I read this in April and loved it. #12BooksOf2022 @Andrew65
I read this in April and loved it. #12BooksOf2022 @Andrew65
Would you believe a story about a 1913 copper mine strike could be both compelling and tragic? The author pulls it off in this great book. Calumet, MI is a company-owned town whose miners are endangered by the mine's policies. They form a union and stage a strike. It was hard to read in places and some of the characters made me mad, but overall it was outstanding. I'm glad I finally read it.
“In labor disputes, a business can speak with a single loud, clear, well-paid legal voice, while each employee is alone … The are prevented from joining together in a single legal voice—unless and until the employer recognizes their union …”
From The Women of Copper County. Mary Doria Russell‘s excellent historical novel about the the Copper County mining strike (1913-1914). Gripping read and great depiction of characters. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
What is the price of copper? We can ask the same today of cheap apparel.
This quote is the only piece of satisfaction the reader gets relating to the vile copper mine general manager MacNaughton, unfortunately it‘s probably fictional. But I‘ll take what I can get. 😐
I had to Google Mother Jones and wow, quite the formidable character and life. How bizarre it seems now that she was a union labor advocate, but opposed to women‘s suffrage. People are always interesting specimens.
When there is a character you just won‘t care if they die. 🤨
Hey there #LMPBC Group J!!
Any of these look good for our historical fiction round??
@rsteve388 @DarcysMom @ncsufoxes
So true, but my hope of even momentarily conquering chaos in my own home is a very fleeting thing.......😏
I bet James is a joy on vacation. 🙃
I really love Russell‘s writing - always a nice balance of setting, character development, and plot. I‘m only thru the intro and partway into the first chapter and I just want to sit and read it.
With five days left til it's due. I'm reading this one for school and loving it so far. But then I've pretty much loved everything I've read by this author so I'm not too surprised.
#goodbye2020 #historialfiction #holidaymystery #Obama
1st book of 2020- The Women of Copper County- fabulous portrait of mining and organizing- dirt(literally) poor mining town in Michigan beginning in 1913. 23 yr old Annie Clements unintentionally becomes a major protestor and protector of mining families. Relevant today. #buddyread
Last book- Murder for Christmas. Just ok.
Ringing in 2021 with Obama #audiobook. Love his narration.
Mary Doria Russell is so good at writing historical fiction!
I remember learning about unions in school, and I think my dad may have belonged to a union in the machine factory where he worked. Copper Country really brings early Union fights to life! I looked up many of the events just to learn more. Annie is inspiring to any leader looking to make life better for the underprivileged. I loved her.
Great book!
The author blurb doesn't lie: Mary Doria Russell's narrative drive is excellent, and her research is worn well. I liked the author's note explaining the history and how she constructed the story. This is a compelling book that I found very hard to put down. Recommended if you liked Russell's Doc or Epitaph, or the Kopp Sisters series by Amy Stewart (similar time period and attention to detail in author notes).
« The lakes kick up some real screamers with almost no warning, especially Superior. »
? The lake, it is said, never gives up her dead / When the gales of November come early... ?
“In the far north along the Canadian border, every casual conversation has begun with the same sentiment: ‘Awful lucky with the weather, eh?‘”
Why yes I DID read that last bit aloud in a Bob and Doug McKenzie accent 🤣🤣
The determination and power of women who literally had none in the 1900's is one of the themes in THE WOMEN OF THE COPPER COUNTRY.
FULL REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/y2xfodw3
This was so so...I loved learning the history of Calumet, but I found it a bit slow. Interesting history for sure though!
Just a few from my #AprilTBR pile. I was initially planning to read the tagged book on my summer trip to Copper Country but I'm sure we won't be heading up there this year. I guess the bright side is that I don't have to wait any longer to read it! #MittenLitten #AcrossApril
Fascinating! Always interesting to learn something new about American history. Pictured is Big Annie. #24in48 #socialdistancingreadathon
I slept through the first 7.5 hours of the #stayathome24in48 #socialdistancingreadathon but I‘m ready to get to it! I‘ve been in a reading slump these last two weeks. It‘s been difficult to focus and just easier to watch pointless TV. Stay safe and healthy, everyone!
Porch reading in my Snuggie. I really needed some fresh air.
I really enjoyed this emotional portrayal of the copper mine strike in MI in 1913. It was also awesome to read a book set in the state I‘m from. Even though I‘ve only been to the UP 3 times, several towns I‘m very familiar with where mentioned in the book. I also knew nothing about the history of copper mining or the strike.
Letter W for #litsyAtoZ
Everyone‘s participation made this a truly special read for me! Thank you!
#overbookedclub #coppercountryread
Some of us already discussed this a little and have heard the author speak on it.
#overbookedclub #coppercountryread
If I knew we were all going to be swept away by this book so quickly, I would have planned this conversation a week ago. Hopefully you‘ve had time to mull it over.
The #OverBookedClub #CopperCountryRead starts now!
This is a “pick” for me, just not as enthusiastically as it is for others. The situation was very interesting, so that‘s why it is a pick. Parts of this were very dark and the cruelty of various characters was somewhat overwhelming. Since this is historical fiction, I kept wondering if the real people were this awful or was there artistic license at work. #overbookedclub
An emotional book about the strike in the copper mines of Calumet, MI. I thought this was well researched, I learned so much about a topic that I knew nothing about previously. A #historicalfiction must read.
#OverBookedClub @megnews #ReadTheUSA2020 #Michigan
Repost for @megnews :
We‘re halfway through Jan‘s selection. I‘m loving it. How about you? I‘ve already seen quite a few reviews. There‘s been some amazing discussions already. If you haven‘t had a chance yet, check out @marleed ‘s post about her personal connections to Copper Country.
This is a reminder that discussion will be January 31 and to find your copy of The Postmistress for February‘s #OverBookedClub
#readalongs2020 #CopperCountryRead
Excellent fictional representation of the very real events surrounding the strike of copper miners in Michigan, & the women‘s role in these events, of which I was previously unaware. A cast of characters, leading & supporting, you want to encourage along in their fight for justice for them & for the future. At times, you‘re so wrapped up in it you feel you‘re marching alongside them in their struggle. Inspiring.
#CopperCountryRead #OverBookedClub
I could not put this down! So will not reveal plot because this is a #buddyread
I have adored Russell‘s other books. This is as engrossing, rich in detail, well researched, & authentic characters- she brings the reality of the mining life to light.
#MotherJones #MostDangerousWomaninAmerica #CopperCountry #BigAnnie #JamesMacNaughton
Mother Jones, & Big Annie v. MacNaughton, “Czar”of Copper Country
In 1913-1914, the Union miners of Copper Country went on strike. Mother Jones came that year with money & encouragement.Her fiery oratory reengaged the Women‘s Auxiliary & the Union members.
“Mother Jones is coming to Calumet!”
“Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.”-Mother Jones
#CopperCountryRead #ChristmasCelebration #ItalianHallDisater #Calumet #CopperMinlng #Shakespeare #RomeoandJuliet
“All Things that we ordained festival
turn... to black funeral”
— Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
The author has quoted from Romeo and Juliet in each chapter head. Fun for me as I have read this play with Freshman every year of my HS teaching.An example of relevancy for them.
This #HistoricalFiction is about the copper mine strikes of 1913-1914, the first unionized strike of the Western Federation of Miners, and the involvement of Anna Klobuchar Clemenc and the Women's Auxiliary. The union's goal was an 8-hour workday and better wages. They were up against the powerful Calumet and Hecla Mining Company.
#ReadTheUSA2020 #Michigan @ljuliel
I just finished reading this one this morning. What a great book! I loved Mary Doria Russell's way of writing about this compelling story, and now I need to go read more about Anna Klobuchar Clemenc and her part in the Western Federation of Miners.
#OverBookedClub @megnews @sblbooks
#LitsyAtoZ #W @BookishMarginalia
Love this metaphor
#CopperCountryRead #OverBookedClub