Working through this. #2023reading #socialjusticereads #womanism
Working through this. #2023reading #socialjusticereads #womanism
Finally purchased this....I‘m really interested in seeing what Dr. Joy DeGruy‘s research say about its lasting impact on black bodies/well being and health. #books #booklover #newbooks #socialjusticereads
So now I understand how our police departments became so militarized; the Pentagon offered them the equipment to help fight the war on Drugs. Why they need tanks and grenade launchers is Beyond me. #socialjusticereads #thenewjimcrow
Some horrifying but important #lunchtimereading today.
#socialjusticereads #sjbookclub #misogyny #weneedfeminism
Family is coming into town but they're running late, so I have some time to sit down and start this.
#socialjusticereads #sjbookclub #feminism #currentlyreading #HeadscarvesandHymens
This was my first time reading any Angela Y. Davis, and the only reason is gave this a "so-so" was b/c there's a lot of repetition in these speeches & interviews. Other than that it was great - lots of food for thought, and I'm looking forward to reading a book by her that digs in a little deeper into some of the topics she raises. Also I really need to learn more about Israel/Palestine.
#socialjusticereads #AngelaYDavis #activism
Bath and a book is becoming an almost nightly habit for me, no matter what book it is. (I REALLY missed baths, couldn't take them in our old apartment.) 📖🛀🍷
#currentlyreading #bathtimereader #wine #socialjusticereads
While the PEOTUS was holding a remarkably horrid press conference, I decided it was time to start this. ✊
#socialjusticereads #lunchtimereading #AngelaYDavis #gettowork
Also started reading this today. Only two "imaginary utopia" essays in and it's ???
#feminism #rapeculture #boutofbooks #currentlyreading #socialjusticereads #canyouimagine
Book mail! This is going directly into my January TBR pile.
#socialjusticereads #freedomisaconstantstruggle #AngelaYDavis #toread #bookmail #nonfiction #freedom