Jill soloway continues to be a massive TERFy embarrassment. Eight gawddamn pages of her bullshit. My heart goes out to that poor tree. 🤕😧
Jill soloway continues to be a massive TERFy embarrassment. Eight gawddamn pages of her bullshit. My heart goes out to that poor tree. 🤕😧
So glad I bought my own copy. 🔥
#TheFeministUtopiaProject #feminism #genderlesssports #personalresponsibility #nonfiction
Finished "March: Book One."
I'm sooo excited for this book. I first heard about it on #BookRiot's #AllTheBooks podcast. Big shout out to Liberty and Rebecca!? @rebeccaschinsky @Liberty
Book 4 in #BooksToReadDuringATrumpPresidency Because, we can all use a little hope about our future...Thanks again for this great idea @radishandhare
this is a great short story collection that I read at the beginnning of last year primarily because I read a great review in bitch magazine 📚
#readJanuary #recommendedby
Also started reading this today. Only two "imaginary utopia" essays in and it's ???
#feminism #rapeculture #boutofbooks #currentlyreading #socialjusticereads #canyouimagine
This weekend I FINALLY returned some library books that were way overdue, and ($19 in fines later 😖) I checked these babies out. I heard about The Feminist Utopia Project on a @bookriot podcast and it sounds amazing.
#libraryhaul #badlibrarypatron #feminism #socialjusticereads #toread #booklife
Though some pieces captured my imagination more than others, this collection of smart pieces showing various visions of feminist utopia was, as a whole, inspiring. Like a roadmap to a better life.
At #bookriotlive and reading the Feminist Utopia Project while sitting in a beanbag chair I never want to get up from.
some of my favorite #shortstory collections for #booktober
An excerpt from the essay "Dispatch from the Post-Rape Future" by Maya Dusenbery. My favorite so far in this collection of art, fiction, and essays that imagine what a feminist world might look like.