An absolute page turner.
This book is probably the best book of the month, the year. It's everything. It's just so honest, raw, genuine observation of the human condition but mixed up with the plot of a romance novel where no marriage occurs at the end, but something better happens. One just learns to live.
Twisty, dark family secrets, sisters, past that keeps haunting. This book has a very strong setting but it does get a little dragged on in the middle. Nevertheless, it's unpredictable and not something you see coming. So 7/10
If you want a historical fiction which is riveting, absolutely filled with turns and twists, with interesting lovable characters and good food described, this book is it.
Love is a strange thing. And I truly felt it through the characters portrayed in this book. The pain, the ache of growing up, the rawness of falling in love. Dante and Aristotle will live on in my mind for a long time.
This book is rather confusing. The narration is messy, it is manipulative, it makes you swallow down a story that the narrator wants to say. But I guess that's the thing about unreliable narrators. Inspired by classical plays and Christie's unreliable narrators. It's an okayish thriller. But honestly it doesn't remain one at the end.
This book was so unpredictable. It was fun and really engaging. Couldn't stop reading. Final girls are women who survive. Irrespective of the situations they are put in. If you are a slasher genre fan, this book is for you. I loved this one.
Bereavement. War. Death. Families that teach us love and violence simultaneously. I loved this book to the core. Especially since it tells of what colonisers can do to the colonised so brutally, so factually, that it truly hits you in the face that, yes, this is what happened. To many.
Finally finished this series. It was a long but enjoyable ride. My favourite would always be the first book however!
I read it in hours. It's such a great page turner. I literally consumed this book. Fast paced, twisty, gets you out of your reading slump. Guaranteed.
Funny. Enjoyed reading this after the 10000th dose of pain killers and an empty void in my chest. Entertaining and well, funny. Yeah. A lot of growling and biting involved.
This brilliant book has something in store for everyone. This is a kind of book that is meant to be reread again and again and through each reading one discovers something new, something exceptionally brilliant. I will definitely recommend this book.
Not as great as the first one. This was just way too long and deviated from the climax way too much throughout the book. The final event occurs after a lot of unnecessary events that I personally felt weren't required.
Magical and engrossing. I loved all the characters way too much. I loved, loved the premise. The world building, the magic that is alive, dark, disturbing, pure. It's a great read.
Funny and really cute. A fake dating troupe. It's predictable, the characters are predictable yet it's fun to read, humorous and keeps you going for more. I love Hazelwood's sense of humour and her easy, flowing writing that is not exactly literary but does give you a good story.
I couldn't stop. The premise, the way the whole book is just written through transcripts, whatsapp messages, it's gripping, it's engrossing and it's absolutely all consuming. I was racing to read what happens at the end. It's been ages since I have read a good mystery and this is definitely one.
A multi-generational story of a Korean family trying to locate home in foreign lands. What really is home after all? The writing is easy, honest, authentic. At times I felt I was reading history rather than fiction. The characters felt genuine, their sufferings felt genuine, their dreams were genuine too. Definitely a long read but worth it.
Gripping. My first book of this month. Would recommend.
Gripping at first but then I just got really bored with the long drawn way in which the author tried to keep up the mystery. Fast read but towards the end I just wanted to get it over with.
This book took me by surprise. Took me by it's bare hands and pinned me with devastation, surprise, anguish, heartbreak and just pure awe at the characters created. I forgot many times that Evelyn Hugo does not exist. That this is not her biography. This is just fiction. Unrelenting, raw, unflinching fiction.
I am just unsure about the words I can choose to talk about this book. It's horrifying, devastating, all consuming exactly like the Phoenix it speaks of. It's like a burning sensation I have swallowed. It turns my mouth into ashes. Yet, it was a necessary experience. To feel the pains of war. To know what man can do to man. And the horrors it wreaks.
Delicate. Fragile. First love and the soft and painful ways it can break your heart. It was a really soft, warm read. Something that evokes the warm fuzziness in your heart. Although they fell really fast, I really do like this book and the story although some parts are slightly unbelievable. Yet I would still say it's worth reading.
This is a sweet wholesome YA romance book, absolutely perfect for winter. Certainly deals with rough topics like suicide and mental health illness. I did like the easy flow of the book, and the likeable characters. And definitely now I have more knowledge on bowling after completion of this fiction. It's a cute read with happy endings for me. A feel good book. 3.5/5
Now this book is a perfect, complete, unabashed romcom book. Its funny and romantic with hints of issues, the bad ex, the unrealistically handsome love interest, certain emotional issues, and the touching heartfelt ending. The thing I like about this is that the story never tries to be anything else. Anything bigger than it was supposed to be. It's a simple, absolutely light-hearted feel good book. I would pick it up for a light read.
Also just wanted to let you people know that I started my own bookstagram account on a whim. Do check that out too if you can. Would like to follow up peeps on insta too. Hehe.
Link: https://instagram.com/thatreaderagain?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
instahandle: @thatreaderagain
Okay, so this book took me by complete surprise. I did not expect this and this was my first Colleen Hoover. I just jumped into this without even reading the synopsis and boy, was I surprised. But the only thing, after finishing I read up some reviews who said that they found it really creepy and unsettling, well yes, it's slightly distrubing maybe, but it didn't like haunt me. It has a solid story and is a one sit read for sure.
Good book. A subversion of usual small town romance troupe. I do like how Henry depicted the city and the small town and the magic of both the places. It's true people could belong to different people and places at the same time. Overall it left me feeling warm.
Finally completed the series. Wasn't expecting this but god. It's a lot to take in. I just really hope Ravi and Pip get their own story because really, they truly deserve a normal. Otherwise fantastic series. Although yes, I do like the first two books better. This one just was a lot. It's good. But it also really made me sad.
Oh god, this series has reawakened the monster in me that devours a book in a day. I am so obsessed with these books and after the first book, this really didn't disappoint. It was everything and more than I expected. Such a quick fast paced gripping read. I literally felt the anxiety Pip felt throughout. I didn't even realise that the book was actually in third person all this time and only noticed it at the end. Was literally fused with Pip.
Really fast paced, a fun, breezy, read that will totally take you out your reading slump if you have one. The suspense, the characters, the development of the plot and twists were really well balanced and just all over it's just a really good story you can devour in a day. 8/10
Interesting. Quirky. Engrossing. Refreshing. Women taken seriously, so that at least is relatable although I do not enjoy chemistry at all. But this book made me like chemistry a tad bit. Funny but also deals with really triggering subjects. It's well written. Would definitely say it's worth a read.
I loved this book so much: from the journey that Esme has through words, both respected and remembered to the words discarded, forgotten, words of women, disregarded. It's a story of women and of war, of history and of the making of the dictionary from a much forgotten perspective, which is that of a woman. I loved how the historical characters were portrayed in this book so beautifully blended with the fictional. Definitely a book worth reading.
Funny, witty and easy predictable read. I enjoyed characters so much and I love how the author combines both fake marriage and enemies to lovers troupe. There's not a lot to say about this book except it's a really good read when you are craving a good romance, and just wanna curl up with a good story and plot. Would definitely recommend for a light read.
Although people might feel it's just a John Green ripoff, the book did make me laugh and feel for the characters. Although, yes the author did try to make the characters really quirky and maybe went a little overboard there yet the entire story is strangely endearing in a way and I know from personal experience the pain of heartbreak described is pretty accurate. So that was something I liked. It's pretty enjoyable. It has a movie too not as good.
Easy to read. I picked the book yesterday evening and it was just a smooth read, thought not a smooth ride. I have watched the movie before but nothing prepared me for the emotions I felt when I read the book. Was in my tbr list since I was a teenager, could finally read it at 23. And the feeling of the love they shared, Landon and Jamie is still fresh and beautiful. I am glad I finally picked this up.
This book is about a lot of things: racism, good intentions and the consequences of it, motherhood and it's various interpretations, familial bond: who are family? Is it just blood? And of course the most important one: the profession of a caregiver, a nurse and the responsibility that comes with it. What drew me is the character of Civil whose thoughts about the world were relatable. Its a deeply moving story that still remains undeterred in mind
Wrote something after a long time. Really wanted to share here :)
2021 was the roughest year I have probably ever experienced in the little amount of time I have lived. I couldn't read a single thing throughout the year. And the end of the year was disastrous. But I am here stronger and still fighting exactly like how Nina in this book is drawn. She finds her fire at the end and that's the thing about fire, we all rise from the ashes. A good book with great characters. I enjoyed reading it. 4/5
"They had an ordinary life, full of ordinary things—if love can ever be called that."
I am so emotionally invested in the characters. God. I have read a fantasy series, especially a series book after ages. Literally years and I don't regret choosing this series because God, the characters, all of them are just so good. They all have faults, have desires and darkness and all of them are so human. I loved reading this and definitely recommend it.
The second part of my very cherished distraction. Bardugo did not disappoint once again and the characters, the development of the plot and prose was fluid, transporting me to a world filled with adrenaline and magic and elements that I can get lost in which I was. Again. Can't wait to read the final of the Grishaverse series. It's only because of this that I have picked up reading again and feel good about my days. So yaaay. Means much to me.
Times have been so tough and this year, this month so far has been hardest for me. I couldn't even read this whole year. This is the first book I read after a long long time and the story, the characters and the adaptation too were the perfect escape for me. Where better to escape to than in a fantasy world, right? The book was interesting, engrossing didn't let me think of anything else. I was lost in it and loved it throughout.
Even though 'The Hunting Party' was slightly disappointing, this book marvellous in its engagement of plot, final climax, revelation of the complexities and also in it's very technique of story telling was absolutely fantastic. It's an incredibly interesting page turner, just the right story you need to read to get out of your reading slump, and it's not to long or dragging. I loved it especially because of the twisty storyline and the characters.
Gripping, captivating and heavily twisted this tale of two sisters is both kind of sad and horrific but a good read in case you are in the mood for thrillers. Though the writing itself isn't that gorgeous, the plot comes to fill up the gaps for this book. It keeps you engrossed for quite a while. The characters were all kind of twisted, especially the twins. Overall a good read.
Although the premise and the gorgeous cover of this book drew me to it, the story couldn't hold my attention for too long. What I thought would be a slow eventual breathtaking revelation of one's identity with ones culture and also the association with a new culture, was just another common clichéd romcom that wasn't that enjoyable or original in any way. The writing was too forced and the characters weren't well thought out though it's humorous.
There are no words surmountable enough to describe this experience of this book. I cannot ever compare it with anything I have read before and anything I read after this shall too never come close to what this was, of that I am sure. I have felt fear, sorrow, grief, love, loss, joy through every page, every word written. Yanagihara's prose is mesmerising, transcendental and painful. I loved the characters so much, I could cry. Unforgettable.
Words would fail what this book made me feel. The immense sadness and grief, of Kavita, of Osita, and of Vivek himself, of not being able to express his inner self was expressed with beauty and depth. The entire story is made of emotions, of mournings but also made of love between various characters, the friendships, the bonds, depicted with such empathy, it's hard not to be moved by such a novel. This is definitely a masterful work. #botm
This book made me feel angry, helpless, hopeful and bitter at the same time. Two rapes, twenty five years apart, but the consequences of it still wreak havoc in the minds of the victims involved. Rachel, the influential podcaster finds herself in the town of Neopolis, trying to get to the truth of these two heinous crimes that destroyed many lives. It's a disturbing but a gripping thriller, not shy of the pain and hurt that such crimes cause.#botm
Liz Lighty was all set about her future. Get a scholarship, get into the prestigious university and become a doctor, but fate wasn't on her side. Due to unfortunate events, the quiet, invisible, wallflower Liz now has to become prom royalty in order to get her life on track, but once again, life goes derail when she meets a very starry eyed cute girl, Amanda who's also running for prom queen. This story, cute, touching and joyful, was a treasure.
This is a predictable story, nothing too bland or brilliant but it's entertaining as it takes you to the journey of two twin sisters, exactly identical yet so different to each other. Both find love and discover themselves and their passions through the course of the novel. It's a light read and is perfect if you are looking for some Victorian romance with twin drama and amusing plot which ultimately leads to a happy ending.