Boy was this a powerful one to teach.
Boy was this a powerful one to teach.
My first time reading this fictionalized account of the historical events. So very sad.
I cannot recall studying any plays in high school so I‘m rectifying that finally.
All right, listen...Arthur Miller was a douche (I've heard, but I haven't looked too hard into this), but MAN could he write a play. Remember the historical significance of Miller writing this as a covert stab at McCarthyism. The speed with which one can be swept up so quickly in mass hysteria, the lack of control a person has against their government/the mob. It's so insightful and terrifying how relevant this play still is. #RoryGilmoreChallenge
I had forgotten how good a playwright Miller is. The twists, turns, lies, and judgment of Salem were brought home in this classic. I read it to help my daughter with homework, worried I would struggle, and ended up thoroughly enjoying the play. Time went by so fast as I revisited 1692 Salem!
1. The Crucible. I found it okay on first read, but it was one of those that got assigned several years in school and every time I read it or saw a movie adaptation I saw less and less in it where you‘d hope to see more and more.
2. Spare, I‘m Glad my Mom Died, Friends Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing (there are plenty of celebrity memoirs I‘ve enjoyed, but it‘s not my genre enough that the hype around a book will pull me in)
If interested:
Easy Bake Coven, Part 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qBwZzXa4TL3E90iqitZGnWzWRPFCSGYx/view
Easy Bake Coven, Part 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dJGZ3Zs6r71bbi6k8qM-uV98wQQFEJXL/view
10 Facts About THE CRUCIBLE: https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/67433/10-witchy-facts-about-crucible
Site of Salem Hangings Article: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AnSSguB4zsy9cMrBHn1uCsRKxYqLYGa8/view?usp=shari...
Always read this during the Puritanism unit with the juniors. Not the easiest play to read, but the kids ended up loving it. Then, I would show the 1992 movie starring be-still-my heart Daniel Day Lewis (who married Miller's daughter!) and Winona Ryder; you could hear a pin drop on the carpeting during the movie! Even though it's historically inaccurate, it is DEAD-ON accurate with what a true witchhunt is, both literally and metaphorically.
#Scarathlon #TeamSlaughter #DailyPhotoPrompt #Day24 #Lies
Abigail‘s #lies cause a lot of problems for the residents of Salem, Massachusetts.
I‘m reading this alongside my daughter for her AP Language class. It‘s not my favorite. But it goes along nicely with #TeamMonsterMash and the #Scarathlon2022. LOTS of word search words. Also, it is orange and today is the 18th, so I‘m stacking points on this one!. @StayCurious
I got to read as Elizabeth Proctor and that slayed, so here was my favorite line. “It needs a cold wife to prompt lechery… it was a cold house I kept!”
I read Miller's play in school & lately have thought of rereading it. If I do I will probably buy it in the wonderful Penguin #Orange edition. The only Penguin Orange that I own is Shirley Jackson's & there are a few others that I'd like to collect.
#GratefulHarvest @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs
#haunted #incostume #witchery #Salem
Spent yesterday in Salem MA with my husband, son, 2 sisters in law. What a fantastic day!!!! So much to see, so much to do! #halloween
I've loved this play since I first read it in high school and it's one of my favorite things to teach.
It was good. I wasn't blown away, probably bc I already knew a lot about the Salem Witch Trials, but it was good. 🤷🏼♀️ Not much more to comment on. I'm looking forward to watching the movie and hope to get to see the play live someday.
I know this is a book you either love or hate because most schools make you read it. I personally loved it.
I've loved this play since I first read it in high school and it's one of my favorite things to teach.
I can‘t think of a better topic/ plot that better represents this. The witchcraft hysteria of 1692 illustrates perfectly how dangerous it can be to get swept up and fixating on one thing. I could talk LITERALLY all day about the history of this as I‘m deeply obsessed with Salem‘s history. The townspeople overwhelmingly and blindly believing unfounded claims distracts from even more dangerous realities. #tarottakeover
Remembering that time I played Mary Warren in a production of this play.
The pacing is good, the plot is great and the characters are developed perfectly. I particularly like what Miller did with John Proctor‘s character, I enjoyed analyzing his actions in comparison to his concept of himself. Abagail is also interesting to analyze but I found her to be a less complex character and I was content with what happens to her in the end. John Proctor also got a fitting end but in a different way than Abigail.
“One cannot help noting that one of his lines has never yet raised a laugh in any audience that has seen this play; it is his assurance that ‘We cannot look to superstition in this. The devil is precise.‘“
(I used talk-to-text for that quote and “any” was heard as “Eddie” — I don‘t hab a code id my doze, but allergies. 😝)
#FebruaryFeels #FavePlay
Catching up from yesterday. In junior high we read The Crucible & then had a field trip to watch the play performed in Portland. While maybe not my all-time favorite play (that is probably Much Ado About Nothing or The Importance of Being Earnest or maybe Daddy Long Legs? 🤔), it made a big impression on me & is definitely a favorite.
I used random online photos for my collage.
I just finished teaching this to my juniors. I‘m not sure if they loved it as much as I do. This is the bulletin board in my classroom. The fine print says “Salem witches were hanged, not burned.”
On this date in 1956 Arthur Miller appeared and testified before the House Committee on Un-American Activities.He did answer questions about his own behavior and actions but refused to “name names” of friends and colleagues who might share his interests and activities.He was found guilty of contempt of Congress.His beautiful wife (what‘s her name again?)😉attended the hearing risking her own career.
[John Proctor] was the kind of man—powerful of body, even-tempered, and not easily led—who cannot refuse support to partisans without drawing their deepest resentment. In Proctor‘s presence a fool felt his foolishness instantly—and a Proctor is always marked for calumny therefore.
At a play with my husband :) I've never read or seen this before so should be interesting!
The people of Salem believed that the women of the town were witches and on #highwaytohell #marchintothe70s @Lizpixie @Cinfhen
“I saw Goody Proctor with the devil!” 🌘 This cover was too gorgeous in its simplicity to pass up. #decoratewithbooks
I didn't reach my goal of reading 15 books this year, but I got a few books under my belt nonetheless!
#goodreads #readingchallenge #yearinbooks
“For murder, she‘s charged! For the marvelous and supernatural murder of Goody Putnam‘s babies.”
#QuotsyDec18 | 9: #Charge
📷: Made with Typorama
#nofemmeber #illmakeyousorry
Better not upset young Abigail ladies... from the look on her face I reckon she could cause a mite of trouble.
#octoberputaspellonyou #iputaspellonyou
Another autumnal favorite that takes place during the witch hunts of Salem Massachusetts.
I teach this book in my AP Literature class every year! #OctoberPutASpellOnYou #Salem @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkoiss
Curriculum night at the high school. Calgon take me away! Tagged one of the books my junior will read this year, one I coincidentally taught my college freshmen many, many years ago. (I held my classes on this play in the campus graveyard. Kid will have to make do with generic American high school.)
Reading this with my World Lit students, and I can‘t get the song from The Hunger Games out of my head...
Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
They strung up a man
They say who murdered three
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree
Trying to get through The Crucible for my English class at school my cat decided she wanted to nap with me
Such an important and absorbing read. I can‘t believe I went so long without reading it!! It left me wanting to read more about McCarthyism and the Salem witch trials...
Just a few of my #paperbacks that are pretty old. #oldcoolbooks @Linsy
I‘m so happy I could grab this book during my recent Book Outlet splurge! Love the #cover of the Penguin Orange Classics! #maylovesclassics
And, to stretch the prompt a bit, the Salem Witch Trials were based on lies and hype and prejudices and the list goes on and on. An unfunny joke that robbed the lives of dozens of individuals. Far stretch, but my brain isn‘t quite working this morning. #thejokerandthethief #getmovin
Woo hoo!!! ✨🎊👊🏻👏🏻😃🤘🏻💪🏻🎈🎉 Nailed it!!! #4in48Readathon COMPLETE! I'm gonna go for 5th book just for a bonus 😁
A rare case where the film was true to the book (or play in this case). Easy to read but could be very difficult to follow if you are not familiar with the characters. There are many characters and they all play significant roles. Though not 100% historically accurate it is still beautifully retold in a way that's much more reader friendly. This is one of those classics that everyone should read at least once.