11-30-17: #novemberbythenumbers @JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads 📖#️⃣3️⃣0️⃣ what's the next challenge??
11-30-17: #novemberbythenumbers @JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads 📖#️⃣3️⃣0️⃣ what's the next challenge??
Poem 30 out of 101 is Mercy from The Merchant of Venice. #novemberbythenumbers
When #novemberbythenumbers started I looked through my shelves and I was all excited that I could use these big fantasy anthologies for some of the bigger numbers. But of course this week at work was crazy and I totally forgot. Remembered for the 30th though and including the 27th since why not. Maybe this will prompt me to actually read them...
Thank you to @Tiffy_Reads and @JoeStalksBeck for hosting #NovemberbytheNumbers! I so enjoyed finding ways to participate with this unusual photo-challenge this month, discovering new books and rediscovering old friends, and of course seeing everyone‘s awesome contributions when I had time to peruse the tag!! 🥂📚❤️
#NovemberByTheNumbers I can‘t believe this book is #30 years old!Both mother & daughter are urban peasants but what do you do with a mother who walks up to strangers and says “This is my daughter,she hates me.”An interesting look at the mother/daughter relationship and the joys , sorrows, and the crush of humanity you deal with when you live in New York City. I love all her books but this one has a special place my heart for its fearlessness.
Day #30 of #NovemberbytheNumbers. The tagged book was first published in 1987, but I first read it in 1997 when I read the entire quartet from start to finish. I‘ve never seen the film of 2001 (and probably never will tbh) but I adore these books so much. Arthur C Clarke is probably my favorite of the classic sci-fi writers & this quartet perfectly demonstrates what I love most about his work.
Catching up on day #29 of #NovemberbytheNumbers with another excellent book from my senior English reading list that happened to be published in 1988.
Seriously though, I forgot how good the reading list for this class was; the focus was Mythology & we read a ton of relatively diverse books, almost all of which were written by women. And we didn‘t even think twice about it at my all-girls school. This is another one on my #TBRR list for sure.
This is a book of George MacDonald quotes edited by C.S. Lewis. Two of my favorites! I tried to read one a day this year, and failed about June. I'll try again next year!
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads