I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!) Feel free to join in!
I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!) Feel free to join in!
This week‘s #WeeklyForecast
Alec and Lily's connection felt more like lust than love to me, but I loved Lily befriending all the best women in London, and the happy ending is what they both deserved. Too bad Alec was too much of a cabbagehead to figure that out sooner! #historicalromance
To read or to craft- always a difficult decision!
I am sick, so it's time for a trashy romance!
This was a fun read and exactly what I needed after a month of semi lackluster reading! Since I started school again, and I‘m working on top of it, reading has fallen by the way side; I needed something quick and fun and this fit the bill. The steamy bits are great and the writing is even better than I was expecting!
I said I was only going to read spooky books but this one has been sitting on my nightstand, begging to be read, for too long.
After a frustrating day of starting half a dozen books, I‘ve finally settled into a reread of this one - just in time for bed. #romantsy
Another great book by Sarah MacLean. Alec was kind of annoying going back and forth so much and thinking he wasn‘t good enough for Lily. That‘s the only peeve I had. Otherwise a great story, Lily was a strong female character.
It has been many, many years since I have read any kind of romance novel that did not involve a supernatural element and even longer since I read a historical romance. I had heard great things about MacLean so I decided to give it a try and I am glad I did.
Ms. MacLean embodies her characters with such humor and both the female and male characters are given some lovely depths. It feels very modern for a historical novel and I enjoyed it!
I actually liked this one more than the first book in the series! Not exactly sure what made this one different. On to the next one!
I definitely didn‘t enjoy this as much as the first book - the addition of the sisters felt like an afterthought, and oh man I wanted to smack the Duke! Looking forward to book 3 though.
Went to bed early to try to adjust my sleep schedule for vacation, but no luck. :/ Getting some audiobook time in, at least!
Battle of the pun-tastic Scottish romances! Which would you pick??
About to start my first romance novel (that isn‘t paranormal romance). Excited!!!
I‘m fairly new to romance, but I‘ve figured out what I like and don‘t like:
Like: good writing
Dislike: super detailed sex scenes, repetitive speed bumps, alpha males
Maclean writes great characters with witty banter. However, the book is interminable. And I skipped the sex scenes! 😂
Maybe I‘ll finish as an ebook? This was recommended by Get Booked.
ETA: finished as an ebook.
@Tiffy_Reads #gettingtoknowyou @JenaJenkins
—light blue, pale green, orange, yellow
—fantasy, contemporary fiction
—whatever craft strikes my fancy, currently cross stitch
—popcorn, apples
—peach-pear la croix
—bookmarks, bookends, candles
Another library hold just came in, plus In Other Lands became available the other day, and I have yet to download it. Oops.
It really is #libraryholdsday @JoScho
What a perfect read while sick in bed! There is a sassy heroine, a frustrated hero, and such a good discussion on consent. First MacLean and now I can see why so many folks recommend her!
One of my favourite authors, but not one of my favourite of hers. Can‘t quite put my finger in why though. It‘s still very good and better than any of the other historicals I‘ve read recently, just not as good as I expect from MacLean sadly.
Internal monologue: what shall I read next? *stares at bookshelf* I really should read something nonfiction. *stare at shelf some more* you‘ve done two whole days back at work after the holidays. You deserve a treat. Sarah MacLean it is.
September has been a busy month and #romantsy reads have helped me through it. Just finished my first Sarah MacLean historical romance. Lillian Hargrove is the forgotten ward of an accident prone dukedom. When a scandal threatens to ruin Lillian the current Duke, a very large Scot, turns up to sort things out. Plenty of heat and hi jinks ensue. 👍🔥
Used this as a palate cleanser during a very, very busy week. I'm talking days full of 90% meetings or more. 😫 on the plus side, tomorrow we buy another bookshelf and go to one of the best bookstores in town!
All of the sudden I'm not digging the intimate scenes, I skipped right over them. I am still a bit unsure of how I feel about the ending... overall a pick for me!
MacLean writes such fun characters. While I didn't LOVE this one as much as the 1st in the series, I'm still very much looking forward to the next one!
And yay me! I actually finished a book during the #readathon!
Just had to figure out a way to make use of this lovely spring shot. For my Secret Santa, I have cleaned up my stacked list so it only has books that I do not own currently. I have started collecting items for my match and will work on picking out books soon. #SummerSolsticeBookExchange #SummerSantaGoesPostal @bookishmarginalia
This was such a good book. It definitely plays on the paparazzi of the time period and the trope of the hero feeling unworthy of his love. The big reveal of why, holy crap. It is a good one and totally puts everything into perspective. Normally they are fairly alpha male reasons but this one turns the trope on its head. Also the chapter titles are to die for. I will have to post some of them soon.#romantsy #CupidGoesPostal
This is one of the few reasons I like my Kindle reading, being able to look up definitions to words! 😂 for instance bollocks = the testicles 🙄😂😂
Started this last night and I am loving it! This is my first Sarah MacLean ... Wish me luck lol
Book two of this little series and I liked this one as well but perhaps not nearly as much as the first. A rough Scottish born lord and a damsel in distress
Reveling in this rare morning off with coffee and a good book on the front porch :) #perfection #itsalmostspringinthemitten
What I like about MacLean's books is the women aren't vapid wastes of skin. They are self-reliant. It is a partnership rather than a domination. #LitsyAtoZ #LetterS @BookishMarginalia
It's a gorgeous springlike day in February! Perfect for checking out this awesome romance novel while I lounge in the sunshine ❤️ Thanks @rebeccaschinsky for the recommendation! Book Riot podcasts are the best! #allthebooks
Day 14 of #riotgrams is a great one.... #kissingbooks ❤
Couldn't find my favourite book #BollywoodBride , but there were lots of others to choose from.