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Meh. I loved the idea of this. Historical fiction time loop murder mystery. Definitely unique and easy to get into. The problem I found is that it drug on longer than I think it needed to. 3/4 of the way through I was done. No amount of reveals were bringing me back after that long 🤷‍♀️

Got my first #audiobookbingo though!

17hrs #LittenListen #JuneHolidayTheme #TimeTravel #bookspinbingo #JoysofJune
@aperfectmjk @TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 Agree about the book. 3y
Jennaree3 Omg did you do this one on audiobook? It was confusing enough in print lol (edited) 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
FantasyChick @Jennaree3 I tried lol. It has to be one of the hardest books I've ever tried to follow lol 3y
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The Chrysalis | Brendan Deneen
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Solid sci fi-horror. There's no real "big reveal" moment as the entire plot is all over the cover but it was a quick and enjoyable listen. Gives me Amityville vibes. I'd love to see this as movie!

11hrs #LittenListen
#JuneHolidayTheme #BartenderDay
#JoysofJune #bookspinbingo #14Books14Weeks2021
@aperfectmjk @Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks @TheHeartlandBookFairy

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Digital Audiobooks: New Media, Users, and Experiences | Iben Have, Birgitte Stougaard Pedersen
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I did some series reading last week and finished 7 books! Still no bingo but I knocked off some #JuneHolidayTheme prompts.

With the additional points for the emoji game, I logged a total of 466pts 😊

Hoping to keep the momentum up this week coming!

#LittenListen @aperfectmjk

aperfectmjk Wow, great job! Good luck this week. I'm working on a trivia game for next week that I hope everyone will enjoy. I'm also going to try and come up with some other fun ways to earn some last minute points. 3y
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I had a ton of stuff to do around the house today and I was in a listening mood! This book was impossible to stop. Small town suspicion, jealousy, romance, revenge and a series of murders based on Poe stories...this was a one day read. The witchcraft element was completely pointless but I was all in anyway

#doublespin pick
11hrs #LittenListen
#JuneHolidayTheme #InternationalWidowsDay
Book 3: #readyourway
Book 2: #JoysofJune

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 3y
aperfectmjk I'm glad this turned out to be such a great listen for you! 3y
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I followed along with the #audiobook for this and thought it was great. I know this book has gotten some bad reviews but I think it's a fun little memoir about finding yourself and I could listen to Shonda Rimes' stream of consciousness narrating for hours.

#bookspin pick for the month too!

7hrs #LittenListen
#JuneHolidayTheme #NationalPenDay
#bookspinbingo #readyourway

@aperfectmjk @TheAromaofBooks @Eggbeater @kimmypete1 @MidnightBookGirl

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
Eggbeater Nice job! 👏👏👏 3y
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Dark Shores | Danielle L. Jensen
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This one keeps looking at me from my Hoopla recommendations so I finally broke down and gave it a listen. It's not perfect but I actually enjoyed this much more than I thought I would. Pirates, politics, war, sea monsters....I'm going to keep going with this.

12hrs #LittenListen
#JuneHolidayTheme #WorldOceanDay
@aperfectmjk @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
mavey Gorgeous cover! Have you tried Jensen's Bridge Kingdom Series? It is so so good!!🤩💞 3y
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Dreamfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Might just be my favourite of the series so far.

Not exactly "romance" but I'd say it still fits for #NationalKissingDay ?

12hrs #LittenListen
#bookspinbingo #JuneHolidayTheme #14Books14Weeks2021

@aperfectmjk @TheAromaofBooks @TheHeartlandBookFairy

ShelleyBooksie Love this swries 3y
ShelleyBooksie Err series 3y
FantasyChick @ShelleyBooksie 🤣 It's my favourite! I reread the first 5 books every few years but I've never finished. The final book is now out so I'm planning on this being the year! 3y
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Faefever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Not my favourite of the series, this book is more about getting the plot ready to progress than it is about new developments. The ending is still....yeah....

12hrs #LittenListen
#JuneHolidayTheme #ABookAboutFairies

@aperfectmjk @TheAromaofBooks

Onto book 4! 🧚‍♂️🔪😈

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 3y
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