Congratulations, @AmandaBlaze 🤓
You‘ve won The Tenth Circle! Your package will be sent next week.
Thank you for participating in #FreebieFriday and #LitsyLove 💙💌💙
Congratulations, @AmandaBlaze 🤓
You‘ve won The Tenth Circle! Your package will be sent next week.
Thank you for participating in #FreebieFriday and #LitsyLove 💙💌💙
#LitsyLove #FreebieFriday giveaway.
To enter comment or repost and tell us … if you could interview any author- alive or dead- who would you choose?
Open to all members. (International and US)
Enter & Share. Just remember to use the #FreebieFriday hashtag and tag us: @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TieDyeDude @Read4life
Winner randomly selected tomorrow
#LitsyLove #FreebieFriday giveaway.
To enter comment or repost and tell us … if you could interview any author- alive or dead- who would you choose?
Open to all members. (International and US)
Enter & Share. Just remember to use the #FreebieFriday hashtag and tag us: @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TieDyeDude @Read4life
Winner randomly selected tomorrow.
All I want to do is lay on this couch and read 🤓☺️
This was just a classic Jodi Picoult book. I don‘t know why I keep bothering to read her stuff when I know I don‘t like it. The plot twists were crazy unnecessary and I hated the ending.
Trixie stone had her heart broken by Jason underhill. So one night she went to her best friend zephyr‘s house where there was a party. Where Trixie made a plan to make Jason jealous to win him back. When the party ends all that‘s left is Trixie,Zephyr,Moss and Jason. Later that night Trixie turns up home and tells her dad she was raped by Jason. Is Trixie telling the truth or is she trying to ruin the life of the boy who broke her heart? Loved it
It was snowing here on Monday but the snow already melted. We expect more snow tomorrow ❄❄❄
#WishesAndBlessings Snow @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs
#FestivePhotoChallenge Red and White
@StayCurious @Clwojick
#TeamGameSleighers #WinterGames2021 #WinterGames #TeamGameSleighers #litsyfun #thetenthcircle #jodipicoult
This is why I love thick books: I‘ve recently started practicing contortion. I don‘t have the yoga blocks used to deepen stretches so I‘ve had to improvise.? Anyone else uses their books other than for reading?? J'ai récemment commencé à pratiquer la contorsion. Je n'ai pas les blocs de yoga utilisés pour approfondir les étirements, alors j'ai dû improviser avec de beaux gros livres.? Qui d'autre utilise ses livres autrement que pour lire ?
#thetwelfecoloursofdecember Candy Cane (mix of white and red)
I've read this in January for my reading challenge and like it. It is set in winter.
#thetenthcircle #jodipicoult #countdowntochristmas #mostwonderfultime
I read this for my January challenge.
It was interesting thriller. More like a family drama. I enjoy reading it. At the beginning I feel sorry for Trixie but then I changed my mind. Something bother me and I wasn‘t sure how to feel about it. I constantly asked myself if she is telling the truth or is she lying? This was a little confused.
Reading challenges in the comment⬇️⬇️⬇️
#thetenthcircle #jodipicoult #bookreview
We read A book with snow on the cover in January.
Thank you all who's reading with me. Here are your books (read the comment or see the picture). I read the tagged book.
If you read it but haven't posted it yet, you can post it now.
#readingchallenge #readingchallenge2020 #enjoyreading #january #abookwithsnowonthecover
Jodi Picoult offers her most powerful chronicle yet as she explores the unbreakable bond between parent and child, and questions whether you can reinvent yourself in the course of a lifetime -- or if your mistakes are carried forever.
I'm currently reading this book for #ReadingWithMaja January #abookwithsnowoncover
Eating a cake that my sister in law baked and drinking cappuccino.
#cosyweekend #vikendvibes #mummytime #readingchallenge #thetenthcircle #jodipicoult #litsylove
Alright everyone, first post coming in!!
So i just started reading this book yesterday. I love Jodi Picoult (fav: Nineteen Minutes), and i‘ve been looking forward to reading this.
I‘m not even close to being done but i just got to a major turning point and OMGGG this is why i LOVE her writing!!!
Curious to know the turning point? I would 10/10 recommend reading!
#firstpost #jodipicoult #plottwist #10/10 #mustread #amazing #sorry #excited
I love Jodi Picoult and was not disappointed with this book. I really enjoyed the mixed media in this novel - including some clips of a story within a story in the format of a graphic novel. The story itself was very interesting and had a good twist - it brought up some very relevant issues about rape and teens and mental health. I did feel like there was a lot going on with the varying storylines. Glad I fit this in for #24b4monday
Meeting some friends for coffee. Got here early so I could sneak some reading in. Definitely not making 24 hours. This weekend got away from me! But it was still fun to participate and I definitely made some progress on my TBR 😊 #24b4monday
Meeting some friends for coffee. Got here early so I could sneak some reading in. Definitely not making 24 hours. This weekend got away from me! But it was still fun to participate and I definitely made some progress on my TBR 😊 #24b4monday
Relaxing with my reading buddy 😻 trying to get some time in for #24b4monday! Hoping to finish this one today. I love a good Jodi Picoult book.
What was the point of being able to #forgive when, deep down, you both had to admit that you‘d never forget.”
I lent this one out and never got it back 😰😰😰 I‘m hoping to run into it someday!!
My least favorite by her so far 😕
It‘s just not... as engaging, as complicated, as heart-rending... I dunno. It‘s just missing a lot.
This wasn‘t my absolute-favorite Jodi book, but I still enjoyed it a lot! You get into the worlds of comics as well as rural Alaskan living. It is about sexual assault, so I wouldn‘t recommend it if you‘re not up to reading about it. All in all, beautiful writing and great/complex characters.
She‘d been so focused on what she had wanted to get away from in this world she forgot to consider what she might miss.
It‘s all bullshit to me, but I like the way your eyes look when you talk about it.
I find happiness in the simplest of things.
#AprilBookishMadness Book face
#jodipicoult #thetenthcircle #paperback #coffeemug #coffeetime #flower #candles #goodreads #bookworm #litsylove #litsyfun
While this was an enjoyable read in some aspects, the ending was very predictable. I did enjoy the juxtaposition of the comic book spreads as a representation of the story. I thought that was very clever.
Good morning! It's time for #morningcoffee ☕
It's winter here in Slovenia and finally we have snow in my region. But I work a lot this week and also feel a little sick. And for this reason I can't take photos outside.😕 I'm sharing this #wintercover of #TheTenthCircle by #JodiPicoult
#paperback #mystery #coffeetime #bookandcoffee #caszakavo #tbr #wintertvibes #goodreads #bookworm #booklover #litsybook
Hi bookworms! 😍😘
What's your favourite thing about December and Christmas time?
Mine are:
🎄Christmas tree and ornaments(every year I need to buy something new)
🎄spending more time with family
🎄gifts and books exchanges
🎄a lot of food and chocolate😂
#jingleshelves Snow on cover
#decktheshelves Christmas socks
@joe_stalks_beck @Tiffy_Reads @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @bookloo
Look for something positive in every day, even if some days you have to look a little harder.
#decktheshelves Set in winter
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
#thetenthcircle #jodipicoult #whitecover #christmaswreath #christmasiscoming #mostwonderfultime #litsylove #litsybooks
Catching up with day #10 of #NovemberbytheNumbers: the only Jodi Picoult book I still have in my library because it‘s the only one that I don‘t find completely overwrought somehow; I‘ve given the others away. Also the #comics angle was a nice change from her usual style. (I know this is probably an #unpopularopinion given the amount of Litsy-love I‘ve seen Picoult get, but she‘s just not my cup of tea. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Einschränkend sollte ich vielleicht noch sagen, der Comic hat mich inhaltlich nicht überzeugt. Aber die Idee an sich fand ich originell. Und ich muss zugeben, ich war noch nie die große Comicleserin – auch als Kind nicht.
Aber an des Rätsels Lösung möchte ich mich auf alle Fälle noch versuchen. ? bei _der_ Idee ist nämlich auch mein Herz dahingeschmolzen. #WeilIchEinMaedchenBin
Ein typischer Jodi Picoult – im positiven Sinne.
Die Figuren bestechen einmal mehr durch vielschichtige Tiefe und realitätsnahe psychologische Darstellung. In Alaska konnte man zwar den Eindruck bekommen, das Buch hätte zwei Teile. Einmal die Straftat und einmal der Suizid/Unfall. Das hat mich jedoch nicht gestört, weil ich Trixie da schon sehr mochte und auch von (der Beschreibung) der mir unbekannten Kultur total fasziniert war. ?
Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass ich, nachdem ich dieses Buch ausgelesen habe, Schnee ?❄️?❄️ mit völlig anderen Augen sehen werde.
Kälte ? nicht, Kälte ? war mir schon immer suspekt.
Ich weiß, ich weiß, es ist ein Buch … Aber ich muss das dennoch loswerden:
Da begeht ein Teenager, ein mutmaßlicher Täter, wahrscheinlich Selbstmord und in seiner Highschool werden Veranstaltungen zu Depressionen abgehalten.
Als ebenjener Teenager eine Mitschülerin mutmaßlich vergewaltigte und ihr vorher Drogen eingeflößt hatte, werden keine Veranstaltungen (zum Thema "Nein heißt Nein") abgehalten.
In was für einer Welt leben wir eigentlich? ?
Ein Buch ist gut, beziehungsweise "das richtige" für mich, wenn ich statt sechs Tage für etwas mehr als 380 Seiten weniger als 24 Stunden für deutlich mehr als die Hälfte von 415 Seiten brauche.*)
*) "Die Meerfrau" gegenüber "Schuldig".
Eine Ehefrau, die nicht weiß, wie ihr Ehemann seinen Kaffee trinkt. ??♀️
Oh Leute, geht noch mal in den Beziehungskindergarten‼️?
Dass ich sowas überhaupt Partnerschaft oder Ehe nennen darf …
Ich komm da nicht drüber.
Die Mutter will sich von ihrem Job beurlauben lassen, um für ihre Tochter da zu sein. Der Vater, der zu Hause gearbeitet und die Tochter die meiste Zeit betreut hat, findet, das sollte die Mutter lassen, weil es für die Tochter besser ist, wenn alles wieder seinen normalen Gang geht.
Wie wäre es, wenn die Eltern mal die Tochter selber danach fragen würden, was sie möchte. Just saying. ?
Whoa, Trixie hat mit 14 ganz schön Chuzpe. Ich hätte in dem Alter weder den Mut noch das Selbstbewusstsein gehabt, zu dem Jungen, der mich für eine andere (barbiepuppenhafte Erscheinung) hat sitzen lassen, hinzugehen und nachzufragen, wie er den Alltag durchsteht und wie er es schafft, so zu tun, als ob die vergangene, beendete Beziehung nicht wichtig gewesen wäre.
Einerseits finde ich das wenig realistisch. Andererseits, solche Menschen gibt es.
Und es folgt tatsächlich einen fünfseitiger Comic. ?
Vielleicht ist das Buch auch wirklich ein Krimi. ?
Wenn man nach dem Prolog plötzlich versteht, warum das Buch im Original
"The Tenth Circle"
heißt. ?
"Heft in Buch" finde ich eine schöne Idee. Nicht gänzlich neu, aber neu für Jodi Picoult.
Oben seht ihr, was passiert, wenn frau in der Bücherei ein Buch nur deswegen ausleiht, weil sie dessen Autorin schätzt und sich den Blick auf den Klappentext gerade deswegen spart. Sie will sich einfach nur überraschen lassen.
Und dann fragt sie sich vor Lektürebeginn: "Seit wann schreibt Jodi Picoult _Krimis_⁉️?"
Nicht, dass ich's nicht mitgenommen hätte, hätte ich das zugewiesene Genre vorher gesehen, aber komisch ist es schon.
War gerade in der Bibliothek.
Ich wollte einer Freundin nur ihren Notizblock zurückbringen.
Da dachte ich: "Hmm, ein Jodi Picoult geht immer." ?
Und um diesen speziellen bin ich, glaub ich, schon drei bis vier Mal rumscharwenzelt.
This post is for yesterday. 😁
#sizzlinsummerbooks It's all a mystery
#jubilantjuly Side profiles
@Tiffy_Reads @RealLifeReading
#thetenthcircle #jodipicoult #mystery #contemporary #tbr #frommyshelf #ilovebooks #bookmark #flower #flowerpower #bookandflower #bookworm #booklover #litsybook #litsylove
Go to bed with dreams. Wake up with plans. ❤💝
Happy 4th of July to all American Littens.
Sweet dreams to all European Littens.
#sizzlinsummerbooks Red/white/blue
#jubilantjuly Reds whites and blues
@Tiffy_Reads @RealLifeReading
#books #colourbooks #bookstack #bookandcandle #candle #enjoylife #ilovebooks #mybooks #bookspin #bookworm #booklover #bookaddict #litsybooks #litsylove
1. Malaysia
2. What the Day Owes the Night by Yasmin Khadra
3. Harry Potter by JK Rowling
4. Num 3 😂
5. The Blacklist
6. Drake 😂
7. Royal blue
8. Historical books (fictions and non-fictions)
9. In the world that surrounds by nothing else but numbers
10. She is not my pet. She is my family 🐱