May be the strangest book I've ever read.
“A woman who does not know herself has no choice other than to live with other people‘s evaluations.”
“I suppose I‘m the one responsible for destroying myself.”
I haven‘t picked up a book in awhile (for what is a while for me) lol. I‘ve been drowning in being a care taker of everyone &everything. I just want everyone to know you cannot pour yourself into someone else‘s cup if your cup is empty! I‘m getting back to my self-care. ❣️
Fairly grim novel which takes the murder of two prostitutes as the starting point for an examination of Japan's class system and patriarchy, with especial focus on the sex trade. More than slightly spoiled for me by a pretty dire translation.
1. Orange
2. I just finished the most recent season of Gotham.
3. Grotesque, I wanted other people's thoughts
4. Depends on the burger if an option the works is available, I will take it. A local restaurant had one called The Flatliner, the only thing I have them hold is the Mac and cheese 😛
5. Yard sales and farmers market
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
I understand that this translation from the original Japanese is flawed in its language and leaves out certain things "sensitive Americans" couldn't handle. All the same it was tedious, all the characters lied and contradicted one another, and none of them were likable. It was billed as a thriller but was more a study on the caste system in Japan and women's roles within it. I read to the end hoping for answers that never came.
#NeuroticSociety Angry women edition 🔥 Read Grotesque for a searing fictional take on the pressures and standards placed on women to become the best alongside the nonfiction books One-Dimensional Woman and King Kong Theory. The last two books are a combination of theory, philosophy, sociology and memoir to get at why things still suck on a large scale despite everyone telling us that it's gotten better.
#FierceFeb @Cinfhen
Hunting through my She-Shed to find the HP books for my son to start reading and found boxes of books that have been packed up for years since we moved house. Brought all these ones into the house as I've not read any of them so my TBR list is even longer now! Love a surprise book find.
#booksbooksbooks #neverenoughshelves #readingtillidie #somanybookssolittletime
Because I couldn't decide which part of my amazing gift from @JPeterson to highlight, I'm very thankful for collages!!!! Such an amazingly thoughtful gift! The little koalas have names. The little kitty sticker is a glitter kitten! Plus two books I've been putting of purchasing because my tbr pile is threatening local villages. 'continued. #summersolsticebookexchange
Back to #Riotgrams day 1. This is all the shelf space I currently have (except the shelves I cleaned off in my closet for books I've read) - I miss having all my other books. I'm hoping to have room for them soon, but we'll see how life shakes out.
Said to be "daring and disturbing" sounds right up our alley @Liberty @FranzenComesAlive !! #Allisnotlost
Finally finishing this while waiting for my gf to come home so we can open gifts! (In Switzerland the 24th is the important day and the time to open gifts and despite having moved I'm holding on to that tradition ❤) Merry Christmas everyone.
I don't own any books #notinenglish. I wish I spoke other languages but other than some high school French I don't. These are 4 books that were originally published #notinenglish that are on my 2017 TBR. #SeasonsReadings2016
An old tree gives us inspiration in life. Strange, isn't it? The tree may look withered, but it's living just the same.
I've not heard much about this one but my gf told me she liked it so this is today's read. The rest of the day is spent cleaning (I am fighting a battle against humidity in this house in winter) and preparing for NaNoWriMo.
"I realized that my life took a turn down the wrong path when I entered the Q system in junior high and tried so hard to blend in with those who were born to power."
This book makes me so glad I'm no longer a teenage girl ?
#translatedbooks #Japanese
A stack of POC books for #septphotochallenge #somethingforsept - I realised I don't have many. I buy books mostly by picking out pretty covers and reading the blurbs in the genre section I'm in the mood for.
This is a weird book. There are some really good parts, but also some very dull moments. There are very very few likable characters. But maybe it's because I'm partial to Japanese culture, I still really liked this book. The translation was stellar and the way the book is laid out, you're constantly wondering whose accounts are the actual truth. 4🌟
I don't care if I'm called basic. I love pumpkin-flavored stuff. #BooksAndBrews
#currentlyreading this and The Fireman. Liking both so far. Grotesque is fulfilling my love for Japanese culture and I'm looking forward to some "rocking chair on the front porch" reading this morning. #augustphotochallenge #augustofbooks
Yup still reading this. But today I'm eating beehoon (rice vermicelli) fried with cabbage and ham. Also spicy sambal eggplant and okra. Am distracted by the fact that Singapore just won its first (ever!) Olympic gold medal in the 100m butterfly! Whee! 🇸🇬
Sneaking a few bites of dinner early so that I can read more of this book. The kids are watching Octonauts (evening is tv time here so I can cook in peace) and have asked for another episode so I might just eat this asparagus risotto while reading more of Yuriko's exploits. Can any two sisters despise each other more??
Tuna sandwich, tea and a Japanese crime novel. What are you up to?
Kirino's book Out is one of my all-time favorites. I'm looking forward to starting Grotesque today