I think I need this
I read a book towards the end of the series (Cross Justice) that I really liked! So I wanted to go back and see where it all began... Starting with Book 1
When all your library holds start coming through! I'm gonna be busy this weekend 😉
Enjoying my first audiobook! #blitsy
"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable." -Christopher Reeve
On a journey to get my whole life together! #blitsy #blacklitsy #debtfreejourney
Thanx to everyone who posted the Kindle deal of the day yesterday! Just started reading this morning, seems like a good one. #blitsy #blittens #pleasedonttouchmyhair #seriously And can someone help me figure out how to post pictures without cutting half the image???
"Much of life is timing and circumstance, I see that now" -Tayari Jones, An American Marriage #anamericanmarriage #tayarijones #life
Trying to get my whole life together! Mind, body and soul. Had to dust this one off and re-read some pages
My library hold just became available. Let's see what all the hype is about! #anamericanmarriage #tayarijones #blackgirlsread #oprahbookclub
I guess everyone agrees! Great book ✔️