I absolutely loved reading this. I chose this as my first book of the year intentionally. Shonda is hilarious, witty, snarky, and honest. I‘m so glad she said yes, and that she wrote this book. Book #1 in 2025
This a was big no for me. Being someone who can be introverted and say no to a lot of things, I was hopeful this would be an inspirational book & make me feel more inspired to say yes to what makes me uncomfortable. Instead this book revealed nothing to me. I don‘t feel like Shonda truly wrote about herself. She tried to come across as light & fluffy and to me just not authentic. This book was truly boring. I made it half way through then bailed.
It‘s not a good time for me to read this. Survived a campus shooting this week and she strikes me as incredibly selfish and self absorbed. Might be great for someone not so recently traumatized. I have no spoons for it rn.
I didn't know anything about Shonda Rhimes before reading this, and I love that it's more of an autobio than purely self help. Maybe not everyone's cup of tea but it was right up my alley. Shonda is surprisingly shy and introverted for someone who is a public figure. Which makes her story of pushing herself to say yes to everything for a year very inspiring and funny. Would recommend to most, especially fans of any Shondaland shows 💙
If nothing else, I accomplished one closet, one dresser and some shelves today. A local Recovery Centre is opening up next week and sent out a request for book donations so I had to deliver. I feel good knowing these will be going somewhere desperately needed and glad that I managed to do something useful today 🥰
I haven‘t seen much of Shonda Rhimes‘ shows still I could enjoy this one. I could totally imagine the struggles of an introvert ! The best part of the book is author giving a speech in the presence of powerful women peers. strong & uplifting. Audio narration was too fast esp during her speeches,otherwise great narration. I can say it as Interesting & inspiring. 4.5⭐️ #nonfictionnovember #nonfiction2022 #bookspinbingo
It‘s not a memoir, exactly – even though it‘s told through the frame of Rhimes‘ experiment. It‘s not self-help, either – even though Rhimes offers a lot of advice and wisdom gleaned from what she‘s done. I‘d say it's a non-fiction book about the transformative power of being open to new things and overcoming ingrained anxiety, as exemplified by one extraordinary woman. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/year-of-yes-shonda-rhimes/
@PuddleJumper has rolled us into the new year for the #roll100 challenge! # 49 is Tiny Pretty Things and # 24 is The Year of Yes.
I don't watch Grey's Anatomy, but I must have heard Shonda Rhimes' name spoken in tones of reverence enough times to encourage me to give this book a try. Year of Yes gives insight on Rhimes' personal growth following a decision to step out of her comfort zone. I have built extra walls around my own personal comfort zone over the past year and a half. Maybe I need to step out?
I wanted to read this book after hearing about it in How to be Fine. idk why.. I‘m not a big Shondaland fan & if I did “Year of Yes”, I‘d end up broke and drunk on a tropical island (no one is going to ask me to go on Jimmy Kimmel, give a commencement speech or play with my nonexistent kids)
Similarly, she did have to reframe topics ie “Saying Yes to Saying No”. Fave chapters include “saying Yes to your weight” and “Saying Yes to Real Friends”.
audio booking this morning 🤗 enjoying this listen so far. I‘m finding it really satisfying because I don‘t often see highly successful people.. who are also introverts and steaming piles of anxiety (like me). Maybe that‘s because, like Shonda (and me) we are doing everything possible to come across as a rational person, and many times that involves staying in the comfort zone and saying “no” to new things. What can happen if you say “yes”?
Being a Grey‘s Anatomy fan, when I think about #dance I can‘t help think about how the cast would always “dance it out”— especially Meredith & Christina. That led me to this part memoir, part self-help book by Shonda Rhimes with the tagline, “How to Dance It Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person.” I listened to this a few years ago & really enjoyed it.
I loved this! It was a great mix between autobiography and inspirational with some comedy thrown in. Shonda was so honest about her life make it feel like she‘s a friend and very relatable.
The right book at the right time. Rhimes talks about the process of re-engaging with her life. Listened to the audiobook and they put in clips of her speeches. Also it was just fun to hear her tell her own story.
I haven‘t read the tagged book but I‘m going to assume it‘s good since I caught this fellow reader in the wild during my grandbaby‘s first visit to America‘s Roller Coast. So good she couldn‘t put it down and had to finish those last few pages. Was the book‘s message successful in that she at least said yes to Cedar Point? 😂 🎢
I followed along with the #audiobook for this and thought it was great. I know this book has gotten some bad reviews but I think it's a fun little memoir about finding yourself and I could listen to Shonda Rimes' stream of consciousness narrating for hours.
#bookspin pick for the month too!
7hrs #LittenListen
#JuneHolidayTheme #NationalPenDay
#bookspinbingo #readyourway
@aperfectmjk @TheAromaofBooks @Eggbeater @kimmypete1 @MidnightBookGirl
I'm not setting goals in stone. This weekend I would like to complete 3 books. Any 3 books. Probably ones I've already started. But it's supposed to be nice out so we'll see how it goes!
Who's joining?
@kimmypete1 @Eggbeater @MidnightBookGirl
Got my #bookspinbingo board all ready to go!
I'm already down one book this month and my reading mood is high!
#bookspin Year of Yes
#doublespin The Widow of Pale Harbor
I really enjoyed this read! I‘ve long been a Shondaland fan, especially Scandal, the early years of Grey‘s Anatomy, and now Bridgerton. But you don‘t have to watch Shonda‘s shows to enjoy her memoir about a year of saying yes to the things that she‘s been holding back on.
I read this while doing the Year of Yes fitness class collection on Peloton, which was an incredible combination!
#nonfiction2021 : POC author
I had a pretty crappy day at work today, so spending the evening with Shondaland. Starting a rewatch of Bridgerton, and Year of Yes reading!
I 💜💙💚 this book by Shonda Rhimes. Successful but unhappy, she began to say yes to things that scared her. She learned how to live a happier, fuller, more authentic life because of it. I might just get it on audio for days when I need to hear her words of encouragement.
I think I‘m going to have to buy a copy of this book and keep it by my chair. It is the best kind of inspirational—not preachy, not holier-than-thou. It‘s more “look, here‘s an embarrassing and/or funny story of a mistake I made or how I believed a lie that society tells us. Don‘t believe the lies. Be your own kind of awesome and be good to yourself and be true to who you are.”
Using Libby has really helped me read more. I like being able to support my local library, but I prefer getting books on my tablet, where I can increase the font as needed.
Show me your #LibbyList !!
I really enjoyed this book. I didn‘t know much about Shonda Rhimes before reading it and I adore her now. I also relate to many of her thoughts and feelings. She is very genuine in this book and self aware. It‘s refreshing. I would recommend it.
What beter way to start a new year...😎😍
I am so so so excited to read this and so happy it is our 1st book for #readingwithfriends
Happy new year to one and all!!! 💃😎💪🌠
This is just a really good book to read if you want some inspiration to recognize and claim yourself for the amazing being you are.
This book is all about discovering what you can accomplish if you are open to trying .
Two of Clubs - Discovery
I found Shonda Rhines to be inspiring. The way she approached things and reflected on what she had done and what she had changed were so interesting to listen to. It also made me reflect on my own choices.
I was surprised with this. I thought it was going to be alot more self-helpy. But the fact that it wasn't made me enjoy it a whole lot more.
Word of caution: you will need to have watched Grey's Anatomy to get some of the Christina references.
I‘m a little overwhelmed at the moment. So much is just bad lately so I‘m taking a breather and checking out this audiobook I just got from my library. Needing a little inspiration at the moment.
Loved loved loved this!!! Got this in a free promotion last month, and tore through it in two days at work. Such a good MUST READ book!! 5 Stars ⭐
Added note: I had never seen a single episode of Greys Anatomy or Private Practice before reading this. Now, not even a month later, I've binge watched my way clear through the first 2 seasons of GA and am already on s3. 😁
A little more #SurpriseBookMail today 🥰🥰🥰
Thank you so much @PurpleyPumpkin 😘😘
I've had this one on my radar for a while now and right about now I think is the perfect time for this one!
Starting a new one!
Loved it! Anyone listen to it and just picture Bailey from Greys the whole time?
Book 93 of 2020
#audiobook #scribd
First of 2020.
Current audiobook
took me several months to finish but was an enjoyable read. i love her voice. she‘s a great writer all around! 😍 side note: glad i binged grey‘s anatomy this year or i wouldn‘t have understood all the cristina yang references! 👩🏻⚕️💉 #yearofyes #yearofshonda
It was a weird summer and the show didn't help in terms of me keeping up on here or with my life. Thanks for checking out my book dump from this summer. Here's to hoping that my pace is a bit more manageable this fall. 🤞
There were times Rhimes seemed to lose focus, but still, overall, I enjoyed this celebrity story.
Book 12 of #SummersEndReadathon ✔️
Time: 51h35m
#bfcr3 #smallsteppers
#24in48 #challenge. I am giving my eyes a rest with Year of Yes on audiobook. I can only do memoir on audiobook specifically read by the author. I space out too much with fiction and miss too much. I get all my audiobooks from the Library and play them on Libby.
YAAASSSSSS!! this has been sitting on my shelf for a while aaaand i‘ve been needing something to lift me up from I‘ll Be Gone In The Dark ☠️