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A Gathering of Shadows
A Gathering of Shadows: A Novel | V. E. Schwab
Four months have passed since the shadow stone fell into Kell's possession. Four months since his path crossed with Delilah Bard. Four months since Rhy was wounded and the Dane twins fell, and the stone was cast with Holland's dying body through the rift, and into Black London. In many ways, things have almost returned to normal, though Rhy is more sober, and Kell is now plagued by his guilt. Restless, and having given up smuggling, Kell is visited by dreams of ominous magical events, waking only to think of Lila, who disappeared from the docks like she always meant to do. As Red London finalizes preparations for the Element Games-an extravagent international competition of magic, meant to entertain and keep healthy the ties between neighboring countries-a certain pirate ship draws closer, carrying old friends back into port.But while Red London is caught up in the pageantry and thrills of the Games, another London is coming back to life, and those who were thought to be forever gone have returned. After all, a shadow that was gone in the night reappears in the morning, and so it seems Black London has risen again-and so to keep magic's balance, another London must fall.
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#spookoween #wickedwhispers This is the last book I read featuring a character in #disguise, as she steals an identity to enter a tournament
@TheSpineView @eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘ve added several of hers to my list! 8h
Eggs Love Schwab❣️ 8h
TheSpineView 💜Schwab! 6h
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This was a painful obvious placeholder second-in-the-trilogy. There is some good character development and world building, and Schwab's prose is so readable and engaging. Make no mistake that I loved the read, but around page 300-350, it became more and more obvious that this was just a 500 page set up for the third book.

willaful Yep. 3mo
peanutnine Love your bookmark! 3mo
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It's my second time through the series and I still love Alucard the best!

TieDyeDude I just started this for the first time. I was surprised to realize it's been almost 3 years since I read A Darker Shade. I had to find a synopsis online to refresh my memory. 4mo
emz711 @TieDyeDude it's so fun. And then the next round of what I guess will be a trilogy is really good too 4mo
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1. My library growing up had meeting rooms behind doors that were built into the walls, which was so cool, and had a hill that we'd run up and down anytime we passed. But my favorite memory is @WildAlaskaBibliophile asking me out on our first date
2. A local bookstore or library. I rarely buy books from Amazon or B&N unless I have a gift card
3. I haven't read much this past week, but I'll start the tagged book soon.

#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

Eggs Love Schwab! Your #1 is so memorable 🩷🩷 5mo
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Not as great as the first one. This was just way too long and deviated from the climax way too much throughout the book. The final event occurs after a lot of unnecessary events that I personally felt weren't required.

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Well we all know how I feel about cliffhangers...at least the next book in the series is also the last book in the series.
There are a number of elements about this series I enjoy, and thankfully there are audiobooks for the parts I want to speed up. 💁🏼‍♂️ Great fantasy elements; complex to the point of morally gray characters; thoughts on family loyalty vs monarchical fealty vs free will and personal identity; power and responsibility.

julesG Who reads the audiobook? I once tried ADSoM on audio and couldn't deal with the 'old man voice' trying to 'be' Kell. 10mo
Robotswithpersonality @julesG Oh, man, and his inflection in this book was SO off.😆 If it hadn't been for 1.5 to 2x speed and the intercession of the female narrator I would have bailed. Still, having that guy around to voice the king when he was being an asshole really added something. 🙃 10mo
julesG Just checked, this one was read by the dynamic duo of Michael Kramer and Kate Reading. 😬 They did a lot of Sanderson's books. I'm not a fan of his narration. 10mo
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Robotswithpersonality @julesG forewarned is forearmed! Hopefully we've warned/encouraged somebody with this knowledge 💁🏼‍♂️ 10mo
julesG The first book in the series is read by Steven Crossley and Kell sounds like he's at least 40 years old. 10mo
Robotswithpersonality @julesG To be fair, I think between Rhy and Lila, Kell has to take on grumpy Only Adult in The Room Energy™ every once in a while 😋 10mo
julesG Sure! But he's in his early twenties and should sound like it. I didn't even get to a part with Lilah, now I wonder whether I missed out on a Ditsy SoCal Lilah 😂😂 10mo
Robotswithpersonality @julesG I'm not even sure there was a female narrator for the first book, I just remember a dude using a higher voice 🤦🏼‍♂️ 10mo
julesG See, I missed out on Steven Crossley doing Lilah. 😁 10mo
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The nicest thing about having the audio edition of A GATHERING OF SHADOWS on hand is that I didn‘t have to choose between settling in with the book and working on my tiny greenhouse! I finished AGoS while I put the greenhouse‘s frame in place and attached some of the frontal decorations, and now I have SO MANY EMOTIONS. SO MANY. I just wanna cry and also SCREAM ABOUT EVERYTHING I LOVED IN IT AT FAR TOO GREAT A LENGTH FOR LITSY‘S CHARACTER LIMIT.

xicanti (An abbreviated list of things I loved in it: SIBLINGS; PEOPLE FIGURING THEIR WAY TOWARDS STUFF; SAILING; MAGICAL FUCKING SPORTS (profanity necessary); PAINPAINPAIN; 😭; etc. 11mo
TheBookHippie I love it!!! 11mo
Mimi28 That‘s awesome 🤩!! 11mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 11mo
Graciouswarriorprincess That‘s amazing!!! 11mo
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I was gonna keep A GATHERING OF SHADOWS as strictly audio so I could dive into a library book next, but it‘s no good. I love it so much I‘ve gotta alternate between audio and print. Really stay in the narrative all day long.

Cooking jackfruit recipe #3 took me to 48%. This one used a sauce with lots of sour notes, and it was a better fit than the spicy or sweet ones. Still, I don‘t think jackfruit‘ll become a go-to for me. #audiocooking

Aimeesue I like jackfruit, but only if it‘s been dried out a bit before it‘s sauced. Definitely a textural thing for me. Needs a slosh of dehydrating. 11mo
Lindy I read your post with interest because I‘m a fan of jackfruit dishes encountered in restaurants but I haven‘t tried cooking with it myself. 11mo
xicanti @Aimeesue I gave this round a good pay-down with some paper towels before I cooked it, and it did seem to make a difference. 11mo
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xicanti @Lindy I got a few packages of shredded jackfruit on clearance and I‘ve been playing around with it, looking for a sauce that works for me. Cooking it is fairly simple, but I‘ve found its natural sourness and veggie texture make it more its own thing than the meat substitute it gets billed as. 11mo
humouress The standard in my extended family is jackfruit curry. I could take it or leave it but some people love it. 11mo
Ruthiella I‘ve only had jackfruit with black beans in a soft taco or burrito, which was delicious. 11mo
xicanti @humouress I did come across some interesting jackfruit curry recipes, but they all used coconut milk and it‘s currently pretty expensive here. I might give one a try if it goes on sale before my jackfruit supply runs out, though. 11mo
xicanti @Ruthiella I‘ll look around for jackfruit & black bean recipes! 11mo
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#AutumnPlease Day 10

This lovely #Shadow book is coming up very soon on my TBR. Loved the first of the series and keep meaning to get around to the rest!

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great cover!! 🖤🤍❤️ 12mo
Eggs Perfect ❤️🤍🖤 12mo
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#PhotoChallenge #shadow

I bought the second one as soon as I had finished the first for a #LMPBC round two years ago. And I still haven‘t gotten to it yet. 😅

#Scarathlon2023 #HHC @dabbe, @Clwojick, @Liatrek, @JessClark78, @Chrissyreadit, @StayCurious, @TheDaysGoBy, @vonnie862, @LadyCait84, @Sresendez12, @Nessavamusic, @kelli7990, @JessieKB

thegirlwiththelibrarybag I love the minimalistic cover vibes that these books have… I think I got halfway through the first book and decided it wasn‘t for me. (edited) 12mo
dabbe 🧡🎃🧡 12mo
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#scarathlon photo challenge for the day #shadows
I read this one forever ago but I loved this series!

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I love a magic tournament, but I wish we‘d spent more time with the Essen Tasch. Also, I don‘t like cliffhangers, not because I want to know immediately what happens, but because it tends to make the next book either very fast or very slow in the beginning. That being said, I love Alucard, and he‘s a great addition to our main trio. 4/5⭐️

#september #lgbtq #lgbt #lgbtqia2s

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Was I frantically turning pages trying to see what happened next? Yes. Did that cliffhanger commit a crime against me personally? Yes. Am I a little tired of Schwab's female leads being weirdly anti-human connection? Also yes, but I can look past that. #fantasy


Is it good or bad that I don't know what to think about the book a month after I read it?😅

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I enjoyed this second book of the series. It brings back our main characters along with pirates, more polity intrigue and a magical competition. A lot of fun and I look forward to the next book!
#doublespin done! First #bookspinbingo 😁

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 14mo
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The second book in the series was much quicker paced. I could have finished it much quicker if I hadn't been doing the readalong with the author who experienced technical glitches. It kind of disrupted the flow, but it didn't detract from the action!

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May Reads 📚
Tagged my favourite one 🌷

#maybooks #books #springreading

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"Whatever I am, let it be enough."

I absolutely love this series so far! Kell, Rhy, Lila, and Alucard are just ?‍?'s?
The last one is going to be amazing!

I can't wait to see how this series ends.

#abookinvolvingmagic #involvingmagic #agatheringofshadows #shadesmagic #veschwab


"Impossibility is a thing that begs to be disproven. Perhaps it hasn't been possible for years, perhaps it's not even possible right now, but that doesn't mean it ???'? be. It doesn't mean it ???'? be. You say the magic guttered, the flame went out. But what if it simply needed to be stoked?"


"Everyone thinks I have a death wish, you know? But I don't want to die—dying is easy. No, I want to ????, but getting close to death is the only way to feel alive. And once you do, it makes you realize that everything you were doing before wasn't ???????? living. It was just making do. Call me crazy, but I think we do the best living when the stakes are high."


It reminded her of the sea and the night sky. It reminded her of sharp knives and stars and freedom.

"That is perfect."


"Look, everyone talks about the unknown like it's some big scary thing, but it's the ???????? that's always bothered me. It's heavy, builds up around you like rocks, until it's walls and a ceiling and a cell."


"Not much of a morning person?"

"Such a useless time of day."

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What a waste of life, to stand around and think so much on every little thing.


He'd grown up with them—stories of a bad king, a mad king, a curse; of a good king, a strong king, a savior. Stories of why the magic went away, and who would bring it back. And every time a new ruler the throne with blood and the dregs of power in their veins, the people would say now. Now the magic will come back. Now the world will wake. Now it will get better, now we will get stronger.

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- finally finished ADSOM which I started last year
- immediately started AGOS

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Mind blowing. I loved this book. V.E. Schwab has this talent where she could to take something and make it interesting easily. I‘ll admit the book was a bit slow paced near the start (until practically half the book) but it was written in such a magnificent way, that I didn‘t want to put it down once engaged.

I loved the storyline, I love the characters, and I cannot wait until I start the next book! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5


“People could only hurt you if you cared enough to let them.”


My greatest fear in life isn‘t dying. It‘s being the source of someone else‘s suffering. I know you feel trapped. I know I‘m your cage.

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You cannot be the symbol of power and an ordinary man at the same time. You have to choose.


“Politics is a dance until the moment it becomes a war. And we control the music.”


Everyone‘s immortal until they‘re not.


“This is a bad idea,” said Kell
“The best kind,” said Rhy


Do you know what makes you weak?
You never had to be strong.


Magic is tangled, so you must be smooth.
Magic is wild, so you must be tame.
Magic is chaos, so you must be calm.


Lila supposed it would be better not to slit the captain‘s throat in plain sight.
No, it could be done in private.


Mysteries are always more exciting than truths.

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I went into this book with high expectations because the first book in the trilogy was so good but it just didn‘t hit the mark for me. I was really quite bored until the last few chapters when things started to finally happen. But at least the ending made sure I‘ll have to read the third book too.

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Another beautiful day reading outside! 📚🍁🍂 I hope there are many more gorgeous fall days this month! 💕 I'm hoping to finish this today and move on to my reread of A Conjuring of Light next! After that, there's nothing left to do but wait for the first Threads of Power book to be published! 😭

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful!! I‘m always jealous of your reading spots!! 🍂🍁 2y
Branwen @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awww thank you! 💕📚 I'm very lucky that the park is so big - I'm always finding new places to read! 🌿 2y
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I forgot how much I love these characters! ❤️ Also, it's a little colder today, but still perfect outside reading weather! 🍁🍂📚

Ruthiella Those leaves 🍁 are the perfect color to accent the book. 😍 (edited) 2y
Branwen @Ruthiella I didn't realize how perfect they looked until after I took the picture! 😄🍁 2y
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It's actually pretty warm today! And lots of sunshine again! ☀️🌿 Still beautiful outside reading weather! 💕📚

tokorowilliamwallace We're actually getting cool weather in the evenings here in Florida since the hurricane. 2y
Branwen @tokorowilliamwallace That's good to hear! 2y
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Behold! Coldstone has a Halloween themed ice cream! 🎃🍁🖤 It's cake batter flavor (and colored black!), and filled with m&m's, kit kats, and Halloween Oreos! Plus the waffle cone is orange! HOW EPIC IS THIS?!?! 😱 It looks...kind of menacing in the picture, but I promise that it was in fact delicious! 😅 Eating this at the pavilion in town while reading was particularly blissful! 🎃

inthegreensandblues That ice cream looks amazing! But did it stain your teeth? 😆 2y
ShyBookOwl 🎃🎃🎃 amazing! 2y
Read-y_Picker That looks like something that I need. Right. Now. 🧟‍♀️🍦 2y
Branwen @ShyBookOwl @Read-y_Picker It was really yummy! 🖤🍦 @inthegreensandblues It absolutely did! My tongue and teeth were black all day! It was monstrous and delightful! 😂 2y
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3✨The second book in the series did pretty well. Events in the first book caused two characters to be connected. This got pretty repetitive as the story went on. However, a game/ event similar to gladiators caused a lot of drama all around. Magic was learned and used in this battle game, and it made the story more exciting.

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I am almost done with the tagged book so my next audio while I clean for Easter is Beyonders. I may DNF the tales of ancient Egypt this month since I‘m finding no drive to pick it up. I started Dinoverse #4 yesterday and I‘m already two chapters in. 😍 @Andrew65 #weekendreading

Andrew65 Looks good plans. 2y
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Didn‘t have a babysitter today so I cleaned some of the yard for Easter. Just let the girls play while I listened to the tagged book I managed to capture two ducks in the sun on this beautiful spring day. 💛😍

BethM Love it! 2y
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