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Dissolution: A Shardlake Novel | C. J. Sansom
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The 1st instalment in the wildly popular Matthew Shardlake mystery series, now available from Vintage Canada. It is 1537, a time of revolution that sees the greatest changes in England since 1066. Henry VIII has proclaimed himself Supreme Head of the Church. The country is waking up to savage new laws, rigged trials and the greatest network of informers it has ever seen. And under the orders of Thomas Cromwell, a team of commissioners is sent throughout the country to investigate the monasteries. There can only be one outcome: dissolution. But on the Sussex coast, at the monastery of Scarnsea, events have spiralled out of control. Cromwell's commissioner, Robin Singleton, has been found dead, his head severed from his body. His horrific murder is accompanied by equally sinister acts of sacrilege. Matthew Shardlake, lawyer and long-time supporter of Reform, has been sent by Cromwell to uncover the truth behind the dark happenings at Scarnsea. But investigation soon forces Shardlake to question everything that he hears, and everything that he intrinsically believes...
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This might be plot-driven story but at least a main character was intriguing. And I actually would love to see some secondary characters again in this series.

Atmosphere, setting & era were something fabulous. I really loved the historical references! The first 50 % was a bit slow, after that point things started to feel more intriguing.

I have told through #LitsyLove how I was planning to read this and I did it 😂 #serieslove2024 #ShardlakeBR

TheSpineView Great job! 2w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Woohoo 🎉 ❤️ 2w
dabbe You nailed it! 🎯🤩🤗 2w
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1537, not long after Anne Boleyn‘s beheading, the dissolution of the monasteries are in full swing. During this turmoil, Matthew Shardlake is called to Cromwell, and is given the task of looking into the murder of one of Shardlake‘s colleagues in the monastery in Scarnsea. Who is the murder when everyone seems suspicious?

I‘ve already read all the books in this series so this was a reread, and it was weird reading a book to know you love, but

AnneCecilie then not remember who did it. I love how Samson makes this time period come alive. #ShardlakeBR @dabbe 1mo
dabbe Agree 💯! I couldn't remember either, and I loved it all over again! 🤩😂🤗 1mo
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DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2mo
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jenniferw88 I liked Mark—I was very surprised at the end because I thought he was good. I'd like to find out what happens to him and Alice. I also appreciated the diversity, especially with the POC and LGBT characters. 2mo
LiseWorks I want to know more about Mark and Alice. 2mo
Librarybelle Sansom constructed a great character in Mark, and it was sad to see the character arc for him at the end. It would be nice to see him return, maybe realize that Alice is not the nicest person. 😂 I struggle if it was really love that drew them together or if Alice made Mark think it was love, because she saw her way out. I‘m a pretty jaded person! 😂 2mo
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Librarybelle And thanks, Denise, for doing this buddy read! I really liked the book and am looking forward to Dark Fire! 2mo
Mollyanna I would like to see Brother Guy again. I liked his perspective on things. I‘d also like to see Mark again. I‘m sure his usefulness to Alice will run its course (I‘m jaded along with you @Librarybelle 😊). Thanks for introducing me to this series, Denise. I look forward to reading the remaining books. 2mo
OutsmartYourShelf Maybe Brother Guy (or Guy of Malton now) as I'd like to see if he could pursue a career in medicine outside of the Church. He may also be a useful font of information on poisons & causes of death &, with both Shardlake & Guy being outside of society on account of disability & skin colour respectively, I wonder if they could end up forming a real friendship. 2mo
Deblovestoread Count me among the jaded! @Librarybelle and @Mollyanna I wouldn‘t be surprised to see Mark come back with his tail between his legs. I‘d like to know what happens to Brother Guy. Looking forward to Dark Fire. 2mo
dabbe @Librarybelle I don't think you're jaded at all; Alice was quite a manipulative person. 2mo
dabbe @Librarybelle I'm so happy to be rereading this with all of you! 🩶🖤🩶 2mo
dabbe @Mollyanna I love Brother Guy! I also am so happy that he was able to produce a tonic to alleviate some of Shardlake's pain. He seems like he would be not only a friend to Shardlake but a wise counsel for him as well. And I'm glad you're liking the series! 🤩😊🤗 2mo
dabbe @OutsmartYourShelf They are an interesting duo. They're more equals whereas Shardlake was Mark's mentor. I love the idea that Shardlake may have someone to confide in and seek advice from. 2mo
dabbe @Deblovestoread I am, too! My views of Mark were more diminished this time around, and I'd like him to receive his comeuppance as well. 2mo
dabbe @jenniferw88 Excellent point about the diversity, especially during this time period. Shardlake gets to be in the company of so-called greatness, but his disability and the fact that he's just a lawyer keeps him in a certain place. And Doctor Guy--a doctor wasn't esteemed too highly either, it seems, and then to be dark-skinned ... these two are one of the best possible misfits I've read in a while! 2mo
dabbe @LiseWorks Me, too! I wanted to know more details as to how they could have escaped that muck and mire! 2mo
BookWrym Brother Guy he is just a great character and Alice we need more women and I don‘t care if she is bad at least she is interesting 🤣 2mo
dabbe @BookWrym I find her fascinating and a force to be reckoned with. She would have kicked ass in the 21st century! 😊 2mo
AnneCecilie As a reread I do remember some who returns in future books, but not sure if I remember all. I would love to meet Guy and Mark again 2mo
lil1inblue I can't decide if I want an update on Mark and Alice or not. Part of me thinks it's a good end for their arc, but another part wants to see what happens to them. I liked the conversations that Shardlake had with Brother Guy, so that would be an interesting relationship to explore further, too. And of course, we need to know what happens with the Cromwell of it all... 2mo
dabbe @lil1inblue “The Cromwell of it all“ ... love that! ❤️ 2mo
PageShifter Brother Guy because he was kind and there for the right reasons. He has now no place to go and I would love to see him finding home & living 2w
dabbe @PageShifter You're in luck! 🤩 2w
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LiseWorks Oh absolutely! I feel bad for Mark. True love should exist in this time period. 2mo
The_Book_Ninja I wasn‘t really bothered. I think that‘s the whole weakness of the book. I cared little for the characters except Mark Smeaton, a real character, most likely tortured to extract a false confession of liaisons with the queen. 2mo
Librarybelle I felt more like justice was not served. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2mo
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Daisey I was relieved. I know Alice made some terrible choices, but at the same time, I appreciated the strength she had to get vengeance for Mark Smeaton. 2mo
Mollyanna Yes and no…. I definitely think Shardlake felt relief. 2mo
OutsmartYourShelf I wasn't really bothered either way but if I had to choose, I'd be more inclined to be disappointed they survived. 2mo
OutsmartYourShelf @The_Book_Ninja I always felt sorry for Mark Smeaton (well all of the accused really) as he didn't have the protection of rank so he was tortured for a confession & could have faced being hung, drawn, & quartered. 2mo
Deblovestoread I agree Shardlake was relieved. I do not think justice was served and I worry for Mark‘s future with Alice. 2mo
BookWrym I was relieved I think they make for an interesting dynamic and obs it makes Shardlake feel better 2mo
dabbe I found it interesting that they got away; it's rare when the murderer gets away with the crime--even if the crime is understandable. I found Shardlake to be quite like a high school boy who's been rebuffed when he reads the letter and then tells Brother Guy that “they do not mention me at all ... pox on them.“ In the friend and love department, he has a lot to learn. 2mo
lil1inblue This might sound odd, but I was relieved that Alice survived, but not Mark as much. I found him ultimately to be kind of a weak character, and I didn't have strong feelings about his ending. But I was intrigued by Alice, and I can't help but feel a little satisfaction in her getting vengeance for Mark Smeaton. It's a mixed bag of feelings, which is why the book is so interesting! 2mo
dabbe @lil1inblue I was more disappointed in Mark during this reread. He seemed like a petulant high school boy. 2mo
PageShifter I was happy for it. Mark didn't deserve to die for being under someone's spell. 2w
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LiseWorks I can't believe Cromwell would kill someone and plot against someone just for advancement. I was not a fan of King Henry, and as a teen, I needed to know more about him. Why the 8 wives. The more I learn, the more I hate the people around him 2mo
Librarybelle I was disappointed in Mark, though I can see his point of view—wanting to live his life in his own way, without having to follow society and stay or rise up in his social station. I was surprised by Alice—that was a twist! I‘ve read so much about the Tudors that I knew how Cromwell was in real life—it fits. Shardlake is a flawed character, & I like flawed characters that recognize their flaws. 2mo
Mollyanna I like Shardlake and Brother Guy. They each have a tough path ahead of them. I was disappointed in Mark too. He was too idealistic for someone that had been around the court. Henry‘s court was so full of political maneuverings, it would be hard for someone to be so unaware of it. Alice was more difficult though, she was more complex than she originally seemed. Cromwell is Cromwell. 2mo
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Deblovestoread Mark was young and impressionable. I hope Alice truly cares for him because his choice will make for a harder life, I think. Like @Librarybelle I like flawed characters and Shardlake is not perfect but he does want to do the right thing. 2mo
BookWrym Like the others I enjoy flawed characters so Shardlake is great. Cromwell seems a bit over the top stereotypical baddie can‘t believe the real Cromwell would ever gloat to anyone not in on the plot as that would be to risk death. I like Brother Guy and Alice. 2mo
dabbe @LiseWorks He did seem to surround himself with all kinds of hangers-on, didn't he? 2mo
dabbe @Librarybelle I understand Mark's wanting to be a man on his own, but I don't like the way he went about it. He definitely seemed to be under Alice's spell. And boy does Shardlake have flaws! That's why I love him! 🤩 2mo
dabbe @Mollyanna I love your line: “Cromwell is Cromwell.“ Boy was he something! Yowza! 2mo
dabbe @Deblovestoread Agree 💯. I would only add the word “headstrong“ to Mark and the idea that he is too hasty when it comes to decision-making. 2mo
dabbe @BookWrym Good point. Why would Cromwell gloat to Shardlake? I mean, he questions Shardlake's loyalty at one point in the book. Does he truly feel that powerful and therefore above the rack or beheading? Knowing what truly happens to him makes one go, Hmm. #justlikethesong 🤩 2mo
AnneCecilie Love makes blind, and clearly Mark is under the spell. It‘s one thing to fall in love beneath your station, but what‘s to stop someone who‘s killed to kill again? I didn‘t remember the twist with Mark and Alice. 2mo
dabbe @AnneCecilie I didn't either ... until close to the end. 2mo
lil1inblue Mark was definitely a surprise: I didn't pick up initially how impressionable he was. Alice was less of a shock, because I had a feeling there was more to her story from the beginning. Did anyone else get Irene Adler vibes from Alice, or was it just me? 2mo
dabbe @lil1inblue Alice definitely reminded me of Irene Adler from the Benedict Cumberbatch series--a dominatrix! 🤩 2mo
PageShifter Shardlake is really interesting character, I want to know about him! Mark was young and stupider than what I had expected from him. Brother Guy I would love to meet again! Alice had secrets like I had guessed. But that they were like this 😔 Devious! Cromwell is still 🤮 2w
dabbe @PageShifter 🎯! @PageShifter I have been addicted to the Tudor era since childhood. There are so many wonderful books out there about this time period! 🧡🩶🧡 2w
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#ShardlakeSeriesBR #ShardlakeBR

P.S. to all: sorry for the “cite examples“ part in this question. I found it in a study guide for students taking a Tudor history class and forgot to take off that part when I was posting late last night. Note to self: never post when half asleep!

I repasted without that obnoxious part. So sorry again. 😔

jenniferw88 I'm sorry—I can't be bothered to back up my claims here, but I think it was real for Shardlake. Alice was definitely pretending, in my opinion. 2mo
LiseWorks I think Shardlake was lonely, so he saw and felt what he wanted. I had no clue that Alice was using Mark for her advantage 2mo
The_Book_Ninja The age old problem for women I guess. Always a gamble when befriending a man that he sees kindness as cues for romantic advances that are totally in his own head. 2mo
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Librarybelle I‘m not sure I would call it sexual tension. Shardlake certainly thought something of Alice and even somewhat fantasized about her. He talks of her beauty and kindness and seems so taken aback when she distances herself. There was attraction on his part, for sure. Alice, on the other hand, had her designs on Mark and was able to manipulate him to get him to do what he did in the end. 2mo
Mollyanna I think Shardlake hoped there was some common fondness between them, but it was one-sided. 2mo
OutsmartYourShelf TBH I didn't feel any sexual tension between Shardlake/Alice or Mark/Alice. In fact it made me a little uncomfortable when Shardlake kept encroaching on Alice's personal space (wanting to hug her or touch her hand/arm) - it was obvious she wasn't attracted to him in that way so why keep pushing it? It was quite creepy at times. 2mo
Deblovestoread I did not feel any sexual tension between them. I think he is lonely and became infatuated and I was uncomfortable when he came on too strong. 2mo
dabbe @jenniferw88 Sooooo sorry about that! This question came from a college study guide for students taking a class on Tudor history! That's all they ever ask students nowadays: “offer proof for your opinions.“ I should have taken that part off and then totally forgot when I was posting these late last night. 2mo
dabbe I see all your sides on this one, too. To me I take the so-called “sexual tension“ as the extreme awkwardness in Shardlake getting too close and Alice being creeped out by it ... hence the ick factor for us reading it, I guess. I also wonder why it would be okay for Shardlake to be with Alice (who is clearly beneath him) but not for Mark.
BookWrym @OutsmartYourShelf with you again 🤣 @dabbe it would be acceptable for Shardlake as his disability kind of equals the social difference at that time he is unlike to find a woman of his own status to marry him whereas Mark is an eligible bachelor. 2mo
dabbe @BookWrym Excellent point. 🤩 2mo
PageShifter I didn't feel to be honest. I think Shardlake was interested in her but that's all I felt. 2w
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jenniferw88 I think he's still in denial—he'll have to see it firsthand for it to become real. There's still a lot for him to learn about his leaders! 2mo
LiseWorks In this book, I think he is waking up to what Cromwell is really like after he finds out what they did to Anne Boleyn. He even admits that he's happy not to have to deal with Cromwell at the end 2mo
The_Book_Ninja He‘s of his time I guess. Unimaginative and uncritical following of the status quo. He‘d probably wear a MAGA hat if it was set in modern times. He shows signs of waking up but he‘s a loyal subject 2mo
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Librarybelle I would not call him naive, because to question openly any decision or situation would in fact give one the same fate as Anne Boleyn. He definitely becomes disillusioned and I think realizes that not everything that happens is at it seems. 2mo
Daisey I think he was still in denial for a good part of this story, but now he really is waking up to the truth. 2mo
Mollyanna I think he wanted to believe the narrative. He wanted to trust in Cromwell, to think that things had been done on the up and up. His eyes have been opened and now we‘ll see how it handles things moving forward. 2mo
OutsmartYourShelf I think he was a 'true believer' in the religious reforms that were being brought in & naively thought that Cromwell & King Henry were sincere - that it was about rooting out corruption rather than exchanging one form of corruption for another. 2mo
Deblovestoread I think he believed in reform but as he became aware of the machinations behind the scenes he had to face a reality he wasn‘t aware of. 2mo
dabbe Whew, I agree 💯 with you all! 🤩 I do think he was a deep believer and follower in the Reformation movement, but once he saw the corruption on BOTH sides, he can't help but start to reevaluate his opinions. And then seeing what was done to Anne Boleyn and Marc Smeaton (the love of the woman he loved) begins to open up his eyes. This is what makes me want to read on! 2mo
BookWrym @OutsmartYourShelf 💯 with you on this one 😀 2mo
AnneCecilie I completely agree with @Librarybelle @OutsmartYourShelf and @dabbe I think he was a “true believer” in the reforms. Like he didn‘t really take Mark seriously when he was talking about how the higher ups were dividing the land between themselves. And is hard to believe that someone you work for and think believes in the cause, will torture anyone to get their will 2mo
dabbe @AnneCecilie You'd certainly like to be able to trust your boss, right? 😂 2mo
lil1inblue I think that he wanted to believe in the reform so badly, that he was unable to see the corruption initially. I'm not sure if it was naivete, or if it was just a case of the “halo effect.“ The dissolution of his faith was one of the more interesting parts of the book for me. I'm curious to see how it evolves in future books. 2mo
lil1inblue I think that he wanted to believe in the reform so badly, that he was unable to see the corruption initially. I'm not sure if it was naivete, or if it was just a case of the “halo effect.“ The dissolution of his faith was one of the more interesting parts of the book for me. I'm curious to see how it evolves in future books. 2mo
dabbe @lil1inblue Your connection to the “halo effect“ is spot-on! 🤩 2mo
PageShifter I think we often refuse to see something that we don't want to see. I think that was the case with him as well. 2w
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jenniferw88 I love that Shardlake is disabled - especially for this time period, as it's not something I see very much of, even in contemporary fiction (but then I'm probably not reading the right type of books where this would be common). 2mo
LiseWorks Everyone is terrified of losing their status. I feel bad for Shardlake for having to work for Cromwell. I was sad that he was sore all the time. There are no meds to help him at this time. I felt bad for Mark because he had to marry a girl fit for his status and not for love. 2mo
The_Book_Ninja Now the dust has settled…it was OK, I feel I enjoyed it more now a few weeks have gone by. But I‘m not in a rush to read the next one. I didn‘t fall in love with any of the characters. Mark started out interesting but ended up being wet 2mo
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Librarybelle I really enjoyed this. Sansom‘s writing really showcases the tensions of the time. The fact that Shardlake not only battles the political climate but his own physical disabilities makes for a very interesting, immersive story. 2mo
Daisey I thoroughly enjoyed this reread. I think part of that is my appreciation for the series though. I actually read Dark Fire first years ago and then went back to this one. I‘m really looking forward to rereading it as I think I did like it even more. 2mo
Mollyanna I enjoyed the novel. I think Sansom does a great job of setting the scene, using the time period and even nature to evoke tension and emotion. Shardlake is a great character. He is flawed, but I appreciate that. Looking forward to the next book. 2mo
OutsmartYourShelf I thought it was OK but it didn't bowl me over or anything. I've read better historical mysteries in respect of immersing the reader in the historical time period, but I never judge solely on the first book so looking forward to the second. 2mo
Deblovestoread I really enjoyed being in this time period again and I loved getting to know Shardlake. 2mo
dabbe I read this years ago (loved it) but couldn't believe this time that I couldn't remember “whodunnit.“ 🤪 Also, I liked Mark and his snarkiness less this time around. I adore Shardlake and all of his frailties and flaws, and I love that he willingly admits them as he is not only our Sherlock but our Watson as well. To those who didn't like it so much, I believe the second one was better. #fingerscrossed 2mo
BookWrym I enjoyed this my first read of this series. Shardlake is a great character and I like the time setting unusual for a Tudor novel not to start with Katherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn 2mo
AnneCecilie I‘ve read the entire series before and loved it so this is a reread. I love how Sansom is describing this area, so it feels like you‘re there with all the tension but also the daily life. 2mo
lil1inblue I really enjoyed my first read of this book. Shardlake is an interesting character. I also like the parallel of the dissolution of the monastery with the dissolution of Shardlake's faith in Reform. I have already started the second book, and I'm liking it more than the first already. 2mo
dabbe @lil1inblue Ooh, that's exciting! I hope to start this evening. 🤩 2mo
kwmg40 I decided not to reread this first book, since I'd read it only a couple of years ago. I loved the historical setting and characters but I didn't remember enough of the details to participate fully in the current discussion. Still, I enjoyed reading everyone's comments. I'll be reading along with the rest of you once we get to book 3. 2mo
dabbe @kwmg40 I 💚 it! Whatever works for you is fine! Can't wait to read your thoughts on Book 3! 🤩 2mo
PageShifter I really adored the setting!! This made me think how I should reread some awesome books about this era. I loved the history! Reading this book was thought-provoking! 2w
dabbe @PageShifter I have been addicted to the Tudor era since childhood. There are so many wonderful books out there about this time period! 🧡🩶🧡 2w
PageShifter Yes there is!!! And I got myself obsessed again 😂 2w
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#2024Bracket #Bracket2024 #bookbracket2024

Pretty much the same results. Top two books from January-June: THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES and REBECCA.

Top July book: DISSOLUTION.

Catsandbooks Awesome! 🩵 2mo
dabbe @Catsandbooks Thanks for the fab bracket! 🩶🖤🩶 2mo
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#2024Bracket #Bracket2024 #bookbracket2024

Overall book from January-June: THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES ... #surprisesurprise #sherlocked

July pick: DISSOLUTION by C.J. Sansom.

Can't wait to see how the rest of the year unfolds. 😊

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#ShardlakeSeriesBR @LitsyEvents
Hi, Shardlakians~
4 days until our final discussion of DISSOLUTION.
Are you as excited as I am? see y'all on 7/31!

Via @dabbe

dabbe Thank you! 🩵💙🩵 2mo
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#ShardlakeBR #ShardlakeSeriesBR @LitsyEvents

Hi, Shardlakians~
4 days until our final discussion of DISSOLUTION. Are you as excited as I am? see y'all on 7/31! 🤩

Librarybelle Yay!! 2mo
dabbe @Librarybelle 🤩😂🤗 2mo
curiouserandcurioser @dabbe im not quite finished, but thank you, Denise, for introducing me to this series!❤ 2mo
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PurpleyPumpkin Still making my way through this one and thoroughly enjoying my reread!🤓 2mo
dabbe @curiouserandcurioser Yay! 🤩🤗🥰 2mo
dabbe @PurpleyPumpkin I did, too! 🤩🤗🥰 2mo
Mollyanna Can‘t wait. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 2mo
dabbe @Mollyanna 🤩😊🤗 2mo
AnneCecilie Looking forward to it 2mo
dabbe @AnneCecilie #metoo! 🤩🤗😊 2mo
lil1inblue I'm ready! I can't wait to see everyone's thoughts. 😍 2mo
dabbe @lil1inblue #metoo! 🤩🤗 2mo
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The first in the Matthew Shardlake series (#SeriesLove2024) finished for #ShardlakeBR. This was great. I enjoyed being in the Tudor world and getting to know Matthew. This was well written and atmospheric. I look forward to our discussion at the end of the month.

TheSpineView Fantastic! 2mo
dabbe Yay! I'm almost done with some questions! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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Not only did I forget “whodunnit“, but I forgot a LOT in this novel! My rereading is in honor of C.J. Sansom, the brilliant creator of this series, who passed away recently from cancer. Matthew Shardlake is not only our brilliant “detective,“ but he is a gloriously flawed man whose Reformation beliefs bring him to his knees in this compelling Tudor-time mystery. I did remember how much I love these books!

Fr3NcHtOaSt Might have to give this series a go. Reading the Matthew Corbett series by McCammon now and this seems like it‘d be up my alley based on these books. 2mo
dabbe @Fr3NcHtOaSt I can add you to our list if you'd like! The series is a fantastic one. 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
Fr3NcHtOaSt @dabbe thank you that would be great, although I won‘t be reading it right away if that is ok though? 2mo
dabbe @Fr3NcHtOaSt No worries whatsoever. We're totally low-key. We take 2 months to read on book. You can read however you want; when you want to see a discussion, just go to #ShardlakeSeriesBR. 🤩😀🤗 2mo
Fr3NcHtOaSt @dabbe thank you so much 2mo
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I just finished this one today. I love this Era. The deception is very high in this age. I didn't know who had done it until the end. I can't wait for the discussion on the 31st of this month with #Shardlakians #ShardlakeBR @dabbe Bingo spots for #ISpyBingoApril and #NSR24
#SeriesLove24 #ReadAway24 @Clwojick @TheAromaofBooks @TheSpineView @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES @Nessavamusic

TheSpineView Fantastic! 2mo
DieAReader 🥳Aweaome! 2mo
dabbe Yay! I can't wait either! 🤩😊🤗 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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I really enjoyed this first in the Shardlake series. I‘m fascinated by the Tudor era, and Sansom captures so much about the corruption from both sides during the dissolution of the Catholic monasteries in Henry VIII‘d reign. I liked Shardlake, whose hard attitude helps his methodical mind process information. A great mystery too! #ShardlakeBR #CatsOfLitsy #Vladimir #Zeke

dabbe Excellent review! Can't wait to discuss on 7/31! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
dabbe For da kitties! 🖤🐾🐾🖤 2mo
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#weeklyfavorites @Read4Life

I'll post my review after our discussion on 7/31. Can't wait, Shardlakians! 🤩 #ShardlakeBR

Librarybelle I‘m almost done! It‘s so good! 2mo
dabbe @Librarybelle It was like reading it for the 1st time for me; I totally forgot the ending! 🤩😂😀 2mo
Read4life 💙💙💙 2mo
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Mollyanna It is so good! I‘m forcing myself to only read a chapter a day to savor it. 2mo
dabbe @Read4life 🩵💙🩵 2mo
dabbe @Mollyanna Yay! 🩵💙🩵 2mo
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#ShardlakeBR #Shardlarkians first time reading this and I had no idea who the murderer was at any point. Loved the historical setting and the use of a main character most would find unsympathetic.

Shardlake‘s hunchback is an important part of his character as it prevents him from being able to carry out certain tasks and the pain causes him limitations I appreciate the accuracy of this.

I am intrigued where book 2 will go given character dev.

dabbe Yay! Looking forward to our discussion at the end of July! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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I'll save most of my thoughts for the #shardlakeseriesbr discussion, but I really liked this book. It was refreshing to read something about this era that wasn't focused on royalty. I'm looking forward to the next in the series! #shardlakebr

dabbe Yay! I'm almost done. Can't wait for our next discussion! 🤩🤗😀 2mo
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I very much enjoyed this murder mystery set during one of my favorite historical periods. Glad to be reading with the Shardlakians and look forward to our discussion at the end of the month. 4🌟


Freespirit Loved this series❤️ 2mo
dabbe Yay! I'm almost done. Can't wait to discuss, too. 🤩🤗😀
#ShardlakeBR #Shardlakians
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I think I can appreciate this first book more on a reread because I know how the character of Shardlake continues to develop through the series. I also really enjoy the variety of unique characters. I knew about Henry VIII‘s break with the pope to form the Church of England, but it wasn‘t until I read this series that I better understood the conflict this created. I thoroughly enjoyed this reread and am looking forward to continuing the series.

dabbe Yay! I'm thoroughly enjoying my reread, too! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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Preparing for #hyggehour in Michigan. I spent most of the day in the car, so it's a welcome respite. 💙💖💙

dabbe I'll be reading that tonight, too! 🤩 2mo
TheBookHippie 💙💙💙💙💙 2mo
AllDebooks I really need to get to this series 2mo
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Chrissyreadit I want to read this! 2mo
lil1inblue @dabbe I couldn't stop once I hit chapter 20! 😬 2mo
lil1inblue @TheBookHippie 💙💖💙 2mo
lil1inblue @AllDebooks @Chrissyreadit The first book is excellent. I can't wait for the next one! 2mo
dabbe @Chrissyreadit Do you want to read with us? #ShardlakeBR You're more than welcome! 🤩🤗😀 2mo
dabbe @AllDebooks I'll be happy to add you to our BR list! #ShardlakeBR 🤩🤗😀 2mo
Chrissyreadit @dabbe In theory yes- but my brain fog this year has my reading game so slow!!! feel free to tag me and i will do what i can. 2mo
dabbe @Chrissyreadit No worries at all. Read when you want, if you want. 💙💚💙 2mo
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I enjoyed a little hammock reading with the pets this evening and looked up a few words from this book as I did. I really like the sound and meaning of this one.

susurration: (noun) whispering or rustling

#WeirdWords #WeirdWordWednesday #ShardlakeBR #ShardlakeSeriesBR #HammockReading

CBee Yes! Great word 😊😊 3mo
dabbe That is such a good word--where the sound of the word means EXACTLY its definition! 🤩🤩🤩 3mo
Tamra Nice 3mo
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As a series opener, this novel isn‘t too bad. I‘m just not sure, this close to completing it, if I liked the Shardlake character enough, though. Despite the casual pacing, it is an easy enough read, but I didn‘t get enough immersion into the period from the writing alone, feeling I did a lot of the visualisation work myself. I wasn‘t wholly convinced by the whodunit denouement either. Good, but not amazing, although I sense the series grows.

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Sunday morning book & breakfast is Dissolution. I‘ve been so busy through June that I just got to read chapter 1 last night. I‘m so looking forward to rereading the early books and finishing the series.

#BookAndBreakfast #Reread #ShardlakeSeriesBR #ShardlakeBR

dabbe Yay! Lots of good comments this morning to come back to when you're ready! 🤩🤗😀 3mo
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#ShardlakeSeriesBR #Chapters1-16 @dabbe

Thoughts, Shardlakians?

LiseWorks I've always loved this Era. Even as a teen king Henry Vlll always fascinated me. The deceit of each character just to get ahead. The torture in order to get to what they thought was the truth. The fighting just over religious beliefs. The lies and the fall from grace was incredibly bad. 3mo
Karisimo The pacing/style of the investigation and the character of Shardlake reminded me so much of Louise Penny‘s Inspector Gamache series which I love! 3mo
The_Book_Ninja I‘ve not read a book like this since I read a few of the Sorrowful Mysteries of Brother Athelstan. There‘s an Athelstan in this book, I wondered if it‘s an homage🤷🏻 3mo
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Deblovestoread I‘m really enjoying this. I recently read a biography of Anne Boleyn and this feels like a continuation of that in a way. 3mo
OutsmartYourShelf The Tudor period is my second favourite time period to read about (first is Imperial Rome) whether fiction or nonfiction.

It's quite slow in parts but it feels a bit like a cross between P.C. Doherty's 'Hugh Corbett' series & Ellis Peters' 'Cadfael' (although both were set in earlier time periods.) I liked both of these series so it bodes well.
dabbe @LiseWorks I love this era, too. I've always been fascinated by his six wives and what happened to them. And those dresses! I always thought I would have loved to have lived during this period--until I learned how awful it really was--especially if you weren't wealthy. 3mo
dabbe @Karisimo I've only read one Gamache (which I loved); I need to read more! 🤩 3mo
dabbe @The_Book_Ninja Definitely could be since the Sorrowful books came first. I also think there was a real Brother Athelstan, too. 3mo
dabbe @Deblovestoread Yay! I'm loving rereading it, too. I forgot so much, so it's like I'm reading it for the first time! 🤩 3mo
dabbe @OutsmartYourShelf I've not heard of the series you've mentioned. I'll have to look into them and add them to my never-ending TBR! 🤩 3mo
AnneCecilie For me this is a reread, but this first book was read approx. 15 yrs ago. So I know I love it, but I don‘t remember much. I love Sansom‘s eye for historical detail and showing us how this period was like. 3mo
dabbe @AnneCecilie It's a reread for me, too, and about as many years ago! I'm rereading it like it's the first time because I've also forgotten quite a bit. 3mo
kwmg40 Since I'd read this first book not too long ago, I decided not to reread, so I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, but I wanted to follow the discussions. I love reading about the Tudor era, and it's nice to read a book set in this time period where the main character is not a member of the royalty. It gives a different perspective from many of the Tudor-era books I've read in the past. 3mo
Librarybelle Finally finished last month‘s reading! I have a fascination with the Tudor era and will read anything I can find. This is my first time reading Sansom, and I am really liking this. It‘s a really good behind-the-scenes look at the changes in Henry VIII‘s reign. I came to this knowing the violence and the unstableness of the era, and Sansom does well highlighting these elements and the brutality. Shardlake is quick to temper but very insightful. 3mo
dabbe @Librarybelle I love his flawed character--and his brilliance! 🤩 3mo
lil1inblue I'm a little late, but I finally caught up on my reading! I'm glad my previous curiosity (obsession?) with this era is paying off so far - I haven't needed to do any context research. I do appreciate that this isn't about the usual royal drama. Also, I am fascinated by the relationship between Shardlake and Mark. The change between them as the story evolves is very interesting. 3mo
lil1inblue @Librarybelle It's my first introduction to Sansom, too. I'm loving it! 3mo
dabbe @lil1inblue And both of their interest in Alice! Perhaps a threesome-love-triangle in the middle of a decapitated murder? Yowza! 😱 3mo
dabbe @lil1inblue Yay! 🤩🤗😀 3mo
Mollyanna So I finally got caught up. I am loving this novel. Sansom does such a wonderful job of immersing you in the time and setting. It has The Name of the Rose vibes. 3mo
dabbe @Mollyanna You just gave me another book to add to my TBR! Glad you're loving it so far. 🤩🤗😀 3mo
Mollyanna I hope you enjoy it. 3mo
lil1inblue @Mollyanna Definitely going to check that book out! 3mo
lil1inblue @dabbe I like how the conflict allows us to see another perhaps less likeable side to Shardlake's character, too. 3mo
dabbe @lil1inblue We like our heroes to be flawed, don't we? Even when they're detectives! 🤩 3mo
dabbe @Mollyanna I'm sure I will! 🤩 3mo
Mollyanna The movie is also decent. It stars Sean Connery and a very young Christian Slater. @dabbe @lil1inblue I think the fact that they are flawed shows the human experience of our detectives. It helps to relate to them. 3mo
dabbe @Mollyanna So true! That's one of the traits of a hero (according to Joseph Campbell's monomyth). I taught a Hero's Quest unit to all of my students, whether standard or honors. It is the essential building block of all stories. And our heroes have to be flawed--otherwise we can't related to them. Sometimes a perfect hero might work (James Bond, perhaps), but very rarely. 3mo
lil1inblue @Mollyanna So true! 2mo
BookWrym I am all caught up to this point. First time reading enjoying it so far. Interesting that Shardlake as an agent of Cromwell is the hero when typically he would be a villain. Love that Shardlake has a disability and that it is not just used to make him seem different I appreciate the comments about pain and needing to rest. 2mo
dabbe @BookWrym Great points. I also think Shardlake is showing some signs of being dissatisfied with the the Reformation and Cromwell's machinations, so maybe that could be why he's the hero. 2mo
PageShifter I am really enjoying this. I love the setting & atmosphere. Even though I'll start to feel frustrated because I don't see any hint of who might be the murderer. 2w
dabbe @PageShifter I'm glad you're liking it! And don't feel bad--you're in excellent company with all of us! 🤩😂🤗 2w
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#ShardlakeSeriesBR @dabbe

Thoughts, Shardlakians?

LiseWorks I do feel sorry for him. He seems like an intelligent man. And perhaps people didn't see him coming. Yet they had to respect him because of who he works for. 3mo
bthegood This took me out of the story - I do not think this would happen at that time, I think even in a family with money/titles - this would have been a disgrace and hidden - although I am not a historian so I could be wrong! 3mo
Karisimo I honestly had a hard time picturing it and forgot about it between mentions. But, an ailment to make others underestimate him was a good plot device! 3mo
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The_Book_Ninja I can only speculate that having the main character suffering from kyphosis is a push back against novels where things such a limps, facial scars and other types of disability makes a character often cast as a villain. One monk does have a speech impediment I noticed 3mo
Deblovestoread I do think it is unusual to see a disabled character in society. I‘m assuming part of Cromwell‘s use of him is people will be dismissive and he will have more freedom to investigate and he obviously has a sharp mind. 3mo
OutsmartYourShelf I wondered if he was perhaps based a little on Robert Cecil. Although Cecil was in Elizabeth's I time, he is rumoured to have had a similar physical disability, but rose to become Secretary of State.

Maybe class has a part to play - someone from Cecil's background may have had an easier time than those from a lower class. Also I wonder if women fared worse than men.
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja I love that perspective 💖 3mo
dabbe @LiseWorks Agree 💯. 3mo
dabbe @bthegood I think you could be right, but perhaps Shardlake was just too headstrong to allow himself to be hidden away. 3mo
dabbe @Karisimo I would forget, too, but then a mention from him would come across like how much his back hurt, and I'd be reminded of how much toil this job must have been on him. 3mo
dabbe @The_Book_Ninja Interesting observation! I found myself feeling sorry for the monk with the speech impediment--until I saw how mean he was. 3mo
dabbe @Deblovestoread Agree 💯. I also think it might put people off so that they might not be at their clearest--which then gives them a disadvantage as well. 3mo
dabbe @LiseWorks @bthegood @Karisimo @The_Book_Ninja @Deblovestoread @OutsmartYourShelf @Bookwomble

In a conversation with Penguin Books, C.J. Sansom was asked, “Why did you afflict [Shardlake] with this particular physical deformity?“

His answer: To interpret the time to modern readers, I needed a protagonist who was “apart” from his time—through intellectual rigor and honesty, but also in
more subtle ways. ⬇️
(edited) 3mo
dabbe “I don‘t know why I gave him the hunchback, perhaps it symbolizes the weight he carries as a person of integrity in that grim time.“ (edited) 3mo
AnneCecilie I don‘t think a hunchback would have risen as far as Shardlake did in Tudor England. And most of the time I would forget until it was mentioned in some way. But Sansom‘s own explanation for this was interesting, I never thought about that 3mo
dabbe @AnneCecilie Our heroes have to be flawed in some way, but usually that flaw is internal more than external. I love how Sansom has Shardlake with the external weight he must bear, and the internal lashing out that he sometimes gives because of it. 3mo
Deblovestoread Thanks for sharing the quote. It helps round out Shardlake. 3mo
dabbe @Deblovestoread It gave me pause for thought, too. I hadn't thought of him carrying the weight on his shoulders, but that makes sense. 🤗 3mo
Librarybelle Thanks for sharing that quote! I cannot imagine, in reality, someone like Shardlake would be such a high agent for Cromwell. Whether Cromwell would higher someone with a disability as a means to unsettle a suspect could be possible—he was a very ruthless man, and did not have a good ending—but I seem to recall that those with disabilities are seen more as comic relief in the Tudor court, as jesters or fodder for torment. I could be wrong on that.. 3mo
dabbe @Librarybelle No, I think you're right. I also tend to believe that Shardlake's intelligence is what got him to where he is--it'd be difficult to ignore someone that brilliant. And I love your thought that Cromwell would use Shardlake to unsettle suspects. 🤩 3mo
Librarybelle @dabbe Shardlake is very intelligent, and you‘re right it would be hard to ignore someone who is that brilliant 3mo
lil1inblue In some ways, I think the consequences of his disability him in his career. Since he was often ostracized, he developed a good habit of observation. But there are also instances where his embarassment or self-consciousness hinder his ability to observe passively. Like when he believes Whelplay to be mocking him and misses seeing it as a symptom. 3mo
dabbe @lil1inblue Excellent observation. His hurt feelings and/or supposed misreadings could really cause some more mayhem or tragedy. 3mo
Mollyanna I also agree that it would be unlikely for someone with a disability to rise in the era. I wondered whether it was a commentary on Cromwell‘s own unlikely rise to power. If Cromwell could be the ear of the King, why couldn‘t this intelligent man be someone the King could use as well. 3mo
dabbe @Mollyanna Agree 💯. 3mo
PageShifter It maybe isn't the most believable. But we don't know yet much about his career. I am actually more curious now about his history. Maybe he wanted to have a diverse character? I don't feel sorry for him, he's doing fine. But I feel sorry what he had to go through as a kid. But at the same time I think it made him even stronger. 2w
PageShifter I loved the quote shared here! 2w
dabbe @PageShifter I think we're going to learn about our main man Shardlake bit by bit as the stories continue. As he gets more comfortable with us, he'll get more comfortable sharing his past. 2w
dabbe @PageShifter 🤩🤗😀 2w
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#ShardlakeSeriesBR @dabbe

Thoughts, Shardlakians?

LiseWorks I did and didn't. Why would anyone just want to pray all day. They did have relics that kept normal people in bandage. I just think King Henry could have done it a different way. 3mo
Karisimo It seems that some reform was needed- the financial power they held over the locals wasn‘t right. But Henry VIII was separating from Rome for a self-indulgent reason. I always wish for less extreme measures. 3mo
The_Book_Ninja The whole hypocrisy of religion is well explored in this novel 3mo
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Deblovestoread Henry‘s reform of the church was for secular reasons…the Pope not giving into his demands to be divorced from his first wife. Those that refused reform were destroyed and those that pretended to reform kept their things. You just can‘t trust any of them. 3mo
OutsmartYourShelf I've always had mixed feelings about this. There were undoubtedly some who took advantage & didn't live as they were supposed to in the monasteries & convents, but I always felt sorry for those who relied on religious houses for help, i.e. the poor, the sick, & the disabled. In many cases these people had nowhere else to go after the dissolution.

Also sad we lost so much religious history (wall paintings whitewashed over etc) in England.
dabbe @LiseWorks Henry was (IMHO) a narcissistic ruler who needed money desperately. It seemed that there was no ends to his means. And, yes, why would anyone want to pray 24-7? 😀 3mo
dabbe @Karisimo Maybe that's why we don't see so many monarchies these days--or we just see them as figureheads. 3mo
dabbe @The_Book_Ninja And the entire series. I can already see Shardlake faltering a bit with his reformation views. 3mo
dabbe @Deblovestoread Perhaps just like our politicians today. It seems that everybody is on the take for something or another. 3mo
dabbe @OutsmartYourShelf Agree 💯. 3mo
AnneCecilie When I read about how the monks in this novel lived, I can‘t say I feel sorry for them. They have moved too far away from their original teachings and is thinking too much about money and taking advantage of the locals and poor. It even said that the poor had to walk to the monastery to receive alms. 3mo
dabbe @AnneCecilie Yeah, as they're sitting there warm and cozy and well-fed, it's hard to feel too sorry for them in any way. 3mo
Librarybelle Completely agree with you @Deblovestoread and @OutsmartYourShelf ! There are problems of greedy monasteries and really no system set in place to watch how the church collected its money. But, the reasonings behind the move towards reforming was not religious per se but built on individuals who craved power and a king who had weakness for many women. 3mo
dabbe @Librarybelle And a king who needed to rebuild his treasury due to his extravagant nature. 3mo
lil1inblue @The_Book_Ninja I agree. Both sides are explored quite critically. 3mo
lil1inblue It was hard to hold sympathy for any "side" when there seems to be so much hypocrisy and deceit on both sides. 3mo
dabbe @lil1inblue #truth Both sides seem to crave the power and the $$$. That whole power-corrupts-absolutely idea. 3mo
Mollyanna Like others said, I didn‘t feel sorry for those living the life of luxury, but the reason for the dissolution of the monasteries was just as selfish. Those that truly suffered were the poor, the ill and the truly devout. 3mo
dabbe @Mollyanna And when the devout were kicked out of the monasteries, they usually had nowhere to go, so they also became the poor or ill. What power and money can do to a person's soul is still astounding to me. 3mo
Mollyanna Very true! 3mo
lil1inblue @dabbe It's an interesting theme to explore during an election year. 😏 3mo
lil1inblue @mollyanna @dabbe It's interesting that it's set so long ago, and yet the same things happen today. It's still often the poor and ill that suffer while the powerful argue and play games. So sad to think about, really. 3mo
dabbe @lil1inblue Such truth. And so, so sad. 😞 3mo
Mollyanna @dabbe @lil1inblue So very true unfortunately. 3mo
BookWrym I think we will see Shardlake change his opinions about Cromwell and the reformation or not necessarily the Reformation but how it is carried out. No particular sympathy for anyone at this point, apart from@maybe the physician who will probably turn out to be the murderer. 2mo
dabbe @BookWrym I should have read this before I replied to your other comment. Agree 💯! 😂 2mo
PageShifter I feel for those who work there as servants or brothers who are there for the right reasons. But some of them seems to live easy (partly even sinful) life, letting others to do all work. 2w
PageShifter I read comments and really love this discussion. It's true that there aren't kings anymore who have this amount of power but sadly it seems how people as groups can still lead others to destruction 2w
dabbe @PageShifter Almost too easily, IMHO. Some are major power seekers, too. 2w
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#ShardlakeBR @dabbe

Thoughts, Shardlakians?

LiseWorks I'm hoping they take Alice to a better place. I feel for Mark but he is learning from Shardlake. I don't really trust any of the brothers. And I'm cold because of the winter lol 3mo
Deblovestoread I don‘t have any predictions at this point, which I love. Mark is young and has much to learn. Alice is smart. I hope she is a character that continues through the series. Like @LiseWorks I find it diff to trust any of brothers. 3mo
OutsmartYourShelf Shardlake - interesting character.
Mark Poer - annoying & too concerned with his love life.
Brother Guy - bit of an enigma atm.
Alice - no real personality yet, just there. Probably there as the 'romance' for MP.
Cromwell - cartoonishly evil. Expected him to twirl his moustache (if he had had one).
See All 21 Comments
BookWrym Not started as 3 audio library books arrived at once hoping to catch up next week 3mo
dabbe @LiseWorks I'm living vicariously through the cold right now! I also worry about poor Alice. 3mo
dabbe @Deblovestoread The only bro I like (and perhaps trust) is Brother Guy. He seems to be a monk for all of the right reasons. 3mo
dabbe @OutsmartYourShelf Love your Cromwell thoughts! 😂 Not so hard to believe that the later Oliver Cromwell was distantly related to this one. #twopeasinanevilpod 3mo
dabbe @BookWrym No worries! We'll still be here! 🤩 3mo
AnneCecilie Since this is a reread, I only know which one didn‘t do it. I don‘t remember who did it. I find the characters interesting and I want to learn more about them. 3mo
Librarybelle I worry about Alice! No clue to the whodunnit part yet. I like Shardlake…he‘s tough, quick to temper, but very methodical. I couldn‘t help but think of qualities I saw in him from some of my favorite males leads in mystery—Inspector Gamache, Brunetti, Cormoran Strike, and even Inspector Rutledge. 3mo
dabbe @Librarybelle Agree 💯. 3mo
lil1inblue Shardlake - I like how aspects of his character unfold throughout (so far). Mark - His increasing conflict with Shardlake is intriguing. I'm curious to see where it leads. Brother Guy - I like him, but I feel like there's a secret there. Alice - I'm curious to see what happens. Again it feels like there's more than meets the eye. Cromwell - Ick. 😂 (edited) 3mo
Mollyanna I like Shardlake. His insight and introspection are interesting. Mark to me seems to be the one with the most growth so far, even to the point that he feels comfortable with having some alternate ideas/theories to Shardlake. I like Brother Guy and Alice but feel there is something lurking “off stage” that has to do with one or the other. Cromwell seems like a caricature. 3mo
dabbe @Mollyanna Excellent take on all of them! 🤩 3mo
Mollyanna ☺️ 3mo
BookWrym Shardlake as a hunchback is an interesting choice as main character. I like the limitations his condition puts on him physically while mentally he is right up there. He does seem@to take things rather personally. Mark Poer is not interesting me at the moment although I do like him as a foil to Shardlake. Brother Guy is my favourite monk. Alice astute and observant and Cromwell is the offstage villain. No idea yet whodunnit. 2mo
dabbe @BookWrym I've read it before, and I can't remember whodunnit! It's like reading it for the 1st time. 🤩 2mo
PageShifter I love how humane Shardlake feels. Even though I am still waiting when we start seeing his wisdom 😂 At this point the solutions seems to be far ahead. Mark is young but I feel he has a good heart. Brother Guy is still a bit strange to me. But I hope he isn't behind the murder. I don't think he would have told those things about belladonna if so. Alice feels somehow suspicious, I don't know if she is trustworthy. She might have secrets. Cromwell🤮 2w
PageShifter @OutsmartYourShelf I share your feelings about Alice. I would prefer her not being Mark's love interest 2w
PageShifter I read comments now and I am so happy that I wasn't the only one who has no idea whodunnit 😂😂 (I finally got the book from the library this week) 2w
dabbe @PageShifter YAY! Yep, none of us had a clue--and I've even read it before! What does that say about my attention span? 🥴 2w
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repost for @dabbe

10 days until our first discussion, #Shardlakians! I am thoroughly enjoying this reread; I had forgotten so much, so it feels like a new read with a character that I deeply love. Hope you're enjoying it, too!

original post:

dabbe Thank you! 💙💚💙 3mo
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10 days until our first discussion, #Shardlakians! I am thoroughly enjoying this reread; I had forgotten so much, so it feels like a new read with a character that I deeply love. Hope you're enjoying it, too! @LitsyEvents

Librarybelle I plan to start this very soon! Thanks for the reminder! 3mo
dabbe @Librarybelle I just got the next Nancy Drew, too! 🤩🤗😀 3mo
Librarybelle Yay!! 3mo
See All 13 Comments
The_Book_Ninja I‘m 70% in. I‘m a slow reader🐌 3mo
LiseWorks I love this time period 3mo
PurpleyPumpkin I‘m going to start reading this today! 😉 3mo
Karisimo It reminds me so much the Inspector Gamache book where they are at a monastery! (In a good way!) (edited) 3mo
dabbe @The_Book_Ninja You're farther than I am! 🤩😂🤗 3mo
dabbe @LiseWorks #metoo! 🤩🤗😀 3mo
dabbe @PurpleyPumpkin Yay! 🤩🤗😀 3mo
dabbe @Karisimo 🤩🤗😀 3mo
AnneCecilie I know what you mean. I first read this 15 yrs ago and have read every book since and love the series, but I don‘t remember much of the details of the story. I should be done with the first 16 chapters in time for the discussion 3mo
dabbe @AnneCecilie It's kind of cool when you reread a book, and it's like a new read! 🤩😂🤗 3mo
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Another series started, and I loved it! I didn't get the culprits in this one, and looking forward to reading the next one.

#52bookclub24 #roadcycling #arevengestory
#pop24 #abookthatwasturnedintoamusical (well, it may have helped write Six!)
#aty24 #abookbyanauthorknownbytheirinitials

dabbe Yay! I can't believe how much I didn't remember; it's like I'm reading it for the first time! Discussion in 10 days! 🤩🤩🤩 3mo
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Just started this one for #shardlakeBR and think this “hidden gem” sticker on the spine bodes well for the experience! Two chapters in and so far I agree! @dabbe

dabbe Yay! I'm thoroughly enjoying it the 2nd time around, too. I had forgotten so much! 🤩🤗😀 3mo
mcctrish I love that ‘Hidden Gem‘ sticker ❤️❤️ 3mo
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#WondrousWednesday. Thx for the tag @Eggs and @dabbe
1. I don't have a favorite book
2. In Williamsburg with family this week.
3. Family
Make a great day everyone 😊

Eggs Thanks for joining in🥰 4mo
bthegood @Eggs 👍😊 4mo
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Family vacation in Williamsburg VA. Brought tagged book for reading, when I can😊
(Photo courtesy of trip savvy)

Make a great day everyone 😊

Lesliereadsalot Isn‘t it so fun there? We were there on the hottest day ever and felt so sorry for the teens working in the forge! Loved the gift shop where they sold the white dresses. 4mo
AnnCrystal 🤩💝 have fun😉👍. 4mo
dabbe Have a lovely time! 💙🩵💙 4mo
bthegood @Lesliereadsalot yes, very fun. Our family loves history. Will keep an eye out for the shop😊 4mo
bthegood @AnnCrystal @dabbe thank you😊 4mo
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From @dabbe :
I have a schedule for all of us! It can easily be changed too! Discussions twice for each book….and thrice for the last #chunkster
First discussion:6/30/24 over the first half of Dissolution.
original post:

dabbe Many thanks! 🤩😘😀

If anyone would like to join us, just comment below, and I'll add you to our list! 🤩
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#ShardlakeSeriesBR #ShardlakeBR #SeriesRead2024 #LitsyEvents @LitsyEvents

Hello, Dissolute Readers (thanks for the name for the 1st book, @kwmg40 🤩)!

I have a schedule for all of us! It can easily be changed, too, if we need to. Discussions twice for each book (because they are quite detailed), and thrice for the last #chunkster!

1st discussion: 6/30/24 over the 1st half of DISSOLUTION. Can't wait!
Schedule link: https://bit.ly/3KhKlIP

Librarybelle Sounds great! My copy from PangoBooks is on its way! 4mo
dabbe @Librarybelle 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
Mollyanna Thanks for the beautiful schedule. Looking forward to this buddy read. 4mo
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kwmg40 Looks good to me! Thanks for setting this up. 4mo
curiouserandcurioser @dabbe could i also be tagged, please? 4mo
Daisey Thanks! I pulled my copy off the shelf to start soon. 4mo
AnneCecilie This looks good. Thanks for organizing this buddy read 4mo
dabbe @Mollyanna 🤩🤩🤩 #metoo! 4mo
dabbe @kwmg40 You Dissolute Reader, you! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
dabbe @curiouserandcurioser You're on the list! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
dabbe @Daisey 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
dabbe @AnneCecilie 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
BookWrym Woo hoo I got the first 3 books on offer at Audible so I am ready to go 👍 4mo
curiouserandcurioser @dabbe thank you so much!:) 4mo
LiseWorks Well just found out that I have to wait 18 weeks in order to get the 1st book. I should have put a hold earlier. 🙄 Hoping for a miracle that people skip the hold lol 4mo
bthegood Getting my copy from the library this week - 🙂 4mo
dabbe @BookWrym Yay! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
dabbe @LiseWorks Keeping my 🤞 for you! 😘 4mo
dabbe @bthegood Yay! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
lil1inblue I've got my copy! I'm excited! 4mo
dabbe @lil1inblue #woohoo! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
bthegood @LiseWorks The holds for ebooks at my library were long waits but the physical copy I was able to pick up today. I'll see if that holds true for the rest of the series, especially since the tv series begins soon🙂 (edited) 4mo
LiseWorks @bthegood There's a TV series. Where will this be playing? I decided to get it on Kindle. I never buy books, but the series sounds good. And I like to not rush reading long books. It's all good. 4mo
bthegood @LiseWorks glad you were able to get it - and I believe it is on Hulu - I think it began the first of May - 🙂 (edited) 4mo
dabbe @LiseWorks Yay! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
dabbe @bthegood I think I'm going to have to get Hulu now! 😂 4mo
bthegood @dabbe 😂 4mo
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@dabbe is organizing the #shardlakeseriesbr for anyone interested.

LiseWorks They seem to get longer as they go, great qualifiers for the chunkster challenge 🙂 4mo
dabbe @LiseWorks Absolutely! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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Hi, everyone. I've begun putting together a buddy read for C.J. Sansom's Shardlake series (he passed away in April). There are 7 novels with an average page count of 660. 😳 I need some input. Does reading a book a month seem feasible? Or every 2 months? Or any other ideas? I'd like to keep this as low-key as possible with a Q&A session at the end of the month(s). Thoughts?
Tagging those who were interested; all are welcome! 😀

kwmg40 Every two months sounds good to me. I sometimes have trouble keeping up with monthly buddy reads, especially if the books are longer ones. 4mo
RaeLovesToRead I'm in. Love Shardlake series 💙 4mo
See All 24 Comments
Mollyanna I‘m in and I‘m with @kwmg40 every other month would be perfect. I‘ve always wanted to read this series and own at least the first two. 4mo
lil1inblue @kwmg40 I agree. I'm afraid I would fall behind quite quickly if it was a book a month. 4mo
The_Book_Ninja I started book 1. I doubt if I‘ll read it in a month. But I‘ll do my best 4mo
Librarybelle I think every two months is best! 4mo
LiseWorks It depends on how I get it but, if it's the library and I can't renew it I'll have to read it in 21 days, if it's kindle, it's at my leisure. But let's do every 2 months. Just in case there is a wait list at the library.. I love new series. 4mo
Deblovestoread Every two months sounds good to me. 4mo
Daisey This is tempting. I‘ve read the part of this series and truly enjoyed it, but I‘ve never finished it. I think I can fit in another book every two months. Please add me to this list as well! 4mo
dabbe @Librarybelle @lil1inblue @Deblovestoread @batsy @kwmg40 @AnneCecilie @Gissy @bthegood @LiseWorks @PageShifter @PurpleyPumpkin @BookWrym @jenniferw88 @RaeLovesToRead @Mollyanna @The_Book_Ninja @Daisey

Now, what should we call ourselves? The Shardlakes? (sounds like a 60s dance band! 😂)

One book every two months. Thanks, everyone. I'll post the schedule soon! 🤍🌹🤍 (hope you can see the emojis!)
kwmg40 @dabbe Great, thanks for getting this set up! As for a name, how about The Dissolute Readers, as a nod to the first book? 😂 4mo
OutsmartYourShelf First I‘ve seen of this. I have some of the books just sitting on the shelf so why not - @dabbe add me to the list or whatever please. 4mo
Karisimo I would like to join! 4mo
jenniferw88 2 months sounds good to me (as I've committed to a Ducks, Newburyport buddy read, too, forgetting that I've signed up for this!) 4mo
dabbe @OutsmartYourShelf You're on the list! 🤗 4mo
dabbe @Karisimo You're on the list! 🤗 4mo
dabbe @jenniferw88 Yay! 🤩 4mo
OutsmartYourShelf @dabbe 😃 Thank you! 4mo
PurpleyPumpkin One book every 2 months sounds like a plan! Thanks for organizing @dabbe. 💜 4mo
dabbe @kwmg40 I like it! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
dabbe @OutsmartYourShelf 💙💚💙 4mo
dabbe @PurpleyPumpkin 💙💚💙 4mo
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repost for @dabbe


Just gauging some interest. I hope more of you will want to join them and me in reading/rereading this fabulous historical mystery series. We'll start on June 1st, and more info will follow if enough people are interested. 🤗

original post:


LiseWorks Oh, I would like to join this. Would it have sword fights by chance? I am a Tudor fan. Never heard of this series before. 5mo
LitsyEvents @Dabbe see above 5mo
dabbe @LiseWorks All kinds of fights and many different kinds, too. This is my 2nd favorite detective series after Sherlock Holmes. I'm so glad you're reading with me! More info to follow! 💙🩵💙 5mo
dabbe @LitsyEvents #yourock Thanks! 💙🩵💙 5mo
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Adding another #SeriesLove2024 to my May reading - at times I do get my story lines crossed (so many quaint villages, close knit neighbors and mysterious deaths to keep track of 😉)

Make a great day everyone 🌞

TheSpineView Ohhhh... looks good. Enjoy!📚📚📚 5mo
bthegood @TheSpineView thanks and thanks for hosting !! 5mo
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Just gauging some interest. I'm tagging people who responded to my post yesterday re: Sansom's passing, and I hope more of you will want to join them and me in reading/rereading this fabulous historical mystery series. We'll start on June 1st, and more info will follow if enough people are interested. 🤗

Librarybelle I‘m in! 5mo
Ruthiella I‘m unfortunately going to have to bow out. But I wish you all lots of fun! 🤩 5mo
kwmg40 I‘d love to join! I probably won‘t jump in until you get to the third book, as I‘d read the first two fairly recently. 5mo
See All 23 Comments
lil1inblue I'm in! It's brand new to me, but I'm intrigued! 5mo
Gissy Sounds so interested. I ordered the firing book...what can I say? I‘m always behind in all my buddy-reads😳😬🤦🏽‍♀️I will read your comments instead😃 5mo
AnnCrystal Thanks for the tag 😉👍. Unfortunately, I will have to pass on this reading adventure. I haven't any of C. J. Sansom books, and with my sluggish reading, I'd struggle to keep up 📚🏃‍♀️. This is truly a sweet honor for this author 🥲👍. Here's to happy readings 📚🥂💝. (edited) 5mo
bthegood I have this one on my tbr - I'll put it on my #BookSpinBingo and see how it goes - thank you! 5mo
AnneCecilie I‘m in 5mo
batsy Thank you for tagging and I'll try to join in! 5mo
LiseWorks I want in, I am a Tudor fan 5mo
Lesliereadsalot Thanks for the tag but I‘m not up for a 7 book series right now after just finishing the 1850 pages of the 3-Body Problem trilogy! Will watch the tv series tho! 5mo
PageShifter You know I am desperately trying to join! 5mo
PurpleyPumpkin I‘m in! I have 6 of the 7 books in the series and would love to read them with this group. Looking forward to it! 5mo
BookWrym Please tag me in interested in start this series 👍 5mo
jenniferw88 I'm in! 5mo
dabbe @Librarybelle @lil1inblue @Deblovestoread @batsy @kwmg40 @AnneCecilie @Gissy @bthegood @LiseWorks @PageSwifter @PurpleyPumpkin @BookWrym @jenniferw88

I hope I've tagged everyone who said YES! Sooo excited! I just wanted you to know I have you down and will post more as we get closer to 6/1. I think I'll use the hashtage #Shardlakians for this group if that's okay (sort of paying homage to Sherlock Holmes). Info soon! 💙🩵💙
LiseWorks Fantastic! 5mo
Librarybelle Sounds good!!! 5mo
The_Book_Ninja Might give it a bash, thanks @dabbe …However, I‘m a notorious bailer. If it doesn‘t grab me I‘ll dip out. 5mo
PurpleyPumpkin Woohoo!🥳 5mo
Bookbuyingaddict Oooh I watched this last night and read the books years ago didn‘t know he‘d sadly past away 😢 5mo
dabbe @Bookbuyingaddict Was it good? So sad he passed and that there won't be any more Shardlakes. If you want to reread, we'll be starting in June! 🤩🤗😀 5mo
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Thank you CJ Sansom for the great Shardlake series that I enjoyed very much! So sad to hear that your earthly journey has ended 😢 Rest in Peace

EadieB @Tove_Reads So very sad! He was a great writer! 5mo
dabbe I am beyond sad! 😢 5mo
Ruthiella Such a loss. 😢 5mo
Andrew65 Oh no didn‘t know this, this is terrible. No more Shardlake. RIP 😢 5mo
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I am devastated that C.J. Sansom has died. He was the author of my 2nd favorite detective series featuring Matthew Shardlake, a lawyer in the era of the Tudors who suffers from kyphosis. I can't imagine not having another Shardlake mystery. I think I'm going to need to revisit all 7 of his novels. Anyone care to join me?

The_Book_Ninja I‘ve never read his books but they seem ubiquitous 5mo
Ruthiella I just read the last one last year. Such a pity as I had read he intended to continue the series into the Elizabethan era. 😢 5mo
lil1inblue I've never read his books, but I'd be interested in doing so! 5mo
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Librarybelle I‘ve not read any, but I‘d be interested! 5mo
PurpleyPumpkin No way!!! I am so saddened by this news! What a loss. 🥺 5mo
Aimeesue Oh how sad. I enjoyed the Matthew Shardlake books very much. 😢 5mo
Deblovestoread I‘m sorry to hear this. I have been wanting to read his books. Would love to read along with you. 5mo
AnnCrystal That would be a nice way to honor one of your favorite authors 📚💝. 5mo
Lesliereadsalot I see his first book, Dissolution, will be a Disney series starting on Wednesday. Will tune in! 5mo
batsy @Lesliereadsalot I was interested because I'd heard about the series, too! Sorry to hear he's passed on @dabbe 5mo
kwmg40 That's very sad. I'd discovered his books only a short time ago and have read only two so far but enjoyed them very much and had been hoping for many more to come. 5mo
AnneCecilie Incredible sad. I loved this series. I might be interested in a reread 5mo
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If a Matthew Shardlake book comes out, I get it, no matter what. I LOVE this series! The stories take place during the Tudor reign, and Shardlake is a hunchbacked (his words) detective-lawyer who gets into all kinds of interesting situations, which then evolve into me learning something historical about the time period. The tagged book, Dissolution, is my favorite because that's where the fun begins. 🕵🏼

BookmarkTavern That sounds so fascinating! Thank you for sharing! 2y
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With me being a fan of crime fiction, and this being set in probably the period of English history that fascinated me more than any other, this was always going to be a pick! It was, for me, made more interesting because of the difficult relationship between Shardlake and his assistant.

I‘ve added this series to my #SeriesLove2023 list 😊

Second finish in the #JoyousJanuary readathon; I sadly haven‘t had much time to read this week.

Andrew65 Love this series and they only get better from this first one. Enjoy and well done 👏👏👏👏 2y
TheSpineView Hope you enjoy this series! 2y
dabbe Love, love, love Mathew Shardlake and all things Tudorian! (not a word, buy, hey ... I like it!) 2y
Andrew65 @dabbe I love that word! 😂 2y
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join in if you want!


dabbe I have read all of these, and they are WONDERFUL! Matthew Shardlake is the detective (actually a lawyer) with a hunched back (which is important in the books). The stories take you through the dissolution of the monasteries under Henry VIII's reign all the way through the Tudor line. Fascinating history + mystery + detective = 🙌! These would probably qualify as #Chunksters, too! 🤣 2y
TheEllieMo @dabbe I‘ve read Dark Fire, and loved it, but for some unknown reason, for which I have no excuse, I haven‘t got around to reading any of the other books in the Shardlake series, despite loving mystery novels and the Tudor period, and in particular the Dissolution, being a period of history that has fascinated me for a long time. I didn‘t have this series in my #SeriesLove2023 list but I‘m going to add it now, I think this one will be my next read 2y
dabbe They are huge books, and there are 7 of them! ❣️ I might have to go back and reread at some point because they truly take you out of the here and now. I should have used the term “hunched“, but that's how Shardlake himself describes his condition, yet still ... sorry about that. 🫢 2y
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This was a super enjoyable mystery for anyone who enjoys the Tudor period. And especially if you‘re a fan of #nunlit this is #monklit ! Most of the book is spent in a snowed in monastery in rural England as you accompany Matthew Shardlake, lawyer and commissioner to Cromwell, uncover the secrets behind a murder during the period when Cromwell is seeking the dissolution of monasteries and their lands. Great atmosphere for a cosy autumn read 👍

andrew61 It is a great read and there are loads more to enjoy in the series. 2y
Centique @andrew61 I‘m keen to get into them next year! 2y
Bluebird Glad you enjoyed it. I love this series! 2y
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Ruthiella I‘ve read all but the last book and also really enjoyed this series. 2y
CarolynM I‘ve been kind of aware of the series without knowing what it‘s about. You‘ve made it sound like something I want to read🙂 2y
Centique @CarolynM @Ruthiella @Bluebird looks like there are lots of fans! 2y
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#manicmonday #letterd @CBee @The_Penniless_Author

📖 Dissolution (CJ Sansom)
✒ G.W. Dahlquist
🎞 Death at a Funeral (original UK version)
🎤 David Bowie / Depeche Mode
🎶 Do you love me? (The Contours)

Hon mentions: Dune (Frank Herbert), The Draw (Bastille song), Dracula: Dead & Loving it

The_Penniless_Author Hey, we picked the exact same singer/band combo! 🤘 2y
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author Adore both of them ??? "It's no good" was my favourite song for most of my childhood and I would've sold both my siblings to dance with Jareth the Goblin King in his bubble ballroom ?? (just kidding). 2y
CBee @RaeLovesToRead I love love love Labyrinth ♥️♥️♥️ 2y
RaeLovesToRead @CBee "I move the stars for no one..." ? 2y
CBee @RaeLovesToRead I try to quote it to the hubby sometimes then remember he hasn‘t seen it (the NERVE 😂). 2y
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