I am impressed that they both still fit in the dumpling! #catsoflitsy
I am impressed that they both still fit in the dumpling! #catsoflitsy
I wasn‘t home much this week so Chewie is extra cuddly today!!!
Even though he looks grumpy, Chewie is loving the snow day cuddles!!! #catsoflitsy
Chewie looks like he is contemplating the world and its problems tonight! #catsoflitsy
Chewie is not a fan of the polar vortex! #catsoflitsy
What a silly boy!! #catsoflitsy 😻
My reading buddy for the evening!!!
Today was my first day back at school and I can tell Chewie missed me... he is trying to get me to put the book down and pay attention to him!!
I have never seen a cat lay on his back as much as Chewie does... what a weirdo... lol!!! 😺#catsoflitsy
#catsordogs #readingresolutions cats definitely have my vote 😻. I like dogs but not as much as cats though.
#catsordogs ...cats all the way... I love my fur ball and that he loves to lounge next to me when I am reading!! #readingresolutions
This fur baby fills my heart with such joy!!! #catsoflitsy
Chewie must have had a rough weekend while I was at work... he has been passed out on the footstool for the past hour!! #catsoflitsy
I have a giant hair ball on my floor this morning... lol!! #catsoflitsy
“Quick! Hide her wallet so she can‘t buy anymore books!! That‘s money she needs to spend on us!”
I don‘t know what I would do without this fur baby!! I love him so much! #catsoflitsy
Chewie has been extra cuddly since I have gotten home from work today... glad I have central air or it would be way to hot to cuddle with him!!!
My youngest baby - Willow 🌾 she has a free spirit and a very sweet disposition. Hugs 🤗 😘
@Emiller I‘m so sorry for your loss. Luna the deaf kitty sends all her love and snuggles. #catsoflitsy
I haven‘t been home a lot lately so Chewie and I are taking advantage of this lazy Sunday to get in some cuddle time!! #catsoflitsy
Musing among the books on this lovely Spring day! 😸📚 #catsoflitsy #littenkitten
Not book related but Litten's with cats can relate.
Follow Lucas Turnbloom on Facebook for more cartoons.
Chewie is enjoying our lazy Saturday.. as am I! #catsoflitsy
His little motor is just a going tonight!! I love kitty cuddles after a long day! #catsoflitsy
@tonyahoswalt This is Finch!! 😊 My reading buddy and Simon‘s long lost “litter” brother. #catsoflitsy
• Happy Caturday everyone! Milla says “Hello” and “Leave Me Alone” •
I can‘t tell you how excited I am that it‘s Saturday! I am going to see my Grandma and aunt this morning and early afternoon and then I get to read the rest of the weekend 🎊🎊🎊 It‘s an hour and a half trip to get to her so hoping I can talk my sisters into listening to Children of Blood and Bone.
She‘s so sneaky. #HelloKitty went from using the top of my pen as a head massager, to playing the “knock the pen on the floor” game repeatedly, to laying down on my entire notebook when I went to pick up the pen for the 10 millionth time. Little stinker. 😼
So much for taking notes while I read.
Sitting in my reading chair and felt I needed to look up at the shelves above my head... Hello #Toots #catsoflitsy
In a half hour I‘ve felt like I lost an hour and a half. (Stupid time change 😒). That‘s basically me looking at the unchanged microwave clock and then looking at my phone a half hour later. But my cat loves me at least. She‘s a parrot today.
I just had to share this cute picture of my sweet kitty Trixie. She is cuddled in my lap as I read. Since I lost my two kitties that lived with my sister in the last month I have been trying to take more photos of my other kitties.
Enjoying a lazy Sunday evening...
One of Chewie‘s (and mine) favorite past time is to curl up with a good book... #booksandpets #bookinmarch @maich
@CoffeeCatsBooks #payitforward
Thanks for the giveaway!! Congrats on the 15k milestone!! ❤️ ❤️ This is my 'puppy' I'm trying to sleep and she is a major bed hog.... But I love her!
Congrats on the milestone! Cats are definitely my favorite animal followed closely by squirrels 😀 #payitforward
Congrats @CoffeeCatsBooks on hitting 15,000 litfluence! Here's a picture of two of my favorite animals, Pixel and Othercat, enjoying the snow :)
My friend Kim‘s cat, Houdini, is joining in our book club discussion!!
We‘re really bummed that #Isabel can‘t come home yet. Her creatinine is elevated, so they want to keep giving her fluids for a 2nd night.
Hopefully tomorrow she‘ll be out of the woods and she can come home.
We did get to visit with her! (Pics bottom left and top right). She was super lovey, but did want to bite that catheter off of her leg for the short time she was without a cone.
Please send good vibes overnight for recovery!
Since I still haven‘t received my secret Cupid package Chewie and I are cuddling on the couch!
1. My sneaky kitty Tikki is in two pics and you can spot my dog Molly and the fruits of my chickens‘ labors in the third.
2. iphone forever!
3. No (most of the time)
4. Read Peter Reynold‘s new picture book this morning and am dreaming of all the ways it could be used in the classroom.
5. Swimming
@MinDea #humpdaypost #tricksytales #letsmaketricksysmile