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Peony in Love
Peony in Love | Lisa See
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Peony has neither seen nor spoken to any man other than her father, a wealthy Chinese nobleman. Nor has she ever ventured outside the cloistered women's quarters of the family villa. As her sixteenth birthday approaches she finds herself betrothed to a man she does not know, but Peony has dreams of her own. Her father engages a theatrical troupe to perform scenes from The Peony Pavilion, a Chinese epic opera, in their garden amidst the scent of ginger, green tea and jasmine. 'Unmarried girls should not be seen in public,' says Peony's mother, but her father allows the women to watch from behind a screen. Here, Peony catches sight of an elegant, handsome man and is immediately bewitched. So begins her unforgettable journey of love, desire, sorrow and redemption.
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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This was a beautiful story of love sickness and enduring love in a time of feminine oppression and betrothal in high society China. In reading the author‘s notes and acknowledgments at the end, learning this was a true story, written as historical fiction was touching and amazing. Lisa See talks about the real opera of the Peony Pavilion and how the commentary of three wives on the opera really existed. Loved it!

Peony in Love | Lisa See
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A slow burning novel that explores seventeenth-century China customs and religion. At the center of this is the work The Peony Pavilion, a real piece of writing that was deemed controversial in its time (how appropriate that I finished this at the start of Banned Books Week).

Peony as a character grows in the novel, covering obsessive love and sorrow and in a way redemption. I didn‘t particularly like her, but her journey of self-understanding ⬇️

Librarybelle ⬆️ makes up for any negative thoughts I had toward her. I‘ve started a few of See‘s books but, as they all follow a slow burning narrative, I‘ve tended to put them to the side to try again later. I think this may be the first one by See that I finished. #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead 12mo
Cinfhen If you want to try See again I highly recommend this one!! It was only a tad slow but the ultimate payoff was SO WORTH the time!!! 12mo
Librarybelle @Cinfhen Thanks! That is one I have not tried yet! 12mo
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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It‘s time for this month‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead discussion! I have 9 questions posted as spoilers - you can find them by either searching my feed, the book‘s feed, or the hashtags. Respond whenever you like! Any additional comments, please post below.

I am taking suggestions for next year‘s reading list, so if you have any, let me know!! Thank you!!

Peony in Love | Lisa See
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9. How do Peony‘s experiences as a living girl and then as a hungry ghost parallel Liniang‘s experiences in The Peony Pavilion? ~from LitLovers Reading Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

Peony in Love | Lisa See
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8. Trace the progress of Peony‘s relationship with Tan Ze—through life together in the Chen Family Villa and then in the afterlife. In what ways are Peony and Tan Ze alike, and in what ways are they different? Why do they need each other, and how do they serve one another? ~from LitLovers Reading Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

Peony in Love | Lisa See
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7. Peony in Love is very much a tale of secrets and the power secrets can exercise over others. What are the secrets? Who is affected by the secrets and how do they change through the story? ~from LitLovers Reading Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

Peony in Love | Lisa See
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6. Peony in Love shows the strength of women and women‘s friendship, but in what ways does it also show the dark shadow side of women, whether in the women‘s chambers, between a mother and daughter, between wives, or even between friends? ~from LitLovers Reading Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

Peony in Love | Lisa See
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5. How does what happened during the Cataclysm change depending on who‘s telling the story? ~from LitLovers Reading Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

Peony in Love | Lisa See
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4. In what ways is mother love, from both a mother‘s perspective and a daughter‘s perspective, explored? What does Peony learn about mother love, and in what ways does she experience it herself? What aspects of mother love still hold true for mothers and daughters today? ~from LitLovers Reading Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

Peony in Love | Lisa See
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3. Peony thinks she‘s being dressed for her wedding, but instead she‘s taken to the courtyard to die. Peony is certainly surprised by this turn of events. Were you? How does this moment affect Peony‘s future actions and her feelings about her family? How do you feel about this practice? ~from LitLovers Reading Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

Peony in Love | Lisa See
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2. Peony is filled with doubt after meeting Ren–doubt about their relationship, doubt about ever finding love, and doubt about being a good mother. What is the source of this doubt and how does it grow within Peony? ~from LitLovers Reading Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

Peony in Love | Lisa See
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1. What are the different kinds of love that Peony experiences? How does her love for Ren (as well as for her mother, father, grandmother, Yi, and even Willow) change through the years? Have you had similar experiences in your life? ~from LitLovers Reading Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead

Peony in Love | Lisa See
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Just a few days left until this month‘s discussion for #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead ! Discussion questions will be posted on September 30th.

Also, now‘s the time to think about next year. Any books you would love to read with a group? Comment below!

Librarybelle @BethM @Cinfhen @PurpleyPumpkin If you have any book suggestions for next year, let me know! 12mo
Cinfhen Ohhhh, I do have a few 😊 tagging suggestions xx 12mo
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Librarybelle Love these, @Cinfhen ! Thank you! 12mo
julieclair This one looks interesting 12mo
Librarybelle Thank you, @julieclair ! 12mo
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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I love Lisa See! As I‘ve come to expect from her, this made me cry, gave me a window into a little piece of women‘s history in knew nothing about, and left me wanting to know even more. #LiteraryCrew @Librarybelle

Librarybelle Hooray! Glad you liked this! 13mo
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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Reposting for @librarybelle
September‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead begins today! This low key buddy read is read at your own pace, with discussion questions posted on September 30th.

Everyone is welcome to join! Tagging those who are already signed up for this month, but comment below if you wish to be tagged as well.

Librarybelle Thanks for reposting! 13mo
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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September‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead begins today! This low key buddy read is read at your own pace, with discussion questions posted on September 30th.

Everyone is welcome to join! Tagging those who are already signed up for this month, but comment below if you wish to be tagged as well.

Jerdencon I read this a while ago so I will join in the discussion! 13mo
Librarybelle Sounds great, @Jerdencon ! 13mo
CatLass007 I‘ve read the descriptions of this book so now I‘m weighing my wallet versus not having the book. I think I‘m going to go with it. 13mo
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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Repost for @Librarybelle

In September, the #LiteraryCrew will read Peony in Love by Lisa See. This #BuddyRead is low key - read at your own pace, with discussion questions posted on the 30th.

I will post periodic checkins throughout the month. Tagging those who have expressed prior interest. Anyone welcome to join…just comment on original post, and I‘ll add you to the tag list too!

Librarybelle Thanks for reposting! 13mo
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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In September, the #LiteraryCrew will read Peony in Love by Lisa See. This #BuddyRead is low key - read at your own pace, with discussion questions posted on the 30th.

I will post periodic checkins throughout the month. Tagging those who have expressed prior interest. Anyone welcome to join…just comment below, and I‘ll add you to the tag list too!

Librarybelle Are you able to join this month, @BethM @Cinfhen @PurpleyPumpkin ? 13mo
IndoorDame Love Lisa See!!! Can you tag me? I will try to join you for this one, but I‘m just getting back into the swing of the school year so I may not actually get to personal reading next month. 13mo
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Librarybelle Of course, @IndoorDame ! Good luck!! 13mo
julieclair Looking forward to it! 13mo
DivineDiana Loved this book! ❤️ 13mo
Sparklemn I'd love to join you! 13mo
Librarybelle @DivineDiana I‘m looking forward to it! 13mo
Librarybelle Welcome, @Sparklemn ! 13mo
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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I‘ve accepted an unexpected & last minute teaching gig for September, I will be in a grade 5 class so my reading life may be not as prolific as usual. My goals will be Peony in Love with #literarycrew , The Most likely Club with #sundaybuddyreads finishing Vanity Fair with #pemberlittens and starting the next one ( I forget the title) Montana Sky with ? ( I am having a moment here) and hopefully the next inspector Gamache and an audio or two 🤞🏻

mcctrish Montana Sky is #littensloveromance 14mo
mcctrish #pemberlittens September is A Passage to India 14mo
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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✨I don‘t really have a system to be honest.

Thanks for the tag @Eggs !!

Eggs You‘re most welcome 🤗 2y
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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This was a good read. Very enjoyable. 🌺🌸

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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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New book with morning coffee.

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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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I have owned this for years and finally got it read! I found the afterward the most interesting part of this novel. It tells of the origin of the story and I wish I had that information before diving into the novel. I found that it dragged in places, but a good read all in all. A story of love in all its forms and the importance of women having a voice. First May read!

Peony in Love | Lisa See
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1. Actually just finished a book so nothing right now 😳
2. Peony in Love by Lisa See...has flora in the name, too! Double whammy!
3. Honestly I so rarely rate books 5 stars...I'm not sure what the last one was 😂 Maybe the last volume of Saga?

@Blueberry @rachelsbrittain #weekendreads

rachelsbrittain Saga is such a great series! 3y
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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Well, I tell you what... American sister wives in the 21st century have nothing on the sister wives of 17th century Chinese lore!

ReadingisMyPassion I love her books. 4y
marleed @ReadingisMyPassion Me too. I consider her one of my current favorite teachers - I learn so much from her books! 4y
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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Book 149

I love Lisa See's books. Her passionate writing transports me, culturally and historically, to her substantive Asian settings. Authentic characters with rich inner dialogue and accessible internal conflicts, especially for female readers, are a hallmark of her work. Peony in Love is no exception.

See comments for the rest of my review.

MelKelsey 2. Peony, a young girl on the cusp of an arranged marriage, becomes distraught after meeting and falling in love with a scholar at a performance of her favorite opera, The Peony Pavilion. Consistently written in first-person point-of-view, the second half of the novel is set entirely after Peony's death. While supernatural elements could have been unappealing, they proved to be a boon to the reader's thorough immersion into the period. 4y
MelKelsey 3. See's love of The Peony Pavilion opera and its lore of female writing didn't fully translate. I recommend starting by reading the author's note at the end. Or perhaps the author's lofty goals muddied their fruition. 3.5 stars 4y
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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CaramelLunacy Such pretty covers! 4y
OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚👍🏻 4y
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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My least fave of all the Lisa See books I have read, but still a fascinating history of Chinese women and the lives they were born into. Lovesickness?! It was a real thing.

Peony in Love | Lisa See
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Sadly, I found the plot of this book too contrived (so much coincidence!) and the main character annoying. The writing style wasn‘t my thing either. #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks The only book I've read by her (China Dolls) I really didn't care for - the characters were so wooden & I was frustrated because it felt like she had such an opportunity to explore cultural differences & an intriguing piece of history... & instead just wrote a boring love triangle. 4y
wideeyedreader @TheAromaofBooks This was similar! The entire story was a girl pining over a boy, and I wasn‘t interested in that 4y
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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#7Days7Covers #CoverCrush #day7 😍😍😍📖😋

tpixie 🌸🌺🌸🌺 5y
gradcat So pretty!! 🌸🌺🌹🌷🌻🌼💐♥️ 5y
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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I‘ve got to travel to #China soon!! I‘ve heard these books are fantastic 💗💗💗


Birdsong28 ❤️❤️❤️❤️both of them but Snow Flower is the best 📚📖 6y
StephanieGeiser I have heard phenomenal things about 6y
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RebelReader I agree with @Birdsong28 Snow Flower is my all time favorite of her books, but I love them all. ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I‘ll add this one!! Thank you 💕 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Birdsong28 awesome!!! 💗💗 6y
mrp27 I really enjoyed Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. 6y
vkois88 I love the covers of her books... they always draw me in, but I haven't read any yet 6y
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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1) picture is of us at the Zoo which will be a regular occasion this summer 😋
2) see above
3)not sure 😳
4) 🤣😋📖🎈🎉
5) some favorites 📚📖🙊🙉🙈🇺🇸🤤🧐🤨🤓🤪🤯🧠🥃 #friyayintro @jesshowbooks

Cathythoughts Such a lovely pic ❤️💫💫 6y
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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Peony is a romantic. She embraces the philosophy of the epic, Chinese opera, “The Peony Pavilion”. This eventually leads to her demise, but she does visit with her departed grandmother. #seeyouagain #heatofjuly #sogoodireadittwice

BarbaraBB Wow, intriguing 😍 6y
Cinfhen Haven‘t read this one, but I‘ve read others by See. She‘s a very visceral writer🧡 6y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen I had the pleasure of seeing Lisa See at Main Point Books a few weeks ago. She was fascinating! ❤️ 6y
DivineDiana @BarbaraBB It is! 😀 6y
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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In a time when women had no choice I do not see how she got away with some of these actions but she obviously had great courage to follow her heart overall a good read.

HOTPock3tt I read her book “snow flower and the secret fan” and really like it! It was very sad yet well written. This one might be the next book I try of hers 🤔 6y
Ddzmini @HOTPock3tt if you don‘t have it I can send you my copy let me know 😋 6y
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Ddzmini @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘ll@have to add that to my tbr pile 6y
HOTPock3tt @Ddzmini thanks so much for the offer!! ❤️ but it‘s on scribd so I‘ll probably just get it from there (since I‘m paying for a subscription i try to milk it as much as possible 🤣) but I really appreciate it!! 6y
Ddzmini @HOTPock3tt no problem 😋 6y
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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Struggled with the darkest part of the forest so I‘ll get back to that one after I read this book 📖 😋

knittedgnome I ♥️ Lisa See books!! 6y
Ingerella This is my most favorite Lisa See book! She's probably in my top 3 favorite authors. 6y
Crazeedi I've not read this one yet, I've enjoyed her other ones, will have to get! 6y
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DivineDiana I have read this twice. Originally because I had read an article that it was on Hilary Clinton‘s nightstand. It has stayed with me. 6y
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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How can we not create a fantasy in our minds when the reality is so hard?

Lostinagoodbook Oh I do love this book. 😍 6y
Purrsistently @Lostinagoodbook it was good💕 6y
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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April Challenge Day 3.
One of my most favorite authors is Lisa See. I have enjoyed all of the books pictured on audio, and am always waiting with anticipation for the next one. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, and Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane I especially loved, but my most favorite was Peony In Love. It was so beautiful and felt like poetry to me. I would definitely recommend any of these on audiobook.

knittedgnome I love all of her books!! 7y
Ingerella @knittedgnome They are so good! 7y
Bourriquet76 I love her books! 7y
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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Some “springy” looking covers!! 🌸🌷🌼🌻☺️❤️

RealLifeReading I keep meaning to read Idaho! 7y
GripLitGrl So pretty it's definitely looking like spring! Great books! 7y
Christine11 So pretty! 🌷🌺🌸 7y
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vkois88 ❤🌻🌼🌷 7y
BiblioLitten Such a pretty picture! Perfect for Spring🌸🌼😍 7y
kspenmoll Flowers!!!! We have snow coming tomorrow! 😱 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @RealLifeReading I‘ve got so many to get to!!! ☺️☺️☺️ 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @GripLitGrl thank you!!! ☺️☺️ 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Christine11 thank you 😘💕😘💕 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @BiblioLitten thanks so much!!! ❤️ 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @kspenmoll oh no!!! I‘m so ready for flowers!!! 🌺🌷🌹🌸🌼 7y
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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I‘ve been at work all day and I‘ve missed y‘all!!! This is my youngest daughter‘s #pink bridesmaids dress for my oldest daughter‘s wedding in June!! 👰 This is book is on my tbr shelf ☺️☺️💕💕


AmyG Oh how lovely! A June wedding....your family must be so excited. ❤️ (edited) 7y
BlameJennyJane Gorgeous dress! Beautiful home. 7y
britt_brooke Beautiful! 😍 7y
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MiyakoBunny 😱😱😱You have a daughter old enough to get married!? You look soooo young!? Snap snap snap! You must‘ve drank from the fountain of youth sometime! 🌸🌸🌸🌸🤗🤗🤗Such a cute dress too! 7y
LeahBergen It‘s beautiful! 💕💕💕 7y
Kaye Pretty ! 7y
Pamwurtzler That dress is a beautiful color! 7y
Ingerella Beautiful dress, beautiful book! 7y
GripLitGrl Bueatiful💕💕 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @MiyakoBunny thank you!!! You are my new best friend!!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘 She is 23 and my youngest is 17 😉 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Ingerella thank you!!! I‘ve got to get to this book!!! ❤️ 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Pamwurtzler thank you!!! 💕💕 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Kaye thanks so much!! 💞 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @LeahBergen thank you 😘😘 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @britt_brooke thank you so much!!! 😍💞 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @AmyG we are!!! And thank you!!! 😘💗❤️❤️ 7y
MiyakoBunny 😱😱😱23 & 17!?!?!?!? No way!!!! Now I really really think you drank from that fountain. No flattery- Seriously 😳 You look so Young! Beautiful Mom for sure! Congrats to your daughter too!🎉🎉🎉💗💗💗 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @MiyakoBunny you‘re so sweet!!! I really appreciate it!! I‘m 42! I started young 😉 And thank you! She‘s very excited! They have been dating for five years!!! ❤️❤️ 7y
mrp27 So pretty and exciting! 7y
Kalalalatja Congratulations to your daughter! 💕💕 7y
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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Last book for me this go. #24in48

Peony in Love | Lisa See
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I know I have too many books on my tbr when I can so easily find books with a #floralcover.

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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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January-March #Booked2018 progress.

✅ POC Author: Aliens In America by Sandra Tsing Loh.
Book featuring an Olympic sport: Heart of a Champion by Michelle Kwan.
✅ Body-positive memoir: Hunger by Roxane Gay.
Cozy Mystery: Sex, Murder, & A Double Latte by Kyra Davis.
Feminist classic: still deciding.
Unconventional romance: Peony in Love by Lisa See

Cinfhen Yay on completing 2 prompts already❣️❣️I read Handmaids Tale for #feministclassic & really liked it a lot (edited) 7y
Kerrbearlib @Cinfhen nice! I am thinking about reading The Color Purple. I‘ve never read it before but I have heard great things! 7y
Cinfhen That‘s an awesome choice, I‘ve yet to read it too 7y
mhillis @KerryLibME Nice! I‘m planning to read The Color Purple for this challenge too! 7y
alisiakae The Color Purple is incredible! I have an old beat up copy that I like to reread every once in a while. 7y
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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'... love meant loving someone in spite of and because of his limitations.'

#LitWorld2018GB - China
#LitsyPassport #readaroundtheworld

Fascinating glimpse into ancient traditions and beliefs that may still be in practice nowadays. Unconventional Love for #Booked2018

#readingWomen #overdrive #eBook

Cinfhen Nice choice for unconventional Romance 7y
BookishMe @Cinfhen I cannot agree more! This book was on my TBR for a long while and thanks to the reading plans, I finally got around to reading it. 7y
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Peony in Love | Lisa See

GHOST MARRIAGES ARE not as ornate, complicated, or time-consuming as a wedding when both parties are living.

Peony in Love | Lisa See
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The euphemisms, such as cloud and rain ;p in this unconventional Oriental #LoveStory can be so amusing! #nowreading #overdrive #eBook
#Booked2018 #LitWorld2018GB

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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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#2018BookBinge hosted by @jesshowbooks
1) Author new to me

Lisa See has been on my TBR for a while (sadly forgotten) #readaroundtheworld
Thanks to #LitWorld2018GB and #Booked2018 (Unconventional Love) I have started reading this.
I am charmed by the ancient world yet flabbergasted at some of the excessively traditional treatment / perception of young girls.
#currentlyreading #Overdrive #eBook

Cinfhen I'm looking for #unconventionallove suggestions ~ thanks 👍🏻 7y
BookishMe @Cinfhen my pleasure. The antiquated way of showing love is certainly proving to be Unconventional. Happy reading!

howjessicareads I‘ve never read her either!! 7y
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Peony in Love | Lisa See
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#newyearsreadathon #firstBook2018 #eBook
Sneak peek at #TBR for
#LitWorld2018GB (China - Shades of Love)
#Booked2018 (Unconventional Love)
#nowreading #santhiReads2018

Peony in Love | Lisa See
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#☔️ 2 more from the tbr shelf for #emojinov

JulAnna You have an interesting TBR list! Have you read anything else by Lisa See? I really liked 7y
tammysue Lovely covers. 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @JulAnna China Dolls and I loved it!! Yes, I‘m kind of all over the place!! 7y
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