I'm taking my time with this one and absolutely loving it so far. #weekendreads
I'm taking my time with this one and absolutely loving it so far. #weekendreads
I'm seriously thinking of bailing this and i'm so disappointed. Definitely not as charming as the first book. It's just a lot of crassness that is doing nothing to help the plot. Sorry Joe! Got 40% of the way through and I think i'm done.
Ok i'm finally going to read the sequel to You. I hope it doesn't disappoint me, I absolutely love the first book and Joe!
Went to a used book sale on the weekend and found these gems! I've never read the series but i'm looking forward to it.
I have a scholarship interview tomorrow so I decided to start reading this for some inspiration. I'm planning on starting my Public Health masters in September and figure this book will provide additional insight into that field. Read the prologue so far and found it very intriguing.
I bought a few books after banning myself for two months...and i'm excited!
My package arrived on Monday, but i forgot to post an update! Thanks i loved all the cute knick nacs! @kaysworld1 . I say we should do a buddy read! #steampunkgoespostal #steampunk
I can't believe it! This started off so well and now at 70% i feel so fatigued. It doesn't help that this last section is written from the perspective of the character i despise the most. I'm taking a break from it and hopefully can finish it in a day or two but soo disappointed this is how it's ended up.
This book is very heavy on the science part of science fiction but still surprisingly engaging. I'm about half way through it now and enjoying every minute of it so far. #weekendreads #fridayreads
Your package is on the way! The post office said it should take about a week so hopefully it gets to you in time for opening day! @kaysworld1 #steampunkgoespostal
This is my third Mitchell book and it is not disappointing me. I've watched the movie two times now and was worried that I wouldn't be as invested in the book, but i'm happy that isn't the case.
I want to finish this one this weekend. I had to renew it from the library because i was in a bit of a slump for the past two weeks. I've been enjoying it so far even though it started off pretty slow. #weekendreads
What an amazing prequel/sequel! I loved the girl with the gifts and this did not disappoint.
I'm gonna start reading this one while i have down time at work today. Read the first few pages and it promises to be a wild read!
Amazing! Such a vivid setting and characters! Well worth reading those 800 plus pages.
I've been reading this all week and it's so good, but sooo long! I'm hoping to finish it this weekend. #weekendreads #reading
A good sci fi read that makes you reflect on the life choices you made and the various paths they've lead you down. Read in one sitting. #weekendreads
Just finished this at the 12 hour mark for #24in48. I neeed the other book now, but i put myself on a book buying ban so I don't know what i'm going to do!
I can't pick up anything else after this, so i got halfway done with the challenge which isn't bad considering i decided to do it on a whim.
Good morning! About to have a cuppa and write some essays for my grad school applications before I sink my teeth back into this book. Lets see how many hours I can get in before the #24in48 ends.
Did about 7hrs today for the #24in48 readathon. I've made it halfway through The Fifth Season and so far i'm very intrigued. Still a lot of world building taking place at this point and i'm not quite sure what is really happening with any of the characters but i can't wait to find out! But tomorrow, because i'm pooped!
My weekend reads and why not do the #24in48 readathon happening as well. I've already finished The Last Colony and Bridget Jones's Diary. Both excellent reads. Looking forward to starting The Fifth Season, heard nothing but good things.
I have a third more of this to go and I don't want it to end! This has been such an amazing series. Looking forward to seeing what else John Scalzi has in store for me.
Finally got my hands on this and what a beauty it is indeed! 😍
Will be reading this one in the next day or so. Looking forward to it, i've heard nothing but good things.
I'm halfway through this book and what a ride its been so far. This is the most i've ever tabbed a book before; so many memorable quotes.
They also serve who only stand and wait. There is a time for flight, and a time for descent; a time for movement, and a time for rest; a time to do, and a time to prepare