Yep! I liked it. Of course there are a few problematic things but it was written over 30 years ago.
The pages turned quickly and it kept my attention. Can‘t wait to read the next one!
Yep! I liked it. Of course there are a few problematic things but it was written over 30 years ago.
The pages turned quickly and it kept my attention. Can‘t wait to read the next one!
A good book and Christmas movies for Saturday night. 🥰
After years of avoiding James Patterson I‘ve decided to give him a try. 😲
I reread the first book bc I forgot what happened now I‘m on the second book … 📖. Don‘t wait year or 2 too decide to go back to the book series or my brain is that dumb .
Another great book from James. Was Definitely surprised at the end. Very blood read 📖
Patterson is a masterful writer who throws blindside after blindside and doesn't let up. Although the story itself was very disturbing - please note trigger warnings before reading - it kept me enthralled trying to solve this mystery.
I also enjoyed that it didn't actually end on a happy note, as that's not true to all real life stories. Some you win and some you lose.
#JamesPatterson #mystery #detective #thriller
#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: Kill Your Darlings
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks & @Professional_Book_Dragon
These are the books I read during the Sharreadathon.
I want to say I am so sorry for everyone who knew her and loved her's loss. Losing a friend is so hard, I hope you can all find peace and healing soon.💙
#BookspinBingo #Doublespin @TheAromaofBooks
#Seriesread2022 @TheSpineView
This is the first book in the Alex Cross series. I had read one of the later books as part of a book club and always wanted to get back and start at the beginning.
This was super fast paced, and kept me reading past my bedtime. Had plenty of twists and turns, been awhile since a thriller has had me glued to my book like that.
Three solid stars, 🌟🌟🌟
#Bookspin #Doublespin
@TheAromaofBooks 💗
I started To Paradise last night, it is big and beautiful, but heavy. Hoping to finish The Night Queen soon. 👸
Not my first James Patterson book but definitely my favorite!!
I don‘t know what took me so long to read this book, but I am so glad that I did.
Now I just need to get around to watching the movie. Hoping it lives up to the standards of the book! Five stars!
It‘s one of my all times favorite novel, and it is breathtaking from beginning to end....Keep rocking Alex Cross more homicides (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️). And can‘t wait to reach the end of the series.
I loved this book SO much! 📚❤️ Five stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I can‘t wait to read more in this series. 💜💕
1️⃣ I have always wanted to be a librarian. That is my dream job. However, I‘ve always felt unsupported in that decision. Currently, I‘m a registered nurse, with my BSN, and three classes away from becoming a nurse practitioner (MSN). 2️⃣ I get up before my alarm, usually. 3️⃣ Not particularly. 4️⃣ Purple or hunter green
It took me a while get into this book but once I did I really enjoyed it! James Patterson writing is amazing and I always look forward to getting into one of his books.
Thanks for the tag @Buechersuechtling
1. James Patterson. He is so overrated. Patterson wrote some good books early on, but now he's just coasting on his name, writing (or co-writing ha!) one mediocre novel after another.
2. I'd love to read some Greek Mythology in Greece, touring the places mentioned.
3. Neither, I'd rather have peanut butter.
#wonderouswednesday @Eggs
A solid meh from me. Not remarkable or memorable. It kept me turning the pages but that‘s the best thing I have to say for it. Nothing about Alex Cross compels me to continue the series. Glad to finally scratch it off my TBR after 7 years of sitting! 😳⭐️⭐️⭐️
Alex Cross is a good character & I was rooting for him pretty early. I also liked how the mystery came together. Even though the reader knows who the kidnapper & murderer is, there's still a lot of uncertainty in where the story is going and what is really happening. I didn't love the ending. It was too open-ended where I'd have wanted closure and too neatly wrapped where it didn't need to be. Probably not going to continue to pursue the series.
I started laying out some #bulletjournal pages to track how many James Patterson books I‘ve read. I knew he‘s written an absolute SH*T-TON of books, but I was still surprised when it ended up being TWELVE PAGES of books(I did not include his children‘s books, or some of the ya series that I don‘t plan on reading). So far I‘ve read 69😅
This was a reread for me and still as good as I remembered! I had forgotten how much I love the Alex across books. I love the twists and turns and I just plain love the character of Alex Cross, although part of me thinks that is because of Morgan Freeman.
Being the first Alex Cross novel, I wasn‘t sure what to expect, but I fell in love with the characters and storyline and couldn‘t wait to read the whole series. I read it in order and have never been disappointed. Definitely recommend starting this series.
my review from Goodreads:
I gave Along Came a Spider 4 stars mostly because the main story , in my opinion was really good! If I didn't focus on it then, maybe this would have gotten a 3! The relationship and love scenes between Cross and Jezzie were unbelievable and made me cringe.
#goodreads #alongcameaspider
Excellent book! Great as an audiobook..it's like a movie for your brain. Very entertaining.
Great read
Reading out on the porch; breezy and a little chilly! No bugs though, woohoo!
Time to start this series! I hope it's good as some people have said!
Oh my heck this book was so good!! I just recently fell in love with James Patterson and am now a reader of Women‘s Murder Club and Michael Bennett. this book, full of twists and turns that I actually didn‘t see coming (not just saying that!!) forces me to add Alex Cross to the list!
Listening to end of this audiobook with this cutie passed out on my lap. #DogsofLitsy #pagesthemorkie
Almost at my reading challenge goal, even though 50 isn‘t a really high amount I think I might set it lower next year so I can stop putting off some of the big books that I know I will enjoy but am avoiding because of how long they will take to read. 🤔
Guys, if I'm being honest I just can't do any more James Patterson. His writing is just...ugh for me. I would give the movie of this a shot sometime but the more Patterson books I read the more annoyed I get. Personal preference. Powered through this one for #greatamericanread #gar #greatreadpbs 😵 read this on #vacation and for #boutofbooks #readathon.
I loved this and can't wait to read more of the Alex Cross series! Also, I wonder if it's really true if America is producing more psychopaths?
I'd rather be reading, but I'm up late editing. I happened to glance up and found my cat enthralled by The X-Files. 😻 she's such a weird little thing.
#catsoflitsy #thecatnamedseasons #couchpotatocat
*this image has Jack to do with the book. I just found it while googling images for this & it made me chortle*
I enjoyed this one! I figured things out fairly easily, but there was enough going on that I didn‘t mind that. This is only vaguely like the movie...This is quick-paced for a book with 90 chapters. 😄 I‘ll be checking out the rest of the series. Kiss the Girls is one of my fave flicks!
JAY, THE HUSBAND: You wanna finish that in one night!? But you said it had, like, 90 chapters!
ME: I don‘t give a shit. Challenge accepted.
JAY, THE HUSBAND: That‘s not a chall...never mind...you‘re gonna do it anyway...
Alex Cross is an African-American psychologist & police officer in Washington DC in 1992 when a series of gruesome murders and kidnappings sweep the city. Jurisdictional violations aside (DC cops don‘t get to go check out houses or people in Potomac, MD, etc) the setting created had a lot of correct local detail. The plot was original and some surprising twists kept me engaged. Though I‘m not likely to read another, I can see the appeal.
I think I read a James Patterson/Alex Cross novel 11+ years ago. All I remember was that there a ridiculous number of chapters that were equally, ridiculously short. I'm also pretty sure it was deep into the series line-up.
So here I am with the first-in-series. Another Great American Read - PBS selection that was available immediately on Libby/Overdrive.
#GetMovin Back in the day this series really got my #adrenaline flowing 😱😱😱I stopped reading them because I couldn‘t keep up once the kiddies came and the brutality no longer sat well with me.
Book 1 of 4 done for the #4in48readathon.
I honestly don‘t get why Patterson is such a popular author because this was a terrible book. Two reasons why I finished it: (1) the Readathon & (2) it‘s on the GAR list of 100 (and a bonus for me because it wasn‘t on my #GARbingo board). My complete review is on GR:
Now onto The Call of the Wild! 😀
Getting some reading in before calligraphy class. #4in48readathon
My stack of 4 for the #4in48readathon
And May the fourth be with you.
Check out @Syndelle777 original post for more details!
I read a book towards the end of the series (Cross Justice) that I really liked! So I wanted to go back and see where it all began... Starting with Book 1
I picked this up because Alex Cross is on the #GreatAmericanRead list and I‘d never read any of the books in the series. What a delicious thriller! To me books like this are candy: joy with little nutritional value. I‘m not sure that I would call it worthy of being America‘s favorite, but good thrillers totally belong in the conversation about what makes a book great.