This book was horrifying and amazing and I loved it! Proceed with extreme caution. All of the trigger warnings for bad things happening to children.
This book was horrifying and amazing and I loved it! Proceed with extreme caution. All of the trigger warnings for bad things happening to children.
Sooo good! I‘m a little bit afraid to leave my house now........
Sooo creepy! I loved it!!! Definitely had me afraid to walk around my house at night!
It was my turn to pick for book club and I had been wanting to read this one since hearing @Liberty talk about it months ago on All the Books. This was by far one of the best discussions we have had. There was just so much to sort through! Particularly in what I like to call the “temporal fever dream” section of the book.
Impulse buy after I dropped my wife off for a 2 hour massage (but seriously, who could resist a Neil Gaiman book illustrated by Chris Riddell?!?!?!). Went and bought groceries, came back to the massage place and still have a half hour wait. Guess it's a good thing I made an impulse book purchase!
Continuing my creepy reads. A few of the stories were missed for me, but overall I really enjoyed this collection.
Kicking off my creepy fall reading, by finally reading this one. I love spooky houses and the bonus of an unreliable narrator!
My progress on this book has not changed in 3 weeks. I think it might be time to call it quits....
A late post. Visited Parnassus Books yesterday! It was great!!!
Getting in a little more reading before Eddie Vedder goes on.
Loved it! Just finished it up as Joseph was going on stage at Pilgrimage Music Festival. And yes, I brought a backup book to read between acts. 😁
This was a fun read and the Ithaca parts were a fun surprise (I used to live just 20 minutes from Ithaca and my wife and I got married there)!
When all you want to do is choose your BOTM and the website is having issues. Aaargh!!!!
Rereading all of the HP books in order. I've never actually done this, but always read a book here and there as the mood suited. Any other Ravenclaw's out there?
Book 36 of 50 for my Goodreads challenge. 72% of the way there!
Most of these stories broke my heart in small ways. This was a great collection that takes a close look at family, escape, and feelings of alienation in your own life. Sooo good!!!
Finished last night! Makes me think a little of The Grand Budapest Hotel.
I will finish this book before I get back home tomorrow!
This set my nerd heart all a flutter!!! 💓💓💓💓 Has anyone else listened?
Work is so sllllloooooooowwwwww this week, so I'm sneaking in a little bit of reading time. This will be our little secret....
The book club I'm in has been going since January and so far I have been the only person to pick fiction. I used my influence with our June host, who was undecided between a few choices and wanted my thoughts, to get this one. Mwuhahaha!!!
A fully formed mature forest springs up all over the world in a matter of seconds. And who who couldn't adore that cover?!?!
Another book that,overall I enjoyed, but had issues with the way female characters were used/sexually objectified in the storyline. It could have been so good if it weren't for the juvenile sexual references.
I did enjoy this book, but it has its problems. Mainly, queerbaiting and the magical brown/foreign person trope in Sardar. Honestly, I would be much harsher on this book over these things if it weren't for the fact that it was quite fun and I had really been looking forward to it. But really, using oppressed identities as a device to spice up your novel is not ok.
Normally, I really enjoy the dust jackets on my hardcovers, Jane Steele included, but I took off for carting the book around in my work bag and discovered this!
Some really great stories in this collection. I particularly enjoyed The Briefcase and Good Saint Anthony Come Around.
When I picked this as my BOTM selection in January, I really wasn't sure about it, but thought I'd give it a try. It took me a few days to get through it, but not because I found it easy to put down. I just couldn't stop reading/thinking about these bizarre, disturbing, and sometimes gross characters. It's a strange kind of magic that Moshfegh has spun.
These stories are really sucking me in. It's like a train wreck of disgusting, awful people and I just can't look away!
Because when you're sick at home you hang out with furry friends, eat chicken noodle soup with saltines, and watch an adaptation of feminist dystopia.
I finished this earlier today. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it and don't quite know what to make of that ending, but for the most part I enjoyed the experience.
Did some yard work with the wife this morning, now time to enjoy the sunshine, the deck, and read about some hardcore lady types!
A little book club reading between games. Go Tech!
Ultimately, it's the story of a relationship told through the lens of war, violence, migration, and the experience of migrants/refugees escaping violence who are unwanted in their new homes. Oh, and magic doors, lots of magic doors. #LitsyAtoZ
I've been wanting to read these books for awhile and upon seeing the first one available from my library as an audiobook decided that that would be a great way to do so. I really enjoyed Stephen Fry's narration and really, really appreciated that he didn't try to feminize his voice for Trillian's lines. I really hate it when male narrators do that.