Thank you @dabbe those carmels are not gonna survive the day i already know it 😂
@jenniferw88 @AllDebooks #naturallitsymidsummerswap
Thank you @dabbe those carmels are not gonna survive the day i already know it 😂
@jenniferw88 @AllDebooks #naturallitsymidsummerswap
#NaturalitsyMidsummerSwap #NLMSS
@jenniferw88 @AllDeBooks
Hey there, @forestandcrow! Your package is on its way from Amazon--plus a little something via snail mail! It was fun shopping for you! Happy Summer Solstice! 🤩😀🤗
I‘ve picked out a bunch of homemade summer-y cards for our #summersolstice card exchange. See any you like?
@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @AllDebooks @jenniferw88
I‘m so happy to celebrate this season and hope you are too! This is a low key month of Summery Stuff! @AllDebooks has a check in thread and @TheBookHippie has a #wanderlunch thread So i‘d like to ask are there any special June/Summer/MidSummer traditions you‘d like to share?
A warm welcome to June and the start of our 2nd #MidsummerSolace event. I'm so ready for relaxing, hanging out, chatting books, buddyreads, all things hygge and summer fun with you.
Let's start with a 'how are you and what you have been up to' thread. 🌞😊💚💐🌞
All are welcome to join us. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.
@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88
This morning I met my friends at 4.30am and we went for a swim to welcome the sun on the summer solstice. It was an early start but a lovely way to start the summer season. Happy summer solstice Littens! May the long nights bring you many hours of reading. ☀️ 📚 🌞
Summer blessings to you all x
Carl Sandburg 1878 –1967
Bend low again, night of summer stars.
So near you are, sky of summer stars,
So near, a long-arm man can pick off stars,
Pick off what he wants in the sky bowl,
So near you are, summer stars,
So near, strumming, strumming, So lazy and hum-strumming.
From Smoke and Steel (Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1920). This poem is in the public domain.
Happy Summer Solstice! It is cloudy and overcast but I am still celebrating the longest day today! I love Summer and light. Sharing my shelf with many of my garden books- and quite a few were gifts from Litsy friends ❤️❤️❤️ and an oracle deck I discovered and highly recommend- especially if you want to explore! Will tag and provide more info in comments. How are you celebrating today? And celebrating YOU?
WOW Rachel! You are on top of this!! I can't wait to open this next month! Yippee!
#summersolsticebookexchange #summersantagoespostal
I am late to the party, but so very excited. My Santa knew how to touch my heart and the fact I think she's a librarian makes it so much sweeter. Not only did she give me wonderful gifts and books, she had made 2 cross stitch bookmarks that are gorgeous! @LikelyLibrarian do you by chance work at the Purvis MS Public Library?
Thanks so much to my #SummerSantaGoesPostal #SummerSolsticeBookExchange match @cewilf I opened my lovely presents last night and am thrilled with everything! Your handmade card is beautiful. I adore my Alice coloring book and tiny tea set. My daughter and I are Rosie the Riveter fans, so the lip balm is a hit. Brown Girl Dreaming has caught my eye before; thanks for nudging me out of my comfort zone. You did a great job!
So much fun and love. Thank you @Simona . The books are perfect. Penguin Classics for the win. Can't go wrong with Oscar Wilde And Marquez. The house of Caesar is well .... perfectly chosen. The Geisha paper dolls... OMG. They will have their own post. Love them. Thanks Gloria for planning, organizing and over all wisdom in creating these book exchanges. Started summer with a big bang. #summersantagoespostal
What a lovely way to enjoy breakfast on the longest day! I am thrilled with the books and goodies I've received in my fabulous elephant box! @Sarah83 thank you secret santa! @BookishMarginalia #summersantagoespostal
Opening all this in 15 minutes!!! On top of my bed, so I can go to sleep right after 😊. So excited, and one of these gifts from @CynthiaF.Buck smells just heavenly. #summersantagoespostal #summersolsticebookexchange
Who else is counting down the hours until Secret Santa reveal/unwrapping? It is 5 pm where I'm from and I have 7 hours of I make it until midnight. To my match, I realized a few days ago that I sent you a book you already have and were recently reading. In a couple of weeks I'm going to send you a different one. You may keep the duplicate or gift it to someone who may not have it and wish to read it.
Dear #summersantagoespostal #summersolsticebookexchange sender. You make a wonderfully sneaky stalker & I still don't know who you are (though I have found one possible clue 🤔😉). You also found the *best* wrapping paper 😍!
I have confessions! I'm on my way to conference, & get back 11 tomorrow night, so I opened the package (so generous- thank you! - someone checked it was all wrapped first). I've brought 1/2 with me & will borrow someone's 👇
#SummerSolsticeBookExchange #SummerSantaGoesPostal Thank you 😊 to @cewilf My box arrived Friday eve as I was leaving for work. You even noticed that Summer Solstice is my birthday 🎂! Good stalking skills 👍🏻Can't wait!
#secretsantagoespostal #summersolsticebookexchange @BookishMarginalia
Parcel already to send off. Full of shiny goodies for a fellow litten to open on the longest day
Look what arrived for me today!!! West coast to East coast! I can't wait 😊 #summersantagoespostal #summersolstice
Within the hour these goodies will be off to their new home! (Comfy chair not included😂😂)
#summersolsticebookexchange #summersantagoespostal
From Slovenia... wow. Can't wait to open them. Thank you mystery Litten. #summersantagoespostal
Finally all wrapped and ready to go! I hope my #summersolsticebookexchange match likes what I picked for them. 😍 Will take this to the post office on the weekend so it can begin its international journey. 🛫📦✉️
We're getting ready for a diaspora celebration of the Norwegian constitution day, and the mailman brings me not just one but two (2!) packages from the #SummersolsticeBookexchange! 😲😍 Three cheers! And now I have to practice self control for over a month! 🙈😆
All ready to be on its way tomorrow. #secretsantagoespostal #summersantagoespostal
I am so excited for our #summersolsticebookexchange If it helps whoever got matched with me: I updated my Litsy TBR list so that it only contains titles I don't own yet. But really, I'm sure whatever you'll pick will be awesome. 😊 I already have an idea what to get for my match. It helps that I got somebody I already know a bit through Litsy. 😉 So yes, have fun, everyone! And a million thanks to @BookishMarginalia for organizing these events. ❤️
Sign up is now open! Head over to @BookishMarginalia find this ☝🏼 post/picture click the link and fill out the form.