June 2 #SummerSouls Mountain ⛰️ @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
June 2 #SummerSouls Mountain ⛰️ @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
I've read five really good books in a row this month and I'm starting to feel like anything I read next is going to be a disappointment. In an effort to avoid the dreaded book slump, I'm switching things up and reading some non-fiction. Buster is always happy to cheer me on as I try to decide which of these to tackle...
I know this is lame but when I saw the prompt #mountains, I immediately thought of my mountain of #tbr 😂😂😂 Here‘s one of my shelves. As you can see mostly old titles but the heart just can‘t let it go yet even though I keep reading the newer ones 🤔 I‘m sure most of you understand the dilemma 😅 #julyjourneys @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
Dr. Paul Farmer strong believes that healthcare should not be only be for those who can afford to pay and has spent his career tirelessly working to help those who most need it from Haiti, to Peru, to Russia, and beyond. This was a gripping memoir that shows Farmer as both a hardworking visionary and also as a man with flaws.
#booked2021 #COVIDheroes
Day 5 #12Booksof2020 @Andrew65
What an amazing man Dr Paul Farmer was. This is the story of his work in Haiti, caring for the poorest of the poor. They live in unspeakable conditions, and their health care was non existent. Dr Farmer spent his life serving them and working toward taking his ideas to other countries.
#DailyTarot @Annie1215
The tagged book was such a wonderful look at the life of a man who embodies discovering ways to help and heal the poorest among us
#WordsOfOctober Day 31: I always find our family weekend trips to the mountains to be especially #splendid. Look at that gorgeous moon out tonight. 💕
An excellent book! The story of Dr Paul Farmer and his belief in healing the world. He established a clinic in the midst of dire poverty in Haiti. Well written and so much to think about.
This book was one of those books I was told I had to read before peace corps. I never actually made time to read it beforehand but at the training center in Benin, we discovered trunks and trunks of books left behind by volunteers and this was in one of them. It was such a good read. Not the most entertaining non-fic, but reading about Paul Farmer and all the hard work he put into his service was inspiring.
I was skeptical that I would finish this month‘s read when #bookspin chose non-fiction, then skeptical about reading a book about public health failures during a public health failure. By the end I was entranced by Paul Farmer and his work in Haiti and around the world. By gaining a depth of understanding of the cultures in which he worked, he was able to deliver the precious commodity of health to the desperately poor. This is a great book! ⬇️
Good morning! I didn‘t sleep all that great, so I actually *did* get a start on reading in wee hours, but I‘m up and ready to apply myself to proper reading now. #24in48 #StayHome24in48
Last week, I was a “lame” introvert staying home on Saturday. This week I‘m a socially responsible, self-sacrificing social distancer! How timely that the #bookspin would choose for me a book that has the words “cure the world” in the subtitle. 🤷🏻♀️
The #bookspin has spoken and it looks like I‘ll be reading some non-fiction this month. 😱 The owls may look skeptical but I‘m hoping to enjoy this departure from my typical reading fare. 🦉😀
It took me a long while to toil through this one. Satirically, the author's own afterword prophesized the fact that my immense respect and awe for Kidder's Farmer gave rise to the moral envy that had me throwing down the book in throes of green envy.
Definitely a read for those of us out there vying to change the world but remain convinced of our Tony insignificant in the grand scheme of things
#bookishmountain #bookishresolutions
Just a few of them....
We have spent our first day in Iceland settling in and wandering around Reykjavik looking at pretty mountains and pretty houses. I have already spotted and been into a few bookstores, but so far I‘m staying strong 😅
#Iceland #MountEsja
This was good. Impressive, everything he did/does, but at the same time one wonders how he managed/manages to get everything done. He had to also navigate political interactions, as well.
Since I can‘t do Dewey‘s 24-hour readathon next month, I decided to do it tomorrow, not realizing this weekend is also the #mounttbrreadathon 😊. After a quick skim of the shelves, I think I‘ve come up with some good reads to choose from 📚📚📚
Joining #MountTBRReadathon as best I can in between obligations this weekend. Like all Littens huge huge mountain to climb! Hope this focus helps! Thanks @Tiffy_Reads and @JenlovesJT47 !
After six weeks of hardly reading due to a crazy schedule, I need this desperately. Join me, moderators @JenlovesJT47 & @Tiffy_Reads and many other Littens this weekend! #MountTBRReadathon
I will be joining @Tiffy_Reads and @JenlovesJT47 for this fabulous readathon. I need to tackle this mountain of books that has taken over my room. #MountTBRReadathon
What could happen if I look too closely at other‘s #freakyfriday lists. Y‘all picked so many amazing books! Hope hosts consider doing this on a quarterly/semi-annual basis. I know it was a lot of work and really appreciate it!!
Looking for a ReadAThon?
@JenlovesJT47 and @Tiffy_Reads are hosting a #ReadAThon on #Litsy - March 23-25!
#mounttbrreadathon #mounttbr
Late to the party but I‘m definitely in for the #mountTBRchallenge
I need to tackle some of the piles of books around my house as well as the backlog on my kindle.
2 down so far.....
I am determined to read books I already own- and saw the #mounttbrchallenge Exactly matching my one reading goal for the year! My list is from kindle and audible- just the beginning. My goal is 52 books I already own.
So I made a mount TBR graphic while I was at work today. I get to color in one block and I‘m almost done with another. My goal is 48 for the year but I‘m definitely hoping to exceed that
So this year I plan to do the #readharder challenge, goodreads and #litsyatoz challenge like last year. I‘m adding the #litsyclassics challenge and #MountTBRchallenge with lots of crossovers. I think I can complete all of them and only check out a couple of books from the library. Reading what I own this year! Good luck to everyone challenging themselves and to those who prefer to read by the seat of their pants! @BookishMarginalia @DivaDiane
Really shocking, tenderly written. Exquisite journalism.
My latest book finds. I really need to slow down, I'm running out of room!
Update on my Mount TBR challenge. I've made it to 80!!!! My initial goal was 100 books from my TBR. Now that I've made it a competition with myself, I'm tempted to go for Mount Olympus and empty the shelves (my initial TBR count was 146 books -- I bet I can find 4 more that would qualify). But, that would require me to keep up my focus on the pile for the rest of the year. 😳
Reading this book for a Social Justice class and it really gives a close look to the culture and emotions that go into selfish work like what Dr. Paul Farmer does.
✨"The only real nation is humanity"- Dr. Paul Farmer✨
#inspiring #paulfarmer
I work in clinical research and a big part of my job is informed consent, with an emphasis on the informed part. Too often, in medicine and research, info is just not shared in an easily learned manner. I am inspired daily by the bad shit that has happened and my motto is: do better. And I'm highlighting the best biography ever. Paul Farmer embodies the idea of health as a human right and medicine as social justice.
Inspiring non-fiction book about Dr. Farmer, a person with a heart and a purpose beyond all reason. This book does a great job at demonstrating the critical role that basic public health has on all populations.