, but I am a huge Roth fan in general. 7y
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RadicalReader @Nikkiwright73 so proud to see there are other fellow Nyers here! NY pride always!! 7y
NikkiRobson73 @RadicalReader what part of NY are you from?? 7y
RadicalReader @Nikkiwright73 upstate Syracuse 7y
NikkiRobson73 @RadicalReader awesome ! I‘m from the Albany area the capital district 7y
RadicalReader @Nikkiwright73 do you have a NY accent? 7y
NikkiRobson73 @RadicalReader not like a nyc one but yes upstate ny has its own little accent 7y
RadicalReader @Nikkiwright73 best example of an incredible NY Accent is Criss Angel‘s Long Island one 7y
NikkiRobson73 @RadicalReader yeah the state is definitely diverse for sure 7y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth

Just watched this movie. Fairly depressing. ☹
I think I will skip the book.

American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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It takes some work. But what Roth says about the 20th century American experience is worth it.

(PS - I feel like this quote a lot.)

American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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Bamberger's?!?!?! Wowwww... I haven't heard this name in ... 30 years.

AmyG Ha! I used to shop there when I was a kid. Got my first training bra from Bambergers. ;) 7y
Sweettartlaura @AmyG I think I never made it into a Bamberger's- I think I was really young when it got swallowed by Macy's. But I do remember commercials, & thinking it sounded awesome. And if you're interested, look it up on Wiki - their flagship store in NJ sounded AMAZINGGGGG❤️ 7y
AmyG @Sweettartlaura I just googled. I never went to the flagship store in Newark. We had a huge outdoor mall in Paramus, NJ. I spent many of my teen years there. ;) 7y
Sweettartlaura @AmyG I made it to the Paramus Mall myself a few times; I grew up in Orange County, NY. So we'd make trips there during my teen years, too 🙂 7y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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It's #Recommendsday! This is a book best enjoyed on audio. The narrator is phenomenal. The book came to life and I couldn't put it down! Disturbing yet hilarious. Definitely worth the read!

heikemarie I've been trying to decide whether to wait in line for the audio! Thanks for helping me decide! 7y
BookBabe @inwhichHeikereadsharder Happy to be of help! 😊 It'll make you laugh for sure! 7y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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This spring, I created my own syllabus exploring one of my favorite topics: Marital and Familial Disfunction. This was Book 1/5. It would be 😎 to say I understood the intellectual and philosophical scope of this brilliant novel, but if I am honest I found great stretches of it (any part with Zuckerman and definitely pp301-325) boring. ☹️ Something I ❤️: How a fond memory becomes poisoned when the present reality bursts in to spoil the fantasy.

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American Pastoral | Philip Roth

The great conversation at book club made me want to try this again at some point, maybe on audio, but now's not the time. I'm having a hard time both with the style of writing and the story itself. DNFing - for now, anyway

missevievelyn I had to read this for school and that's the only reason I finished haha! Congrats on bailing! 😁 7y
ScientistSam @missevievelyn thanks! I always find it hard to believe, especially with books I feel I "should" read. 7y
ScientistSam @missevievelyn and that was meant to be "hard to DNF". Not sure what autocorrect was doing changing it to believe? 7y
missevievelyn @ScientistSam I was confused for a moment! But I feel the same, DNFing is hard in general but especially with literary classics and stuff like that. 7y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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Time for the #2030SomethingBookClub 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 (yes, back-to-back here 😆). Another full house for discussing this American classic! Oh yeah! 😎👍🏻

Leftcoastzen Love that book! 7y
LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 7y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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#BookNDinner! To demonstrate my gratitude for the wonderful @MrBook making dinner for me the past 2 nights so I could spend more time painting, I've cooked up one of his favorite meals: angel hair pasta in a white clam garlic butter sauce with steamed mussels, fresh warm buttered peasant bread, and Vanilla Coke! Yum! 😋This has been another presentation of: #MrBookBookBabeKitchen. Happy reads & happy eats!

MrBook 😍😍😍 7y
Owlizabeth 💜💜💜 7y
JoeStalksBeck Yum!!! 7y
Kitty_Rochsmith You need a roommate?!! Books, yummy food, and you get snow? Sign me up! 7y
ScientistSam Looks delicious! 7y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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Can somebody who loves Roth please help advise if all of his books are like this one? He just does Not. Stop. Talking. The rambling, discordant jumble of thoughts is so hard for me to read. I think I'm just too busy with work right now to focus on this. 🙇🏻‍♀️ Going to have to try another time...

aizekj My husband tried reading it and struggled. He ended up listening to the audiobook and really enjoyed it. 7y
emilyhaldi @aizekj I was actually considering if audio might be better. Maybe because it is written like a train of thought it would help to hear it spoken. Thanks for the tip! 7y
Scurvygirl This in my #tbr stack for this year... Not my usual type of read. Thanks for the heads up. Will probably be one of those ones I keep putting aside after a couple chapters. 7y
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emilyhaldi @Scurvygirl I hope it's better for you! But I would definitely recommend giving it a try when you have a lot of uninterrupted reading time. I think it will take commitment to get through! 7y
Reviewsbylola I've only read The Plot Against America but I really loved it! 7y
ScientistSam Oh my goodness thanks for posting this! I'm 150 pages in and thinking of DNFing it - reading it just feels so laborious. 7y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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Started reading this today for a book club. So far I'm finding it slow going, with some beautiful sentences or insights sprinkled here and there. How do other Littens like it?

MicheleinPhilly It's been years since I read it but I remember being sort of MEH on it. And I love Roth. 7y
ScientistSam @MicheleinPhilly good to know - it's the first Roth I've read 7y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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Some of the books I would really like to get to this summer... Plus the next few boxes from #botm, plus the 2 towering stacks behind this one, and so on 😂

saresmoore Chemistry is great. 7y
Zelma Eligible is light and fun. Gold Fame Citrus is on my radar as well. (edited) 7y
whatsjennareading The Nix is so so so good! 7y
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mrozzz Modern Lovers and Most Dangerous Place are both lovely! 7y
rachellayown That's a good looking summer! 7y
swishandflick Great stack! 7y
Reviewsbylola Wow, you're going to give Modern Lovers a shot? 7y
emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola I'm giving her one more shot since I already bought the book!! 7y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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This is the Roth I would recommend to those who've never read him or didn't like other ones- it's the first one I read and still my favorite. Considering the great many books with #America in the title, this one doesn't use it lightly- it captures both the light and dark sides of the American dream and the American family. Lots that is relevant today on the nature of where ideology, extremism, and terror intersect. #rockinmay @Cinfhen

Cinfhen A classic, which I somehow haven't read 🙈 7y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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You know how there are people who just don't read women writers or don't read writers in translation or don't read whatever?
Well I don't read big American male writers of the 60s, 70s & 80s. Roth, Updike, Wolfe, Pynchon, Delillo, Thompson. Zero interest. Am I missing out on great literature? Maybe. #AmIWrong? Perhaps. Do I care. Nope!
#lyricalapril @Cinfhen

LauraBrook I feel the same way! #excellentcompany 7y
AmyG I did love thhis book, though. 7y
bates_barb Me too. I've read a few of the American White Dude canon here and there, but not much. I decided that 2017 was going to be the year I didn't buy or read any books written by white men. It's opened up a ton of space in my reading life for amazing books by WOC especially I probably wouldn't have gotten around to otherwise. 7y
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Cinfhen Don't think you're wrong at all, but I try to view all writers as authors and not categorize them to fit a particular box #AmIWrong ?!? That being said, I don't enjoy most of the writing from that generation of male authors. I like your hashtag @LauraBrook 😊 7y
LauraBrook @Cinfhen Yes, you make a good point, and I agree with you. But I've tried lots of these books over the years and I just don't like them (and I don't like "Beat generation" stuff either). Ugh. It's sort of nice, in a way, to not like something since I'm interesting in reading darned near everything else. ? 7y
merelybookish @bates_barb @LauraBrook I'm glad to be in #excellentcompany. White dude Canon indeed! I think part of what turns me off these writers is that their writing seems SO male. I've read a few over the years. But don't need to try anymore. @Cinfhen No, you are not wrong! I realize I'm being rather close-minded. But I figure those guys have done pretty well. They can survive without me. 😊 7y
merelybookish @AmyG one of my best friends loves this book, too. She thinks I should read it some time. Also don't Delillo. 7y
AmyG @merelybookish Oh, I am not i to Delillo at all. 7y
merelybookish @AmyG 👍👍 7y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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Reading this one with @GameAndRead as the March book in our Year of Pulitzers 😎

American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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A very good and challenging novel, it is highly critical of everything. It's a hard read and I found myself not liking Swede. This is a story about unlikeable people and the destruction of their idealistic view of America. I highly recommend it! There is a film adaptation and it definitely didn't do the novel justice

American Pastoral | Philip Roth

"....But for her it had only to do with the extremes to which gentle people have to resort in a world where the great majority are without an ounce of conscience."

American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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A little over halfway through this one for a (rapidly approaching!) book club, and I'm struggling to connect with it. Roth has a hell of a way with words, he just uses so very many of them... Anyone else read this? Does it shift at all in the second half?

HeatherBookNerd It's in my TBR pile. Curious to see what you end up thinking about it when you're done. 7y
Notafraidofwords I haven't read this one. Read indignation by him and enjoyed it. 7y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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Did anyone try this movie? The reviews were terrible but I'm still intrigued. . .

American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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The content is a challenge, but when you read this for language it is a treat. Like this poetry underlined right here: alliteration, repetition, rhythm. Can't wait to discuss this at #readersworkshop on Thursday!

American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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Oh, yeah. Now I remember. This is a ridiculously challenging book to read. (It's the book I picked for my February #readersworkshop book club) (puppy snores help calm things down) #dogsoflitsy

kerry Uh oh. Challenging subject matter or challenging language? I'm starting it this weekend... 7y
StephanieY @kerry more the subject matter. The language is, once again, a treat. 7y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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Goodwill book haul 📚 🏃 1/2 price! Bc my #tbr bin is not full enough 😬

britt_brooke Nice! 👏🏻 7y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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I had mixed feelings about this book. Great characters, fascinating situation and some excellent quote worthy sentences. But a few descriptions of women made me cringe. And some of the pieces on tangential subjects felt over long. I think I might have liked it more if I'd read it in school or college with some teaching alongside. (Pic: beachside fair in coromandel = poss NZ Pastoral)

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The fact remains that getting people right is not what living is all about anyway. it's getting them wrong that is living...

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American Pastoral | Philip Roth
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So this poll, which I put up this week, is for my and @BookBabe 's 20/30 Something Book Club. These choices came from the group's many suggestions. Top 5 vote-getters will be the club's February-June selections. Which 5 would you choose from these 12? 😊👍🏻

moarbookspleaze The Wonder; The Heart Goes Last; The Snow Child. That's only 3 but they are the 3 I would pick! 8y
DGRachel Rebecca is a classic (I'm a sucker for gothic lit). The Snow Child was surprising and wonderful. I listened to Me Before You on audio and enjoyed it, but I don't think I would have cared for it as much in print. I'd probably pick the Emma Donahue and Margaret Atwood as my other two, just because I've heard good things about the books/authors. 😉 8y
Marchpane The Star Side of Bird Hill looks intriguing. The Enchanted, American Pastoral and Larose also interest me. 8y
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Lindy Atwood, Donoghue, Erdrich, Jackson and Ivey. Lots to discuss in any of these, plus pure pleasure in reading. 8y
MicheleinPhilly How many books does this book club read??? 😛 8y
Dogearedcopy 'Rebecca' is a great book on so many different levels (ergo so many possibilities for discussion!) Last year, at BooktopiaMI, I recall playing the devil's advocate and defending Mrs. Danvers! 😈 8y
Dogearedcopy 'Me Before You' has pretty much a single topic of discussion; but it's a pretty heavy one. Be prepared for lots of opinions about ableism, and the right to die. 8y
Dogearedcopy 'The Snow Child' is a beautifully and sensitively written novel; but TBH, I have no idea where you would take it discussion-wise! 8y
ApoptyGina69 Disclafani, Erdrich, Roth, Donoghue, Atwood 8y
Tanner I've only read Rebecca and Me Before You, thoroughly enjoyed them both, and can see them both being great for some deep discussion. 8y
erzascarletbookgasm Rebecca, Me Before You, Snow Child, The Wonder, The Heart Goes Last - would have picked these 8y
Booktrovert As far as author diversity, subject diversity, and great discussion potential: duMaurier, Ivey, Erdrich, Jackson, Denfeld FWIW, Ivey would be fantastic in February - it's a very wintery book! 8y
caitfish4311 I've only read The After Party (just finished as a matter of fact) and I wouldn't say not to read it, but I found it lacking in some ways. Still a good and quick read. 8y
kaitlyn American Pastoral is one of my favorite novels 8y
Theresa And the book club winners were...??? 8y
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American Pastoral | Philip Roth

You fight your superficiality...so as to try to come at people without unreal expectations, without an overload of bias or hope or arrogance, as untanklike as you can be, sans cannon... and steel plating half a foot thick; you come at them unmenacingly on your own ten toes instead of tearing up the turf with your caterpillar treads, take them on with an open mind, as equals, man to man, as we used to say, and yet you never fail to get them wrong.

CynCruz23 Love Roth! 8y
AmyG My favorite of his books. 8y
SignedBooksJunkie Currently having trouble reading this because I'm used to reading so much YA, but this quote is making me want to pick it up again. 😍 8y
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