This was also on the #RoryGilmoreChallenge and I couldn‘t have been more bored. Maybe I‘ll try again, but reading this immediately after a semester of Victorian Lit was not ideal…
This was also on the #RoryGilmoreChallenge and I couldn‘t have been more bored. Maybe I‘ll try again, but reading this immediately after a semester of Victorian Lit was not ideal…
I don‘t like kitschy. I don‘t like sappy. So I was quite worried about this. It surprised me. Eddie dies trying to save young girl in a Ferris wheel accident. We know it‘s coming, so don‘t worry, that‘s not a spoiler! ☺️ The narrative follows him as he meets 5 important people in his life. I enjoyed the contemplative nature, the inter-connectedness of humanity. If you want to get off the roller-coaster and take a nice swan boat ride, this is it.
What more can I add about a classic? I can tell you that I read this for my Victorian Lit class and we roasted Rochester on the daily. 😂 234/1,001 #BookSpin for September #FlourishAndBlott Set/Written Before 2000 #TBRTarot Which Has a Person‘s Name in the Title #RoryGilmoreChallenge
This play is exhausting and it‘s so worth it. The film was also groundbreaking because the director went against the morality code most movies followed at the time because he refused to water down Albee‘s play. I think this was the wise decision. This play is an important addition to the American canon. I would LOVE to see this one on the stage! #RoryGilmoreChallenge
Day 31. Book of Poetry
This particular book is on my TBR and is also part of the #RoryGilmoreChallenge. I‘m hoping to get to it sooner rather than later
I have a back-and-forth relationship with Mark Twain. Like, I both like him and can't stand him. It's weird. But I digress...this is a fun little story that is like a human interest piece in the local newspaper. You know the one, they find the weirdest guy and he just gives the goofiest story ever and it's fabulous. It's a fun little story. #RoryGilmoreChallenge
All right, listen...Arthur Miller was a douche (I've heard, but I haven't looked too hard into this), but MAN could he write a play. Remember the historical significance of Miller writing this as a covert stab at McCarthyism. The speed with which one can be swept up so quickly in mass hysteria, the lack of control a person has against their government/the mob. It's so insightful and terrifying how relevant this play still is. #RoryGilmoreChallenge
This is a lovely, contemplative little play. It has some great imagery involved, and the characters are fully realized people full of hope, desperation, and flaws. It's my first Tennessee Williams. I wasn't completely blown away, but I am looking forward to A Streetcar Named Desire. (In case you want fair warning: Amanda, the mom, has a couple of racist remarks against a couple of different minority groups.) #RoryGilmoreChallenge
These poems were absolutely haunting and beautiful. I cannot BELIEVE I‘m all alone in the comment section. I *think* this is featured on the #RoryGilmoreChallenge list (probably included in the revival?) and that‘s how I stumbled on this. I was savoring every poem. Im looking forward to Time Spent Falling. I had to take a screenshot of my GoodReads update, just so I could always remember this one.