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Unicorn vs. Goblins: Another Phoebe and Her Unicorn Adventure
Unicorn vs. Goblins: Another Phoebe and Her Unicorn Adventure | Dana Simpson
53 posts | 66 read | 18 to read
Not every kid skips a rock across a pond and winds up with a unicorn best friend, right? The popular friendship of "Phoebe and Her Unicorn "is back for a third collection of adventures so heavenly they had to be shared. School s out! That means no more teachers, no more books, and lots of time to compliment Marigold Heavenly Nostrils on her good looks. In this third volume, Phoebe and her obligational best friend, Marigold, learn that summer still has plenty of surprises for the both of them. All of our old friends are back Phoebe s part-time frenemy Dakota, upon whom Marigold has bestowed sentient hair, Phoebe s goofy parents, and even Lord Splendid Humility (but please, ignore his magnificence if you can)! Have fun as Phoebe and Marigold continue the Phoebegold Detective Agency, spend a week at Wolfgang Music Camp, and find themselves in more misadventures, thanks to Marigold s enchanted sparkles! Along the way, Phoebe makes some new friends, such as Sue her unique clarinet-playing bunkmate, Florence Unfortunate Nostrils, Marigold s estranged sister, and Camp Wolfgang s lake monster who enjoys tacos and Wi-Fi. When school resumes, read along as Phoebe enjoys (or suffers from) a brief case of popularity, mentally catalogs her grievances against dodge ball, and, with Marigold s help, rescues Dakota and her hair from the queen of the goblins. Through these wacky adventures, Phoebe and Marigold learn that their friendship is the second most magical thing of all, after Marigold s beauty, of course. Includes an introduction by Cory Doctorow and his daughter Poesy!"
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I can‘t blame you, Phoebe! I would want to be kidnapped by goblins, too.

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These comics are such a treat! I love the way jokes are delivered because they feel like a smooth progression of the characters' dialogue. I was delighted to see back to school and summer camp themes in this book. #unicorn #comics #lgbtqAuthors

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These books are SO fun. The artwork is adorable, and I absolutely love the way everyone just accepts the fact that Phoebe's best friend is a unicorn. Litsy introduced me to these books, and they've been delightful!

The only thing that annoyed me about this one was the introduction (not written by the author) that spent more time explaining why Calvin & Hobbes was problematic than it did talking about why this comic is fun. I found the attitude ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) a bit off-putting, as I'm very fond of Calvin & Hobbes as well, and it seems as though the Phoebe comics can stand on their own without bashing someone else's work. ANYWAY the book itself is great fun & I definitely recommend reading these by starting with the first book & working your way through as the characters do build on themselves. Great fun for all ages. 4y
rockpools The introduction- How weird! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @RachelO - it WAS weird. Like it starts with “oh my kid & I loved reading this together“ but then a whole big section of it was about how Phoebe is far superior to Calvin because she's much nicer and better-adjusted & her magical friend is REAL, unlike Hobbes and... it just felt awkward?? I have seen comparisons of Phoebe to Calvin & they have a similar vibe, but I don't feel like there has to be a ranking in order to enjoy both! 4y
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Suet624 How strange. 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Huh, well that is definitely off-putting for me because Calvin and Hobbes are VERY near and dear to me. I had imaginary friends growing up and so having a character that had one too made me feel way less awkward about it. I loved Calvin‘s antics too. If he was “nicer” I wouldn‘t have like the comics. Problematic my big toe... Glad you‘re still able to enjoy the book though and the author‘s intro didn‘t ruin it! ❤️ 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Suet624 @RachelO @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm - And just to clarify, the introduction was NOT written by the author herself, but by some random person (Cory Doctorow - literally no idea who that is), but part of the intro reads, “Calvin was kind of a creep, especially to little girls“ and “Calvin's mom & dad rolled their eyes every time Calvin talked with spittle-flecked excitement about his imaginary friend.“ Just... not cool. 😕 4y
TheAromaofBooks @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm - Still, if you enjoyed Calvin & Hobbes, I would definitely recommend checking these out. The comics themselves are just great fun - the characters are SO likable and it's all very funny. If you start with the first book, you get to see how Phoebe & the unicorn meet & why everyone is cool with having a unicorn hanging around. They're definitely worth a read!! 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @TheAromaofBooks Ah, gotcha. Yikes...wonder how the author feels about that then? I don‘t know how publishing works. 😅🤦‍♀️ Does the author get the final say in how the book is put together? 4y
rockpools Hm. Cory Doctorow is definitely A Name (not that I‘ve ever read his stuff). One month, I‘m planning to take out a Scribd subscription and binge-read a bunch of these! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm - I have no idea how it all works. I've frequently wondered that about cover art/interior illustrations that don't remotely look like the characters in the story. Does the author get to approve that kind of thing, or do they just get handed the illustrator and have to go with it?? Mysterious. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @RachelO - I did a quick look after I posted my last comment - appears that he is a Canadian scifi author, which probably explains why I haven't heard of him... scifi is a genre that I tend to stumble into rather than seek out haha 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @TheAromaofBooks I‘m definitely still intrigued enough to give this a look. 😊👍 The posts I‘ve seen on here have all been adorable. 4y
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Honestly not sure where the winds will blow my #weeklyforecast - these are all possibilities. The ones to the left of This Present Darkness are my current reads!! Really enjoying the lighthearted fun of the Phoebe & Her Unicorn books. Also really need to finish some "assigned" reading before the end of June!!!


Bookwormjillk I‘m behind on my June reading too. Not sure where this month went. 4y
MaureenMc Phoebe and Marigold are the best! 🙌 4y
TheAromaofBooks @MaureenMc - I had never heard about them until Litsy, and now I'm on the the 3rd volume - they're just SO adorable and fun! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Bookwormjillk - I genuinely feel like June was REALLY short! 4y
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Pandemic or no pandemic, I'm always up for reading about a girl and her hilarious unicorn. Reliably adorable and an instant mood-lifter. I love the panel above because it's nice to see Marigold get into her protective unicorn mode—even if it is only to protect Phoebe from a ball 😆 (Though I feel like I must prepare everyone for the sad fact that goblins play a tiny role in this book.)

Tanisha_A 😁 4y
readordierachel Sounds so cute 😊 Will have to give it a go 4y
batsy @readordierachel It is! Pure feelgood fluff when you need a total break from most things :) 4y
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Centique I took one of these out of the library for my daughter years ago and loved it myself - I must try some more 😊 4y
britt_brooke These are such fun books! I just read volume 11 last week. 🦄✨ 4y
batsy @Centique @britt_brooke So charming! I haven't been following the order properly but I'm glad there's more of it to read 😁 4y
britt_brooke @batsy The order really doesn‘t matter, so you‘re good! 4y
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Love how well loved these are. Borrowed from a friend‘s 9yo - I lent her Real Friends by Shannon Hale and so she lent me these.

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Another fun one! 😊 🦄

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⭐️⭐️⭐️ Phoebe and Marigold Heavenly Nostrils are up to their usual fun and light naughtiness. Lots of unicorn gazing, sparkles, and even some .... spiders? Really cute stuff. I‘m having so much fun reading these with my niece. I‘m mailing this one to her soon and decided to make a little bookmark to go with it. It‘s my niece as a unicorn, beautiful auburn hair and all. I call her “Anna-corn.” 🦄💫 I hope it makes her smile!

batsy Aww! Love the bookmark 💙 6y
britt_brooke @batsy Thanks! 🥰 6y
Laura317 Best aunt ever! 6y
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AnneCecilie Love the bookmark 6y
JennyM My daughter and I love these - they always make us giggle 6y
britt_brooke @Laura317 Aw, thanks! 🥰 6y
britt_brooke @AnneCecilie Thanks!! 🥰 6y
britt_brooke @JennyM They really are so cute! 6y
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Both of my little guys are super sick so that calls for lots of coffee and a light read. Heading to the doctor soon. Hoping it‘s not the flu. 🤞🏻😩😷🤒🤧 Having sick babies is the worst. I wish it was me instead.

**UPDATE** It is the flu. Both boys.

xicanti Poor kids. I hope it's not too serious. 6y
Cinfhen Awwww, I‘m so sorry 😢😢Hope they‘re feeling better real quick. I know someone has a bday next week 😉 6y
Traci1 I hope they're feeling better soon. ❤❤ 6y
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DaveGreen7777 Awww, hope they feel much better soon! 😞 6y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen 😚 Yes, and a party Saturday. I have the worst memory ... it‘s one of your kids‘ birthday, too, right? It‘s my dad‘s birthday and he‘s turning 60 so we‘re having a combined party. Hope we don‘t have to postpone it. 🤞🏻 6y
Jee_HookedOnBookz Hope your kids feel better soon! 6y
cobwebmoth Hope they feel better soon! 6y
julesG Hope the kids feel better soon! 6y
Cinfhen I forgot about your dad!!! My daughter Niki is turning 26 on Monday 😱time flies 6y
Cinfhen Hope your guys are ok and party goes off without a hitch 🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈 6y
KaatjeH Hope they are feeling better soon. Nothing worse than sick kids 6y
RadicalReader @britt_brooke absolutely love your marvelous mug 6y
batsy Hope they both get well soon 🌻 6y
mrsmarch Hope you don‘t live in south coastal Massachusetts, where my friend‘s son‘s preschool has an outbreak of scarlet fever!! 6y
Kalalalatja Hope they feel better soon! And that mug is perfection 👌 6y
JacqMac It is the worst. I hope they feel better soon. 6y
TrishB Hope they‘re on the mend soon. 6y
laur89 🤞🏼 the kiddos feel better! Btw, absolutely love the mug. 😄❤️ 6y
ShelleyBooksie I LOVE that mug! Sorry to hear your boys have the flu :( 6y
JennyM Get well soon boys...hope no one else gets it xx 6y
CouronneDhiver 😫 I‘m sorry. 6y
LeahBergen Oh no. Poor wee guys! 6y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen Yes, it does! My baby will be 5. 😭 And we had to postpone the party a week because both of my sons have the flu. 😷 6y
britt_brooke @julesG @KaatjeH @batsy @JacqMac @TrishB @JennyM @CouronneDhiver @LeahBergen Thank you all! Hoping they‘ll be better in a couple of days and that the rest of us don‘t get it .... 6y
britt_brooke @RadicalReader Thank you! 😆 6y
britt_brooke @mrsmarch OMG, that‘s nuts!! 6y
britt_brooke @Kalalalatja Thank you!! 6y
britt_brooke @laur89 Thank you!! 6y
Cinfhen Oh no!!! My boys ( hubby & son ) had the flu beginning of January. It was terrible😢😢😢 poor babies 6y
julesG Poor little ones. That's awful. Still hope they'll be feeling better soon. 6y
Reviewsbylola Oh shit Brittany, I‘m so sorry! I hope they feel better soon. That is awful. 6y
britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola Thank you! It‘s been a rough day. 😩 Plus I‘m pretty sure it‘s going to hit me next. AND, we had an issue with our heater today so I had to deal with that, too. Shitty day all around. 💸💸💸 6y
Reviewsbylola Oh no, I hope you stay healthy. Nothing is worse than parenting while sick. 🤒🤒 6y
britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola That is the truth!! 🤞🏻 6y
Crazeedi Aww I hope by this evening they're feeling some better, and make sure mama takes care of herself too! 6y
britt_brooke @Crazeedi Thank you! 💚 6y
Bookzombie I hope your boys feel better soon and that you stay healthy. 💗 6y
britt_brooke @Bookzombie Thank you! 💚 6y
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These books have things in them that everyone can relate to. I just adore them ❤️

MerinEliza Yus! I remember reading this and loving it so much! 6y
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I imagine this will be me as a parent some day.

Readingismyescape This is totally me! 💜 school supplies, markers, pens, post-its. 😳 6y
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I‘m working on an editing project this weekend—one that I‘ve been procrastinating on—so no readathon-ing for me today. But I am using Phoebe and Marigold Heavenly Nostrils as incentive/reward for progress in my editing!

jpmcwisemorgan I‘m supposed to be transcribing a board meeting so no readathon for me either. 6y
BarbaraJean @jpmcwisemorgan ☹️Sadness! Hope your transcribing goes quickly! 6y
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#emojimadness #unicorn

⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 I didn't enjoy this installment of Phoebe and Marigold as much as I did the other volumes in this series. However, these middle grade graphic novels books are worth the read, they are funny, smart and full of sass.

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Ddzmini 😍🤣🤣🤣 7y
Zelma I love their snark. 😂 7y
readinginthedark @Ddzmini @Zelma I know, isn‘t it the best? 😊 7y
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😂I might have believed this in school, too. I hated P.E. but my son loves it!

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😂This is so me (not with the art supplies, but excited over-shopping when going to pick up specific things 📚📚📚)! #parenting

BookBabe I can relate to the art supplies part! 7y
Lindy @BookBabe I can relate to the art supplies part too. Papers and pastels are my weakness. 7y
readinginthedark @BookBabe @Lindy I‘m not really an artist, but I do it sometimes with random craft supplies or when we go shopping for my son‘s school supplies! 🙈 7y
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Taking a break from my necessary reading with some Phoebe and Marigold! 😆❤️

GondorGirl 😂😂😂 7y
batsy 😂 7y
Heretherebedragons I ❤️ this. 7y
readinginthedark @GondorGirl @batsy @Heretherebedragons Right?! ❤️ I kind of want to say this to someone, even though it wouldn‘t make much sense out of context. 7y
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This is shorter than volume 3 but just as fun. I am drawn to Phoebe and Marigold. They have great adventures and learn good life lessons. #readwomen #libraryreads
#readharder —> comic not published by Marvel/DC/Image

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Not as good but still a pick. The title is a bit misleading as the goblins feature very briefly.

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The third book about Phoebe and her unicorn, and the story continue.

I need to get my hands on the next volumes, like now.

Sace Right? I was so glad my library had them all on Hoopla. I think I read them all in a day or two. Then I was sad there weren't any more. 😔 7y
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5⭐️ Only disappointing thing? It's far too short! The fun is over too quickly! 🍦🕷🍁Going to savor Razzle Dazzle Unicorn and read it later this month... ALSO discover your own Unicorn name in the Unicorn Name Generator! Sincerely, Snapdragon Delightful Rump 😂🦄🍑🌻☀️🌈 http://unicorn.namegeneratorfun.com/

readinginthedark 😂❤️ 7y
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In wake of my new full time job news ( bonus: a job I LOVE ➡️ a library assistant ), I decided to #TreatYoself and go to B&N ! Starting Unicorn vs Goblins! 💙🦄🍭🍦

kspenmoll Congrats on a new job you live!!'👏🎉 7y
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Another fun collection of adventures with Phoebe and Marigold. These books are perfect for both children and adults and I think that's quite a tough balance to find!

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Ugh woke up before 5 thanks to this cough and couldn't go back to sleep. So a double shot of Nespresso and a comic is what I need before dropping the kids off in school. It's the last four days of school for the kindergartener so he's in AM class this week!

IamIamIam Half day kindergarten is such a foreign concept to me!!! I can't wait until September and 6 solid hours of free time!!! Haha... hope you get some rest today! 7y
UwannaPublishme Hope you're feeling better! 🤗💕 7y
RealLifeReading Thanks @IamIamIam it is quite odd and may be because the city I live in has a lot of overloaded schools (too many new developments and not enough new schools!). 7y
RealLifeReading Thanks @UwannaPublishme trying to get some rest while the house is kid-free 7y
MelissaSue81 Just got this book for our kindergartener from the library discard sale! 7y
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More unicorn, I say, MORE UNICORN!

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This is the fourth time in 24 hours that phoenixes have come up. Weird!!
#phoenix #coinkidink #ithinknot

Lacythebookworm I love it when things like that happen! 7y
saresmoore Ooh, fun! The phoenix has such multi-layered and beautiful symbolism, too. Rise from the ashes and fly! 7y
LauraBrook @Lacythebookworm Me too, and it hardly ever happens! @saresmoore It's got me a little more excited than normal bc of the meaning. Fingers crossed it's good, cuz lord knows I could use some of that these days! 7y
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Another excellent Phoebe and Marigold Heavenly Nostrils adventure. So cute, so clever. ❤️

KarenUK Love them! 💕 7y
katedensen @KarenUK How could anyone not? ❤️ 7y
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It's time for some more Phoebe and Marigold.

moranadatter I love those two! 7y
katedensen @moranadatter We all need a Marigold. 7y
moranadatter So true! Where's my unicorn? 🦄 7y
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This series continues to delight 😍 I love the dynamic between Phoebe and her companion with heavenly nostrils and the whole magic of controlling her visibility and influence. Plus the bumdumching joke with each scene makes even a single page read fulfilling, very important for a mom with little time to read 😂 so many stars! #mommyreads #comic #ebook

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Possibly my favorite story arc so far - Dakota's sentient hair!

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So does Marigold have an official fan club? I can't get enough of this series.

readinginthedark Right?! 7y
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A relaxing Saturday morning read. 💕💕🦄🦄

OrangeMooseReads I don't like feet and now I'm going to hate them LOL 8y
LibrarianRyan Love this series 🤓🤓🤓 8y
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More Marigold and Phoebe! And we meet Marigold's sister, Florence. She has ... very Unfortunate Nostrils.

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💕 Phoebe and Marigold Heavenly Nostrils!!!

BibliophileMomma 💗🦄👧🏻 8y
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Best one yet.

Suzze Oh yay! That's my next one! 8y
Claireluana These look so cute! 8y
dixi_e @Suzze I laughed out loud several times and had fun start to finish. 8y
dixi_e @Claireluana They are! My seven year old loves them and I'm pretty charmed myself. 😊 8y
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Back-to-school shopping: spot on (although I'm more post-it's and journals and pens crazy). #thestruggleisreal

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I might be slightly obsessed with Phoebe and Marigold.


Stephykitten I'm all about a unicorn 🦄 with leg warmers 💕😋 8y
Larkken I'm going to need to get this for my friends with children, I think. And me. 8y
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Snack time!! #24in48

Nicohlay Just curious, what spread is on the crackers? Lol I'm hungry, can you tell? 8y
LauraBrook Yum, port wine cheese!!! 👅👅👅 8y
jessberk13 @Nicohlay it's called Kaukauna spreadable port wine cheese. It's delish!!! 8y
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jessberk13 @LauraBrook my boyfriend had never had it so I insisted we bought it at the store last night. He's hooked! 8y
LauraBrook Omg, this is your first Kaukauna cheese spread?!?! Girl, you were overdue! It's the best! The regular cheese one is good too, but port wine is sooooo delicious! I grew up having it, and now I need to have it in my fridge most of the time. Yum! 8y
Bookworm83 @LauraBrook It's so good!! I discovered it a couple years ago and I've been hooked ever since. Cheese and crackers have always been my favorite thing to munch on! 8y
ChrisM Love it!!! Now I'm going to have to go have some.... 8y
MyNamesParadise Omg that port wine tree is the best!! 8y
ApoptyGina69 We always get the sharp cheddar of that brand. We eat it on triscuits. The best!! 🧀 8y
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Who's with me?! 📚✊

Reviewsbylola This will absolutely be me! 8y
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KarenUK Me too! 8y
398.2 Yep! Starting the new year off right! 8y
vivastory I'm with her for sure! 😀 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag That was me 😉 8y
Suzze Yup. That'll be me too. 8y
LeahBergen I wish! 😩 8y
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Phoebe & Mari are perfect when one needs a pick-me-up. Right now, please.

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Phoebe has her Unicorn. I have my Zoe.

Bette 🐶❤️️👍 8y
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My second Phoebe and Marigold Heavenly Nostrils book this week - I love them!

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I missed the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association trade show this weekend but here's a prized souvenir from 2015's show.

BookishMarginalia 💜💜💜 8y
ForestAvenuePress Dana happened to have a poster left after the signing and gave it to my kiddo! It's been on her door ever since. 8y
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Sometimes when you are a Children's Librarian you must listen to a purple unicorn in white spandex play the saxophone. And then you get home and your children are fighting over a unicorn book (which I actually get, unlike the first thing).

britt_brooke 😳😂 8y
BookishTrish 😂😂😂😂 This makes my day 8y
LauraBeth 😂😂😂🦄 8y
Graciouswarriorprincess 😘😂👍 8y
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I ❤️ Todd #rar

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I'm wayyyyyy older than the intended audience and I enjoyed all my moments with Phoebe and Marigold Heavenly Nostrils.

My only complaint is the pastel theme of the covers 😕 (and there aren't a lot of goblins)