Started listening to this novel yesterday...
It's been on my TBR list since it came out.
#TBRlist #LibraryFind #OverdriveAudio
One of the best novels I've read so far this year...
Re-reading to prep for an interview with the author.
This debut novel looks really good! Looking forward to reading it soon.
@VanChocStrawberry ... this very different sort of Amish novel might be of interest?
First sighting of this important book that releases this fall! #theology
Most notable review copy that arrived on my desk today.... 🙂
A fortuitous find in Bloomington this weekend. Piqued my interest enough to set aside the pile of books I should be reading and to dive into it today.
Found at Friends of the Library Bookstore, Bloomington, Indiana!!! 😍
1. Indianapolis- Near Eastside.
2. My wife, @VanChocStrawberry , who reads WAY more than I do!
3. SILENCE by Shusaku Endo
(Film by M Scorsese)
4. Nope.
@saguarosally via @JenaJenkins
Read about half of this short but thoughtful book this evening...