I‘m not sure how I made it this long without reading this one, but I really enjoyed it. It‘s brutal, and dark and powerful, and Buck is a delightful character. Worth the (very short) read. #serialreader #GreatAmericanRead #GAR
I‘m not sure how I made it this long without reading this one, but I really enjoyed it. It‘s brutal, and dark and powerful, and Buck is a delightful character. Worth the (very short) read. #serialreader #GreatAmericanRead #GAR
My first read on serial reader, an a selection for the #greatamericanread I enjoyed parts of it, and can certainly see why it‘s a classic, but I was never transported, and never forgot that I was reading something that I was “supposed” to have read.
A patient told me that they found Dr. Peterson‘s videos inspirational, so even though I knew he‘d said some pretty awful things, I figured I‘d give the book a try. Nope.
For me the overall effect of this one was meh. It had me totally gripped for a moment in the middle, but then it lost some of it‘s force. Heather and Bobby were for my the more interesting characters, and I found myself annoyed and more than a little bored with Mark and Karen as the end approached. It‘s interesting, but ultimately a little unsatisfying.
Outdoor table, beautiful day, delicious coffee, good book. What more could a girl ask for?! This was more interconnected short stories than a novel with a single narrative, and the writing is absolutely lovely.
Picked this one up for the #tournamentofbooks non-fiction pop up that‘s coming up. Parts of it were beautiful and resonant and lovely. Roxane Gay is a treasure, but I‘ve gotten more out of her other work. This often felt repetitive, and while I think that is an intentional demonstration of the power of rumination and bad cycles of behavior, I think that it could have been shorter and stronger for it. Looking forward to the #TOB discussion!
Another book from the #GreatAmericanRead list, this one worthy of the “GREAT.” I‘ve read quite a bit of Vonnegut but this might be my new favorite, and it‘s certainly going to inspire me to read anything else I haven‘t gotten to yet. So riveting. So beautiful. So very very good.
I picked this up because Alex Cross is on the #GreatAmericanRead list and I‘d never read any of the books in the series. What a delicious thriller! To me books like this are candy: joy with little nutritional value. I‘m not sure that I would call it worthy of being America‘s favorite, but good thrillers totally belong in the conversation about what makes a book great.
Day Three of my Seven Day Book Challenge. The Dark Tower - it‘s all one book. One enormous, glorious, book.
This book was beautifully written. Usually I‘m not a huge fan of true crime, but McNamara did an amazing job weaving together the mystery with a memoir of her obsession, and a very humanistic portrait of the victims and the investigators (both law enforcement and hobbyists). The result was engrossing and propulsive. I finished it last night, and they caught him today. I‘m sure, somewhere, she‘s thrilled.
Day 2 of my Seven Day Book challenge. Posting one favorite/meaningful book per day, without commentary. Feel free to play along, and tag me if you do.
My cousin challenged me on Facebook to do a seven day book challenge: Seven favorite and/or special books shared without comment or explanation. I figured that was the sort of content to share here as well. I don‘t know other littens well enough to know who would want to play along, so I invite all of you. Please tag me if you decide to play. Day One: Ender‘s Game
Love the way the skylights let the sun in. The Boston Public Library is a beautiful place to read.
I am utterly fascinated by this list of finalists and totally on board for this show. What do other people think? How many of the top 100 have you read? Notable absences from the list? Favorites? I am so into the idea of talking about this.
Boston Public Library Lucky Day Collection, how do I love thee?
Not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I read these years ago, but it is amazing how little I remember. Glad I decided to reread before tackling The Book of Dust.