Hunting through my She-Shed to find the HP books for my son to start reading and found boxes of books that have been packed up for years since we moved house. Brought all these ones into the house as I've not read any of them so my TBR list is even longer now! Love a surprise book find.
#booksbooksbooks #neverenoughshelves #readingtillidie #somanybookssolittletime
CatLass007 I have so many boxes packed with books from my last move in 1994. I know I would find plenty that I haven‘t read yet. And still I‘ve bought more books, of course. There‘s no room to unpack the ones I have. 7y
TrishB A Thousand Splendid Suns is amazing and 💔 7y
mellissimo The Book of Lost Things is so good and funny! 😍 7y
Ingerella Agree with @TrishB . A Thousand Splendid Suns is really good. 7y
Tianarose The Historian is really good! I‘m actually thinking I need to reread this one :) 7y