Moving three cats from Houston to Las Vegas requires a lot of patience and a lot of Levar Burton.
Moving three cats from Houston to Las Vegas requires a lot of patience and a lot of Levar Burton.
Using this as a stand in fur LeVar Burton Reads Season 1. Which was such a lovely way to experience short stories!
I made a frame for stickynote quotes :P
I'm so excited! My honey and I are going to this as a live show in May! Levar Burton was my first source for book recommendations and now I'm going to get to see him in person!
So tired. I have taken three naps today which is unheard of for me. I have been trying to read in between naps but my eyes are tired so I have also been catching up on this wonderful podcast. If you haven‘t checked it out yet you are missing out on the delightful LeVar Burton reading short stories to you.
Finally checking out the Levar Burton Reads #podcast. Here goes nothing! 🙂
This is bullshit! But you don't have to take my word for it. (That's right, I said it, WNED-TV.)
Read more: http://www.vulture.com/2017/08/levar-burton-sued-for-using-his-reading-rainbow-c...
Could this podcast be any more perfect? Made dinner in joy with this one.
"Because storytelling, and visual storytelling, was put in the hands of everybody, and we have all now become storytellers."
~ LeVar Burton
#Book #Bookstagram #becauseofreading #booksactually #readingrainbow #currentlyreading #amreading #beautifulbooks #goodbook #reviewbook #mybooks #goodreads #evilalgorithm #bibliophile #yalit #igreads #bookstagramfeature #bookblogger #epicreads
This set my nerd heart all a flutter!!! 💓💓💓💓 Has anyone else listened?
Today's #freebie for #riotgrams is absolutely all about LeVar Burton. His new podcast dropped today, and my millennial self could not be happier. Reading Rainbow for adults!
New podcast addiction. 🌈