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The Germans sure know how to make lovely books. Now my Laini Taylor trilogy in german is complete. And so pretty 💛🖤💛

Yeah, you know I don't read German, right? #ofcourseIcannotreadit #notinenglish #foreigneditions

Texreader Beautiful 7y
Kalalalatja Wow! 7y
Cinfhen Gorgeous 🖤💛🖤💛 7y
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julesG Gorgeous!! Now I want the British and German full sets! 😍 7y
JazzFeathers 😍😍😍😍 7y
vicgreentoriafield Wow, this edition is beautiful! 7y
DeborahSmall Its stunning. I need to start collecting these ❤️ 7y
iread2much It is lovely! 7y
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Today's fun bookmail is just an addition to my alternate cover #foreigneditions and... #ofcourseicannotreadit 😁
German hipster Harry amuses me still.

Kalalalatja 😂😂😂😂 those glasses! (edited) 7y
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When people were posting their #authorautobuy picks, I could not participate because there are TOO many.
What I do have is a shorter list of authors I will buy in languages that I cannot read just to collect alternate versions. It always helps that the Germans make amazing covers. And this time a super amazing under the jacket design!
#ofcourseIcannotreadit #notinenglish

DGRachel 😍😍😍 7y
brilliantglow That is probably the best cover I have seen for that book. Such a great series😍😍 7y
elkeOriginal @brilliantglow There is also a bit of spot gloss on her eye so it eerily shines - such a good cover design! 7y
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brilliantglow Oh man! I might have to start buying foreign editions! 7y
PNWBookseller85 I just heard Laini Taylor speak last night. She's sooo cool 😎. 7y
DeborahSmall Gorgeous. I also buy books in other languages just for the editions 7y
aeeklund Guhhhhhhhh that is gorgeous! 7y
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For today's #hpchapteraday finishing of book 3, here is my german edition (#ofcourseIcannotreadit) bought simply for the cover and hipster Harry.
Sirius & Padfoot wanted to say hi too 💕
#foreigneditions #notinenglish

Maike Ah, there's my childhood.... 😊 7y
MidnightBookGirl Lol, Hipster Harry! Love it! 7y
julesG I never bought the German edition because I don't like Hipster-Harry. ;) So my kids have to get the German edition from the local library or have to read the UK (Bloomsbury) edition. 7y
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Another post as I continue to dig into my collection of HP 1 #foreigneditions #notinenglish for you: Finnish!

I wanted you to not only see the incredible noses on the kids, but also the cute Dumbledore on the back cover.
And, as always: #ofcourseIcannotreadit. I just love alternate editions and other covers 😁

DGRachel Love the Dumbledore illustration! 7y
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Are these Italian editions of HP 1 & 2 not the cutest illustrations? He's flying on a book! ⚡️

#foreigneditions #notinenglish #ofcourseicannotreadit

I-read-and-eat These are adorable 😀 Why is he flying on a book though? 8y
elkeOriginal @I-read-and-eat Does it matter? 😁 8y
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More fun #notinenglish #foreigneditions HP1 editions I own, yet cannot read:
Icelandic and Faroese (Faroe Islands).
After recent posts about Iceland's Christmas reading tradition, I am not surprised they quickly got their own version, but the Faroe Islands? Cozy North Atlantic island nations for the win!
Both have been on my vacation wish list for awhile too 😁

Eyglo It's so cool to see an Icelandic book here on Litsy 😊 I don't think there are many Icelanders on this app - at least none that I'm aware of! 8y
elkeOriginal @Eyglo Icelanders are so literate they would love it here! 8y
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Next up in #foreigneditions of HP1 that I own yet cannot read: Korean - in 2 volumes 📚
#notinenglish #ofcourseIcannotreadit

Lola This is great! I'm actually going to get my daughter some HPs in Spanish for Christmas to help her prepare for the AP Spanish test in the spring and a trip to Spain in the summer. 8y
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The other major olde timey language one should have an edition of HP1 in: Latin.
#notinenglish #foreigneditions #ofcourseIcannotreadit

I-read-and-eat This translation is amazing! The way classical Latin is used in this modern novel is so creative! It also helped me a great deal with my Latin 😊 Also: Dobby ❤💖 8y
thec0zy Yay Latin! 😍 8y
Louise Oooooohhhhhh! ❤️ 8y
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Un Mundo Feliz | Aldous Huxley
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