Loved this quick read. Portrays how one moment can change lives forever, for better or worse.
Loved this quick read. Portrays how one moment can change lives forever, for better or worse.
Inspiring non-fiction book about Dr. Farmer, a person with a heart and a purpose beyond all reason. This book does a great job at demonstrating the critical role that basic public health has on all populations.
This is one of my favorite books of all time...and I have read a LOT of books. My daughter and I read it out loud to each other over a couple of weeks.By the end, we were bawling. My husband was afraid to come near us!
This book was a difficult read because the premise was heartbreaking. I couldn't quite finish it because my heart was breaking although my daughter says the main character was vindicated in the end.
I did enjoy the book, but was bummed that she did not go into detail about how she went from never having played bass or guitar, to playing bass in this iconic band. Who taught her to play? How long did it take for her to become proficient and confident with bass?
Saw this at the air BNB where I'm staying this week. I'm already hooked just 5 pages into it.