I decided to get new bookshelves and ….whilst moving things around I came to my J.J. Murray collection! These books had me in a chokehold in my 20‘s. *sigh* #almost40 #books #memorylane
I decided to get new bookshelves and ….whilst moving things around I came to my J.J. Murray collection! These books had me in a chokehold in my 20‘s. *sigh* #almost40 #books #memorylane
To mark my upcoming 40th Birthday my Partner and I are in New Orleans. And I could not come here and not go to Baldwin and Co. Coffee and Bookstore to browse books and grab a coffee 🖤. NOLA feels like home. No other way to explain it. #nola #jamesbaldwin #homeofmyheart
I have been meaning to listen to the audiobook or read the book for some time. Within about two hours in I had a lot of thoughts. Mainly the constant mentions of inc**t where getting to me; so I decided to research it and found out some uncomfortable things about Zimmerman-Bradley and I ditched the book. I plan on donating my anthology to my library. #noway #yeetedthis
I finally ordered this. I am super excited to add this to my Anne collection. I have several copies of her Diary and all of them are well loved. #books #graphicnovels
My current currently reading pile 🤦🏾♀️. #iregretnothing
Marking Harry‘s birthday with the re-listening of the books. I haven‘t re-read them in over two years. Reading the entire series on Harry‘s birthday was a long time tradition of mine….time to revisit my favorite series. #jkrowlingstillsucks #books #booklover #reader
My partner decided that he was going to knock a few things off my bucket list this summer. I went to my first NYC Pride March (proud Demi Pan) and he took my to see Beyoncé. She took away from my reading Jane Eyre ?. I told him next time I want a front row ticket lol. #summer #lqbtia+
So I am going to cover the swear word that is on this tote bag but when I tell you I could not leave @strandbookstore without it…I mean it. I love that damn store lol. #books #totes #nycvacation
This past weekend was my birthday; so my partner and went to NYC on a mini vacation. On our last night we went to see Little Shop of Horrors at The Westside Theatre. While in the city I took him past The Majestic; which is where I saw my first Broadway play (The Phantom of the Opera). #plays #culture #littleshopofhorrors
I don‘t know if it was the audiobook or the over all story line but I didn‘t love it. I am going to have to real sit with this one for a moment to figure out what didn‘t thrill me.
I came across this book on the Barnes and Noble website and I can‘t wait to dive into it. #books #thrillers
I am finally re-reading this book; I first read it in Highschool and reading it now, as a Woman approaching 40 hits different. My Womanist mind set can not turn off. I feel an anger for Celie that I can‘t explain.
Long time no post! I am working my way (still) through the Plantagenet series; I will say this one was really good. I will say the main character, Margaret was almost as annoying as her grandmother (the Red Queen). I am finally at The Other Boleyn Girl and I am so excited to read it. #reading #historicalfiction
Due to moving into a WFH position I seriously don‘t have space for new books. #books #booklover #happiness #cute
If all goes to plan I‘ll be a guest on a Podcast at the end of September to talk about Stephen King. I‘m so excited. And to prepare I‘m re-reading my favorite King novel. And reading Danse Macabre as well. I can‘t wait to fangirl over King‘a works. #returningtoSalemslot #books #stephenking #goodtimes
I‘m currently listening to this….and honestly I thought that Margaret Beaufort was cray cray….nope her son definitely has her beat. Also this installment in the series is very good. I can‘t wait to listen to the next one. #books #series #tudors #historicalfiction
Spent the day in Baltimore with my partner and we and to visit Edgar ❤️ #poe #edgarallan #books #balitmore
Rewatching Game of Thrones and knitting…I swear I‘ve messed up this stitch but I still like the way it looks lol #cute #knitfastwinterscoming #knittersoflitsy
I need to be working on my #litsylove notes; I‘m so behind. But right now Knitting is keeping me sane. I just finished this lovely hat and I‘m obsessed with the Pom Pom. I can‘t wait to wear it this fall/winter. #knittersoflitsy #knitfastdiewarm
💕💕 I Hope that everyone took the day off to enjoy a good book. #books #booklover #happiness #reading
Over the years I‘ve owned several copies of Anne‘s Diary; it‘s a books near and dear to my heart. Her diary was there when I needed it growing up. I can‘t wait to revisit Anne‘s words this fall. #books #annefrank #lookwhatsonmyshelves
Happy Birthday Harry James Potter! #books #harrypotter #fandom #hogwarts #booksilove #jkrowlingisstillaterf
It was sold out on Amazon forever and I finally got a copy. I can‘t wait to read it. #books #jimhenson #eightiesbaby
The Autobiography was very insightful; at times infuriating and at others deeply moving. I left this book with a better appreciation of Malcolm X. I wish this man had lived. I would have loved to see how his trip to Mecca continued to change him and how that would have impacted his work in the civil rights movement.
I‘ve owned it forever but haven‘t made the dive into it. But it‘s on my TBR for next month. #reading #reproductivejustice #blackfeministreads2022
I‘m in St.Paul, MN with my friends and we went past one of the homes F.Scott Fitzgerald lived in. #writers #books #booklover #vacation
I‘m on a hat kick! This took like 3.5 hours lol. I was so proud of it I wore it around the house for hours 🤣🤣🤣. #knittersoflitsy
I am both intrigued and grossed out. It‘s pretty clear that Ann Rule was attracted to Bundy. The way she shades his unassuming girlfriend Liz is weird; particularly taking shots at her looks etc. #truecrime #audiobook #quickreads
I‘ve been listening to a lot of pod casts and a few audiobooks and all the while I‘ve been crafting. The latest finished project is this hat. It‘s my first hat and honestly I‘m really happy with it. #knitting #knittersoflitsy #needtoreadmore
I am also finishing up The Watchmen. This book is taking me the longest to get through. #thewatchmen #whowatchsthewatchmen #comics #graphicnovels
I haven‘t been reading much but I have been paper crafting. Designing stickers and day dreaming. The other night I dreamt of all thing Parisian. (While listening to Rebecca). #paris #cute #imadethese
I‘m trying to get back into my rhythm of reading and I am feeling like my first book choice of the year was a bad one!
I‘m in Baltimore for the evening; mom has a biopsy tomorrow and I decided to work on my knitting while my partner was on his work call. I finished this gift. (Total time was about 3 hours of knitting). I love the way it looks. #knitting #litsy #ineedtoreadmore
My roomie was cleaning out her books and gave me this. It‘s a first edition (adult copy) of the UK book 7. I was the one that encouraged her to buy it in the first place. I now own three copies of this book 🙃. #harrypotter #jkisstillaterf #potterfandom
I may not be reading as much lately but that hasn‘t stopped me from doing other things. While listening to The Stand last night I worked on my Nightmare Before Christmas Cup. It‘s not perfect but I love it. #nightmarebeforechristmas #timburton
I had a hard time with parts of this book. Mainly it was the racism and sexism of the book that bothered me but it wasn‘t until I really thought about it that I realized that that was the entire point. Hendricks did a beautiful job of showing the BS in US culture. Also the book is really funny. I will definitely end up reading this again.
Made this a while back too. Time to make it bigger! #keychains #craftingasselfcare #witchy #almosthalloween
I‘ve been crafting for the past few weeks to help deal with my anxiety and I‘ve gone down the rabbit hole of making planner clips….#craftingisselfcare #howimdealing
Taking some time this week to get caught up on #litsylove notes and crafting. It‘s been a stressful two months. #books #love #reader #bookmarks
The long and short of it is that Margaret Beaufort is perhaps one of those characters I hate to actually (kinda) like. She wants to appear as this gentle woman; whose godly etc. But she comes off as a righteous, spiteful and judgmental woman who above all is ruled by jealously. The women of War of the Roses are definitely much more interesting then the men lol.
Most current listen….I didn‘t think that I would enjoy this as much as I am. I actually stopped reading The Shining to start this one. #thisonehasawitch #historicaldramas #goodbooks #audible
Birthday books….my partner and I went to our favorite bookshop yesterday and I got these. I attempted to pay for them and he wasn‘t having that lol. I can‘t wait for a nice day to go to the park and sit and read Hardy and let my brain work a little harder. I love classics and I am so happy to have this mini edition. I looks for Austen and they where out.
Getting caught up on my #litsylove notes and I included these in a few of them; made my me. And more bookmarks will be coming to my shop The Bookish Crafter in a few weeks. #litsy #creative #cricut